Missouri Purpose of the Procedure Flood insurance studies search for geospatial data during prescoping and scoping tasks. If needed data are not available, studies might fund the collection of new data and would like to know about other organizations that might share in these costs. Detailed information about the role geospatial data coordination plays in studies is in the Geospatial Data Coordination Implementation Guide, which is available at , and in Scoping Guidelines: Pre-scoping and the Scoping Meeting, which is available through the Regional Management Center (RMC). Resources developed through FEMA’s geospatial data coordination activities provide information about data and contacts for organizations that have geospatial data that cover large areas (like states) in which many studies are interested. Studies can avoid wasting time with dead-end searches and cold calls by starting with these proven sources of information. One resource is this Geospatial Data Coordination Procedure. It outlines sources of geospatial data and contact information, preferences for base map data and state geospatial participation in studies, and other useful information for the State. If you have questions about this procedure or other geospatial data coordination resources, contact the geospatial data coordination lead in your Regional Management Center: Shaun Fortuna, Geospatial Data Coordination Lead Regional Management Center VII (816) 502-9420 x4979 shaun.fortuna@mapmodteam.com We appreciate the help of those who reviewed this document, in particular Tony Spicci, GIS Supervisor / Resource Science Supervisor Missouri Dept. of Conservation (573) 882-9909 x3295 Tony.Spicci@mdc.mo.gov Date Procedure discussed: March 16, 2007 Default Flood Hazard Base Map for the State The default base map for flood hazard maps for the State is an image base map (orthophoto). Geospatial Data Coverage Find below information about and links to statewide (and Federal agencies’ national) geospatial datasets. The list is provided to save time during pre-scoping and scoping activities when building a list of candidate geospatial datasets available for the study; it is not a prescription of datasets that must be used in a flood insurance study. Major State Holdings Orthophotos Dataset name: County Specific Quadrangle Coverages/ Datasets Data currentness: Collected 1994-2000 Accuracy/Scale: 1:12,000 – scale based on the US National Map Accuracy Standard Ground sample resolution: 1 meter Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Dataset source: http://msdisweb.missouri.edu/datasearch/ThemeList.jsp Dataset contact: Missouri Spatail Data Information Service, Department of Geography, University of Missouri, 8 Stewart Hall, Columbia, Missouri 65211-6170, (573) 882-1404, msdismail@missouri.edu Transportation (roads, railroads, and airports) Dataset name: Statewide combined Transportation of State of Missouri Data currentness: 2006 Accuracy/Scale: Unkown Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Are road names part of the dataset? Yes Dataset source: http://msdisweb.missouri.edu/datasearch/ThemeList.jsp Dataset contact: Missouri Spatail Data Information Service, Department of Geography, University of Missouri, 8 Stewart Hall, Columbia, Missouri 65211-6170, (573) 882-1404, msdismail@missouri.edu Hydrography (rivers, streams, lakes, and shorelines) Dataset name: st_primriv (Primary Rivers of State of Missouri) Data currentness: 1993 Accuracy/Scale: 120 ft. Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Are hydrography names part of the dataset? Yes Dataset source: http://msdisweb.missouri.edu/datasearch/ThemeList.jsp Dataset contact: Missouri Spatail Data Information Service, Department of Geography, University of Missouri, 8 Stewart Hall, Columbia, Missouri 65211-6170, (573) 882-1404, msdismail@missouri.edu Political boundaries (county, municipal) Dataset name: Missouri County Boundary, Census Municipal Boundaries Data currentness: 2003, 1994 Accuracy/Scale: +/- 5.2 meters. 1:24,000 scale , 120 ft. 1:100,000 scale. Horizontal datum: NAD 83 (both) Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Dataset source: http://msdisweb.missouri.edu/datasearch/ThemeList.jsp Dataset contact: Missouri Spatail Data Information Service, Department of Geography, University of Missouri, 8 Stewart Hall, Columbia, Missouri 65211-6170, (573) 882-1404, msdismail@missouri.edu Publicly owned lands (national, state, and local parks, forests, etc) Dataset name: Missouri Department of Natural Resources Lands, Parks, and Historic Sites. Data currentness: 11/07/2006 Accuracy/Scale: Varies dependant upon source material type and quality. Boundaries derived from USGS 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle maps. Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Dataset source: http://msdisweb.missouri.edu/datasearch/ThemeList.jsp Dataset contact: Missouri Spatail Data Information Service, Department of Geography, University of Missouri, 8 Stewart Hall, Columbia, Missouri 65211-6170, (573) 882-1404, msdismail@missouri.edu Public land survey system (PLSS) (township and section lines) Dataset name: Public Land Survey System (County Specific Datasets) Data currentness: 1990 Accuracy/Scale: 120 ft. / 1:24,000 Horizontal datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Dataset source: http://msdisweb.missouri.edu/datasearch/ThemeList.jsp Dataset contact: Missouri Spatail Data Information Service, Department of Geography, University of Missouri, 8 Stewart Hall, Columbia, Missouri 65211-6170, (573) 882-1404, msdismail@missouri.edu Terrain (elevation) Dataset name: 7.5 Minute DEM (County specific Datasets; 30m) Data currentness: 1998 Accuracy/Scale: Varies. A vertical RMSE of 7 meters was the target with 15 meters as the maximum permitted. / 1:24,000 Vertical datum: NAD 83 Fee associated? No Available for redistribution? Yes Dataset source: http://msdisweb.missouri.edu/datasearch/ThemeList.jsp Dataset contact: Missouri Spatail Data Information Service, Department of Geography, University of Missouri, 8 Stewart Hall, Columbia, Missouri 65211-6170, (573) 882-1404, msdismail@missouri.edu Data Distribution Process for State Data Details regarding official policy for data distribution are available via the