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Links to National Service Programs

Here at USA Freedom Corps, we are fortunate to work with lots of Federal programs that have been encouraging volunteer service for years. It’s never too early to start planning to dedicate a few months or even a few years of your life to volunteer service. Maybe you would like to become a Peace Corps Volunteer, working for two years in a foreign country, helping the community and learning about another culture. Or, maybe you would like to join an AmeriCorps*NCCC team working on various service projects around the country. For more information about the Federal programs we work with, follow these links:
Peace Corps Volunteers for Prosperity
Citizen Corps

Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS)
USA On Watch (Neighborhood Watch)
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)s

The Corporation for National and Community Service

Senior Corps
Learn and Serve America

National Endowment
for the Humanities
Take Pride in America

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USA Freedom Corps