Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
Thank you for visiting my Senate Web site. One of the most important parts of my job as Senator is to help provide services and information to my constituents in North Dakota.

I hope you find this Web site both useful and interesting.

Kent Conrad


The 2008 Food and Energy Security Act

The Farm Bill's Impact on North Dakota

North Dakota Highlights: 2008 Farm Bill

Senator Conrad's Floor Statement on the Farm Bill

Conrad Sets the Record Straight on Farm Bill

Floor Statement by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad on Farm Bil

Charts Used at Press Conference Focusing on Energy Title in Farm Bill
(11-8-07) (.pdf)
     Biomass in the US
     Four Steps toward producing biofuel
     Growth of US dependence on oil imports
     Administration Proposed more Spending

Charts Used Defending Farm Bill Against Veto Threat
(11-6-07) (.pdf)
      Farm Bill is fiscally responsible
      CBO Reestimate of USDA Farm Bill
      Administration Proposed more Spending
      Estimated Farm Bill Outlays

Senator Conrad Opening Floor Statement on the 2007 Farm Bill
     Charts used during Opening Floor

Opening Statement of Senator Conrad at Mark Up of 2007 Farm Bill

US Farm Bill Impact Study
      High Quality Format (pdf)
      Low Quality Format


Senator Conrad press conference focusing on the Farm Bill's Energy Title

Disaster Aid Rally

News Videos

Agriculture is the largest sector of our economy in North Dakota. As an industry, agriculture employs about one in every five North Dakotans, and more than a quarter of rural North Dakotans. It also provides our state with a unique identity in which one is never far from the land.

The success of our farmers and ranchers in North Dakota can be attributed to their hard work and ingenuity. However, a solid federal farm policy is crucial for our agriculture producers to overcome trade advantages held by our global competitors, and helps farmers and ranchers maintain their operations through market swings and natural disasters.

As a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, I have been working closely with Iowa Senator Tom Harkin and Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, respectively, to craft a new five-year Farm Bill.

I've been focused like a laser on the Farm Bill for months because there's probably no bill more important to North Dakota's economy than the Farm Bill. After months of negotiations, the framework for a deal is now in place, and it includes key provisions for North Dakota farmers and ranchers, including an enhanced farm safety net and provisions to encourage the production of domestic and renewable sources of energy.

In the following pages, I provide an overview of 2008 Farm Bill and how it will benefit our farmers and ranchers and our rural communities.


United States Senate

Conrad Applauds Passage of New Farm Bill

Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on Passage of the Farm Bill in the House of Representatives

What the Farm Bill Means to Every American

Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on House-Senate Conference Agreement on Farm Bill

What the Farm Bill Means to Every American

Conrad Helps Broker Final Deal on New Farm Bill

Conrad: Farm Bill in Final Stretch

Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on the Extension of the Farm Bill

Conrad to Help Negotiate Farm Bill's Final Details

Senator Prepares for Final Round in Farm Bill Battle

Senate Passes New Farm Bill

Conrad: Bipartisan Farm Bill Back on Track

Conrad Details Farm Bill Progress

Conrad Helps Broker Deal to Move Farm Bill Forward

Farm Bill Helps Preserve Land, Conrad Says

Conrad Shifts Focus to Energy in Farm Bill

Conrad Unveils Impact of Senate Farm Bill

Ag Panel Nears Vote on Farm Bill, Conrad Says

Conrad Announces Bipartisan Farm Bill Deal

Business Leaders Join Senator on Farm Bill

Senator Updates Fargo on Farm Bill

Senate Panel Passes Conrad Ag Disaster Plan

Conrad Urges Leaders to Include COOL in Farm Bill

Conrad, Peterson Gather Input from Family Farmers

Conrad: It's Crunch Time for Farm Bill Negotiations

Conrad Briefs Governor on Farm Bill Negotiations

Ag Leaders Give Conrad Feedback on New Farm Bill

Conrad Calls On Community to Weigh In on Farm Bill

Conrad Warns of Fight Over Farm Bill

Support for Farm Bill Strong, Conrad Says