Rhode Island Purpose of the Procedure Flood insurance studies search for geospatial data during prescoping and scoping tasks. If needed data are not available, studies might fund the collection of new data and would like to know about other organizations that might share in these costs. Detailed information about the role geospatial data coordination plays in studies is in the Geospatial Data Coordination Implementation Guide, which is available at , and in Scoping Guidelines: Pre-scoping and the Scoping Meeting, which is available through the Regional Management Center (RMC). Resources developed through FEMA’s geospatial data coordination activities provide information about data and contacts for organizations that have geospatial data that cover large areas (like states) in which many studies are interested. Studies can avoid wasting time with dead-end searches and cold calls by starting with these proven sources of information. One resource is this Geospatial Data Coordination Procedure. It outlines sources of geospatial data and contact information, preferences for base map data and state geospatial participation in studies, and other useful information for the State. If you have questions about this procedure or other geospatial data coordination resources, contact the geospatial data coordination lead in your Regional Management Cente Jeff Burm, Geospatial Data Coordination Lead Regional Management Center 1 (617) 482 4930 x4752 Jeff.Burm@mapmodteam.com We appreciate the help of those who reviewed this document, in particular John Stachelhaus, RIGIS Coordinator RIGIS (401) 222-6483 John Stachelhaus (rigis@admin.ri.gov) Date Procedure discussed: 3/16/2007 Default Flood Hazard Base Map for the State The default base map for flood hazard maps for the State is a vector base map (road centerlines). Geospatial Data Coverage Find below information about and links to statewide (and Federal agencies’ national) geospatial datasets. The list is provided to save time during pre-scoping and scoping activities when building a list of candidate geospatial datasets available for the study; it is not a prescription of datasets that must be used in a flood insurance study. Major State Holdings Orthophotos Dataset name: RIGIS04North; RIGIS04South; RIGIS03East Data currentness: Ground condition 20030414, 20040408 Accuracy/Scale: 1:5000 scale is plus or minus 3-5 meters Ground sample resolution: Raster image resolution 2 feet Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Restrictions include prohibiting the secondary distribution of RIGIS data without prior written approval. The RIGIS license is also available as a .RTF document in the documents file folder. Dataset source: Rhode Island Geographic Information System (RIGIS) at http://www.edc.uri.edu/rigis/ Dataset contact: John Stachelhaus-RIGIS Coordinator; 401-222-6483, rigis@admin.ri.gov Notes: Transportation (roads, railroads, and airports) Dataset name: 1:5,000 Roads; Ridotrds06 Data currentness: 20060731 Accuracy/Scale: 1:5000 Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Are road names part of the dataset? Yes Dataset source: RI Dept of Transportation MIS-GIS section Dataset contact: skut@dot.state.ri.us Notes: Dataset name: Railroad Right of Way Data currentness: 20030801 Accuracy/Scale: 1:5000 Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Are railroad names part of the dataset? Yes Dataset source: RI Dept of Transportation MIS-GIS section Dataset contact: skut@dot.state.ri.us Notes: Dataset name: Airports Data currentness: 20010601 Accuracy/Scale: 1:5000 Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Are airport names part of the dataset? Yes Dataset source: RI Dept of Transportation MIS-GIS section Dataset contact: skut@dot.state.ri.us Notes: Hydrography (rivers, streams, lakes, and shorelines) Dataset name: Rivers and Streams Data currentness: 20010601 Accuracy/Scale: 1:5000 Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Are hydrography names part of the dataset? No Dataset source: RIGIS at http://www.edc.uri.edu/rigis/ Dataset contact: RIGIS Coordinator , rigis@admin.ri.gov Notes: Dataset name: Ponds_5k Data currentness: 20010601 Accuracy/Scale: 1:5000 Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Are hydrography names part of the dataset? No Dataset source: RIGIS at http://www.edc.uri.edu/rigis/ Dataset contact: RIGIS Coordinator , rigis@admin.ri.gov Notes: Political boundaries (county, municipal) Dataset name: RItown5k Data currentness: 20010107 Accuracy/Scale: 1:5000 Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Dataset source: RIGIS at http://www.edc.uri.edu/rigis/ Dataset contact: RIGIS Coordinator , rigis@admin.ri.gov Notes: Political boundary lines for Rhode Island municipalities with city and town feature attributes and name annotation including physical shoreline features for bay and coastal waters including islands and coastal ponds. Terrestrial boundaries from USGS topographic quad 1:24000 scale maps. Bay and coastal boundaries manually digitized from 1997 aerial photography. City and town municipal boundaries defined by established roadways delineated by road centerline vector data created by manually digitizing from 1:5000 aerial photography obtained in 1997. Publicly owned lands (national, state, and local parks, forests, etc) Dataset name: Local and NGO Conservation and Park Lands; LocCons Data currentness: 20060301 Accuracy/Scale: 1:24,000 Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Secondary distribution of digital data prohibited Dataset source: RIGIS at http://www.edc.uri.edu/rigis/ Dataset contact: RIGIS Coordinator , rigis@admin.ri.gov Notes: Non-State Conservation lands are real property permanently protected from future development by fee simple ownership, conservation or other restrictive easements, or deed restrictions held or enforceable by recognized land protection organizations other than the State of Rhode Island. These include, but are not limited to, the Audubon Society of Rhode Island, The Nature Conservancy, RI municipal governments, The United States Fish & Wildlife Service, private land trusts and other conservation groups. In addition to permanent legally conserved land, a number of properties documented in this dataset are included in a category called "Conservation Intent." This designation applies to areas such as local parks, recreation areas, or lands associated with cluster sub-division developments that are not strictly protected by a fee simple or easement interest held by a recognized conservation organization. Instead they are considered protected by the good-will of the owners (both municipal and private) to prevent or restrict future development beyond the existing use. Dataset name: State Conservation and Park Lands; StaCons Data currentness: 20061206 Accuracy/Scale: 1:24,000 Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Secondary