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Circular Letter No. 656

July 17, 2007

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Rider Requisitions for the Congressional Directory�������������������

The Congressional Directory for the 110th Congress is now being compiled for delivery in the Fall of 2007.  The purpose of this letter is to give you the opportunity to ride the jacket for this publication at a reduced rate.  Your requisition (SF1) for copies of the Congressional Directory should be forwarded to Agency Publishing Services, Requisition Section, Stop CSA, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20401, no later than August 1, 2007.  Please be sure to indicate Jacket No. 30-500 on your requisition.  The prices are as follows:

Rider Rate (on or before 08/01/07

Superintendent of Documents Sales Price

Paper Bound Copy


Paper Bound Copy


Casebound Copy


Casebound Copy


The above rider rates are possible because orders received prior to publication allow copies to be printed during the regular press run.  Please note that the rider rates pertain to single destination, local delivery.  Mailing charges, if incurred, will be added to your bill.  Paper bound copies will be furnished unless otherwise specified on your order. 

Please contact the Office of Congressional Publishing Services on 202-512-0224 if you have any questions.


Managing Director, Customer Services


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