USAMRICD - Chemical Casualty Care Division
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Field Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties Course (FCBC) - #6H-F37/300-F31 (School code 879)

The Field Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties Course (FCBC) is conducted by the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.

The course is designed for Medical Service Corps officers (67A), Chemical Corps officers and non-commissioned officers in medical or chemical specialties. Classroom instruction, laboratory and field exercises prepare graduates to become trainers in the first echelon management of chemical and biological agent casualties.

Classroom discussion includes: the current global threat of chemical and biological agent use, the characteristics and effects of threat agents, recognition and emergency treatment of agent exposure, principles of triage and decontamination of chemical and biological agent casualties. Small-group exercises reinforce these casualty management principles.

During two days of field training, attendees establish a casualty decontamination site and use the site during scenario-based exercises to manage litter and ambulatory casualties. Using this site, attendees practice principles of personal protection, agent detection, triage, emergency treatment and decontamination of chemical casualties.

This five-day course is offered five times each year at USAMRICD, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.

For more information, contact the Chemical Casualty Care Division, USAMRICD at DSN 584-2230/3393, CML (410) 436-2230/3393, DSN FAX 584-3086, CML (410) 436-3086, e-mail:, or write to: Commander, USAMRICD, ATTN: MCMR-CDM (Chemical Casualty Care Division), 3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5400.

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