Missouri Spatial Data Information Service (MSDIS) website at http://msdisweb.missouri.edu/services/index.htm. Federal Nationwide Geospatial Data Holdings Information about nationwide holdings and programs of Federal agencies is available from the Mapping Information Platform web site at https://hazards.fema.gov/femaportal/docs/ProgFacts.pdf. Finding and Accessing Other Existing Geospatial Data Find below information about and links to ways of searching for additional geospatial data available for the State. These capabilities can be useful for finding geospatial data other than the statewide and Federal data listed above, including those of special governments, counties and parishes, municipalities, tribes, universities, and other organizations. Clearinghouses and Inventories for the State Missouri Spatial Data Information Service: http://msdisweb.missouri.edu/index.htm: The goal of the MSDIS is to encourage use of GIS technology and geographic data resources in state government by providing practical support in the form of GIS-related services to current and potential user agencies. This can be expressed in the following manner: * to establish and make available to the GIS community in state and local government a core database of geographic information to be held and maintained in common as a continuing asset within an archive mechanism; * to encourage development, maintenance, and dissemination of thematic databases built on the core database foundation; * to encourage use of GIS technology and geographic data resources in state government by providing practical support in the form of GIS-related services to current and potential user agencies, and * to inform supervisors, managers, and other professionals in user agencies and state government at large about GIS technology, and its potential and capabilities in state government. * Also, to Develop and maintain a GIS database directory as a guide for GIS users throughout state government and beyond to the databases held by state agencies. The Missouri Spatial Data Information Service (MSDIS) is an interagency partnership at the University of Missouri that serves as the geospatial data clearinghouse for the State of Missouri. Additionally, MSDIS provides expertise in geographic information systems (GIS), internet GIS, remote sensing and GPS. The following federal, state and university organizations have active partnerships with MSDIS. National Digital Orthophoto Program (NDOP) and National Digital Elevation Program (NDEP) Tracking Systems These systems allow the search of orthophoto and elevation project information entered by federal and other organizations. To access the NDOP system, go to the NDOP web site at and follow the link “Project Tracking.” For the NDEP system, go to the NDEP web site at and follow the link “Project Tracking.” TED Query Tool This tool provides access to information about Federal, state, and local government agency and private sector data holdings gathered by the Census Bureau. It is available through the geospatial data coordination lead at the Regional Management Center. Geospatial One-Stop Geospatial One-Stop, available at , provides access to geospatial data from many sources. Two parts of the site that should be investigated are the “data categories” for existing data and the “marketplace” for data that are planned or in-work and for potential partners for new data collection activities. Working with People Useful State and Federal Contacts The main contacts for the State’s geospatial activities and Federal agencies’ representatives in State are available on the Mapping Information Platform web site at https://hazards.fema.gov/contacts/statecontacts/contacts.asp?page=MO. A listing of Regional GIS collaboratives and contact information is provided at http://www.mgisac.org Involving the State’s Geospatial Coordinator in Flood Studies In order to participate in the FEMA flood hazard mapping effort, this office prefers to be contacted in all of the following ways: a. Meeting at the start of each year for my state b. Send project list at the start of each year c. Attend each kickoff/scooping meeting This state already has a working relationship with the office in the state that is responsible for updating the multi-hazard maps, and they have access to their state’s flood map modernization business plan. State Coordination Process for Building Geospatial Partnerships Missouri Geographic Information Systems Advisory Committee: http://www.mgisac.org/: MGISAC has several objectives, including providing direction and oversight to the MSDIS, developing and publishing standards, representing the state at national meetings and events, hosting an annual statewide GIS conference, coordinating database development, and providing a forum for the state’s GIS community. MGISAC by-laws, strategic plan, and work plan documents are posted on the MGISAC Web site. The work plan addresses the following four activity areas and goals: * Maintain and expand the spatial data archive. * Set database and related standards for the GIS user community. * Expand the use of GIS technology in Missouri Government. * Plan MSDIS activities and report regularly on progress. Finding Local Geospatial Contacts Local contacts, including those from special government districts (for example, a regional planning commission); counties, parishes, or equivalent governments; tribes, municipal governments; and other organizations (for example, local universities) also have geospatial data that can help a flood insurance study. Contact information is available from the FEMA archive and web searches at government link portals such as . The State also maintains information about local geospatial contacts at http://www.nsgic.org/states/missouri.cfm. The levels of government in the list are: a. Municipal b. County c. State Provide Feedback on This Procedure When you find information in this Procedure or in other FEMA or State resources that are outdated, please tell the geospatial data coordination lead in the Regional Management Center what was wrong and the correct information (if you know it). Use the contact information for the lead listed in the section Purpose of the Procedure. The lead will use your feedback to update this Procedure.