The Fire Management Assistance Grant Program Applying For Assistance Under FMAGP FEMA-330 / February 2005 Fire Management Assistance Grant Program The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Fire Management Assistance Grant Program (FMAGP) is a disaster assistance grant program available to States, local governments, and Indian tribal governments intended to aid States and their communities with the mitigation, management, and control of fires burning on publicly or privately owned forests or grasslands. FMAGP is authorized under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act, P.L. 93-288 as amended, and 44 CFR § 204. APPLYING FOR ASSISTANCE UNDER FMAGP For eligible grant applicants to receive assistance under FMAGP, the Governor or the Governor’s Authorized Representative must request a fire management assistance declaration while the fire is burning out of control and threatens to become a major disaster. FEMA’s Recovery Division Director makes declarations on a 24-hour real-time basis. Declaration eligibility determinations are based upon the following criteria: - Threat to lives and improved property, including threats to critical infrastructure, and critical watershed areas; - Availability of State and local firefighting resources; - High fire danger conditions; and - Potential for major economic impact. FMAGP ASSISTANCE FMAGP provides a 75% federal cost-share reimbursement to Grantees for actual costs. Before an initial FMAGP grant can be approved, eligible costs must meet or exceed the State’s annual fire cost threshold for an individual declared fire (greater of $100,000 or 5% x $1.14* x state population), or on a cumulative basis for all declared and undeclared fires (greater of $500,000, or 3 x 5% x $1.14* x state population) during the calendar year. *FY 2005. This dollar amount is adjusted annually for inflation using the Department of Labor CPI for All Urban Consumers. ELIGIBLE WORK In order for work to be eligible for reimbursement, it must be associated with the declared fire and must have occurred within the approved incident period. Eligible work may include: - Labor costs for overtime of permanent or reassigned state and local employees; regular time and overtime for temporary and contract employees hired to perform fire-related activities; - Operation and maintenance of equipment used in eligible firefighting activities; - Equipment and supplies, including tools, materials, expended, or lost (less insurance proceeds); - Personal comfort and safety items for firefighter health and safety; - Travel and per diem; - Field camps and meals in lieu of per diem. - Emergency work (evacuations and sheltering, police barricading, and traffic control); - Evacuations and sheltering, search and rescue; - State emergency operations center (when used as a Unified Command Center); - Mobilization and demobilization; - Mitigation, management, and control of declared fires burning on co-mingled Federal land, when such costs are not reimbursable by another Federal agency; - Temporary repair of damage caused by firefighting activities; and - Pre-positioning of Federal and out-of-State resources for up to 21 days when used in response to declared fire and approved by the Regional Director. FMAGP FUNDING APPLICATION PROCESS Once a fire management assistance declaration has been issued by FEMA, the following documents must be submitted to the FEMA Regional Office as part of the grant application process: - FEMA-State Agreement and/or Indian tribal Agreement signed by the Governor/Indian tribal government and the Regional Director. The agreement defines necessary terms and conditions consistent with the provisions of applicable laws and Executive Orders. The agreement is amended for each fire declaration. - Standard State Mitigation Plan that addresses wildfire risks and mitigation measures. - State Administrative Plan that describes the Grantee’s procedures for administering FMAGP. - Request for Federal Assistance (RFA) (Form SF 424) the formal request by the State or Indian tribal government for FMAGP funding assistance. - Assurances and Certifications (FEMA Form 20-16) is submitted along with the SF 424. - Request for Fire Management Assistance Subgrant (RFMAS) (FEMA Form 90-133) identifies applicants requesting sub-grant FMAGP assistance. - Project Worksheet (PW) (FEMA Form 90-91) describes the scope of work eligible for reimbursement. - Financial Status Report (FSR) (FEMA Form 20-10) reports all costs incurred within the incident period and all administrative costs incurred within the performance period. For further information please visit the FEMA website at: Region I (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshite, Rhode Island, Vermont) Boston, Massachusetts Phone: 877-336-2734 Region II (New Jersey, New York) New York, New York Phone: 212- 680-3600 Caribbean Area Office (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands) Hato Rey, Puerto Rico Phone: 787-296-3514 Region III (District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Phone: 215- 931-5608 Region IV (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina) Atlanta, Georgia Phone: 770- 220-5200 Region V (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin) Chicago, Illinois Phone: 312- 408-5500 Region VI (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas) Denton, Texas Phone: 940- 898-5399 Region VII (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska) Kansas City, Missouri Phone: 816-283-7025 Region VIII (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming) Denver, Colorado Phone: 303- 235-4900 Region IX (Arizona, California, Nevada) Oakland, California Phone: 510- 627-7100 Pacific Area Office (American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Hawaii) Ft. Shafter. Hawaii Phone: 808-851-7900 Region X (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington) Bothell, Washington Phone: 425- 487-4600 Federal Emergency Management Agency 500 C St., SW Washington, DC 20472 Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability or economic status. Anyone who believes he or she has been discriminated against should call FEMA at 1-800-621-3362.