distribution of digital data prohibited Dataset source: RIGIS at http://www.edc.uri.edu/rigis/ Dataset contact: RIGIS Coordinator , rigis@admin.ri.gov Notes: Approximate edges of Conservation Lands protected by the State of Rhode Island through Fee Title Ownership, Conservation Easement, or Deed Restriction. Includes: Wildlife Management Areas, Drinking Water Supply Watersheds, State Parks, Beaches, Bike Paths, Fishing Access Areas, Local Parks and Recreation Facilities that have been developed with State Grant Funds. Terrain (elevation) Dataset name: 5KDEM Data currentness: 2001 Accuracy/Scale: 1:5,000 - 3 Meter Contour Lines Vertical datum: NAVD88 Fee associated? Free download, $50/CD on media Available for redistribution? Licensed Dataset source: RIGIS at http://www.edc.uri.edu/rigis/ Dataset contact: RIGIS Coordinator , rigis@admin.ri.gov Notes: Data Distribution Process for State Data Downloadable data can be found at http://www.edc.uri.edu/rigis/ Rhode Island requires a licensing agreement to distribute their data. The RMC has been designated as the distributor of the orthophotography data, which is only to be used for updating FEMA maps. Raster and vector data can be downloaded from the RIGIS website. Federal Nationwide Geospatial Data Holdings Information about nationwide holdings and programs of Federal agencies is available from the Mapping Information Platform web site at https://hazards.fema.gov/femaportal/docs/ProgFacts.pdf. Finding and Accessing Other Existing Geospatial Data Find below information about and links to ways of searching for additional geospatial data available for the State. These capabilities can be useful for finding geospatial data other than the statewide and Federal data listed above, including those of special governments, counties and parishes, municipalities, tribes, universities, and other organizations. Clearinghouses and Inventories for the State The Environmental Data Center within the Department of Natural Resource Sciences at the University provides on line access (web-browser only) to most RIGIS data via the Internet at www.edc.uri.edu/RIGIS. Data can also be provided on optical media by request from the RIGIS coordinator at the RI Department of Administration's Division of Information Technology at rigis@admin.ri.gov. CDROM products are available at $50/CD. Order CDROM from RIGIS Coordinator at Statewide Planning: rigis@admin.ri.gov. National Digital Orthophoto Program (NDOP) and National Digital Elevation Program (NDEP) Tracking Systems These systems allow the search of orthophoto and elevation project information entered by federal and other organizations. To access the NDOP system, go to the NDOP web site at and follow the link “Project Tracking.” For the NDEP system, go to the NDEP web site at and follow the link “Project Tracking.” TED Query Tool This tool provides access to information about Federal, state, and local government agency and private sector data holdings gathered by the Census Bureau. It is available through the geospatial data coordination lead at the Regional Management Center. Geospatial One-Stop Geospatial One-Stop, available at , provides access to geospatial data from many sources. Two parts of the site that should be investigated are the “data categories” for existing data and the “marketplace” for data that are planned or in-work and for potential partners for new data collection activities. Working with People Useful State and Federal Contacts The main contacts for the State’s geospatial activities and Federal agencies’ representatives in State are available on the Mapping Information Platform web site at https://hazards.fema.gov/contacts/statecontacts/contacts.asp?page=RI. Of special interest are: Rhode Island Geographic Information System (RIGIS) – The Rhode Island Geographic Information System (RIGIS) is a consortium of government and private organizations employing computer and communications technology to manage and use a collective database of comprehensive geographically related information. Its mission is to monitor, coordinate, and provide leadership for activities related to the use of GIS technology within Rhode Island, to support initiatives to implement or use the technology, and to manage and provide access to a common database of geographically referenced information. USGS New England Mapping Partnership Office – The USGS partnership program is the geospatial liason between the USGS and the New England States. The office is responsible for Rhopde Island and other New England states. Involving the State’s Geospatial Coordinator in Flood Studies In order to participate in the FEMA flood hazard mapping effort, this office prefers to be contacted in all of the following ways: * RIGIS prefers to be contacted annually by the RMC, and periodically informed of what counties are being worked on. * Rhode Island has a working relationship with the RIEMA and they have access to their state’s flood map modernization business plan. State Coordination Process for Building Geospatial Partnerships RIGIS Executive Committee: The Rhode Island Geographic Information System (RIGIS) Executive Committee provides policy guidance, oversight, and coordination of the collective efforts of organizations in Rhode Island using GIS technology. It seeks to coordinate data development, adopt technical standards, set distribution policy for GIS products, promote the use of GIS, and provide information and assistance to users. The Committee does not have authority over RIGIS participants but reaches decisions by consensus. Quarterly meetings are held. See http://www.planning.state.ri.us/gis/rigis.htm The RIGIS Coordinator at the Rhode Island Department of Administration/Division of Information Technology provides staff support and acts as liaison for RIGIS within the state, the Northeast region, and nationally. Member organizations also contribute assistance. The Committee is not funded as a separate unit of state government. Finding Local Geospatial Contacts Local contacts, including those from special government districts (for example, a regional planning commission); counties, parishes, or equivalent governments; tribes, municipal governments; and other organizations (for example, local universities) also have geospatial data that can help a flood insurance study. Contact information is available from the FEMA archive and web searches at government link portals such as http://www.statelocalgov.net. Provide Feedback on This Procedure When you find information in this Procedure or in other FEMA or State resources that are outdated, please tell the geospatial data coordination lead in the Regional Management Center what was wrong and the correct information (if you know it). Use the contact information for the lead listed in the section Purpose of the Procedure. The lead will use your feedback to update this Procedure.