Inaugural 2009


The deadline to request inaugural tickets from my office was November 30, 2008.  I held the process open for a long time to give the greatest number of constituents a chance to participate.

My office conducted a ticket lottery for constituents and we have notified all constituents who requested tickets as to whether or not they will be getting tickets.  All notifications were sent by e-mail.

The number of people wanting to travel all the way from San Diego to Washington for the inauguration far exceeds my office’s small allotment of tickets. 

The few tickets I had were a good distance from the podium.  However, the Presidential Inauguration Committee announced that the entire National Mall area will be open to the public on Inauguration Day.  It is the first time the entire length of the Mall will be open for a Presidential Inauguration Swearing-In Ceremony.  Spectators on the Mall who are unable to get tickets will be able to watch President-Elect Barack Obama’s swearing in ceremony on large screens that will be set up on the Mall.   

For complete information, please visit the Presidential Inaugural Committee website at  My office does not have information or tickets regarding other swearing in events, ceremonies or balls. 

Although I regret that most applicants were surely be disappointed, it has been truly moving to see the level of interest and excitement in this inauguration, much of it from those who have never been engaged in public affairs before.  I hope that this historic inauguration will be just the beginning of their involvement.

It has been wonderful to hear from so many people who are excited about a fresh course for our country and I regret that there are not enough tickets for everyone.