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Fundamentals of Emergency Management

Documents below are in MS Word or Adobe PDF format.

Title Page and Table of Contents - 39KB Word

Chapter 1: Introduction to Emergency Management - 194KB Word

Chapter 2: Emergency Stakeholders - 167KB Word

Chapter 3: Building an Effective Emergency Management Organization - 148KB Word

Chapter 4: Risk Perception and Communication - 209KB Word

Chapter 5: Principal Hazards in the United States - 1.1MB Word

Chapter 6: Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Analysis - 368KB Word

Chapter 7: Hazard Mitigation - 361KB Word

Chapter 8: Myths and Realities of Household Disaster Response - 285KB Word

Chapter 9: Preparedness for Emergency Response - 230KB Word

Chapter 10: Organizational Emergency Response - 259KB Word

Chapter 11: Community Disaster Recovery - 365KB Word

Chapter 12: Emergency Management Standards and Evaluations - 171KB Word

Chapter 13: International Emergency Management - 1.1MB Word

Chapter 14: Legal Issues in Emergency Management - 229KB Word

Chapter 15: Future Directions in Emergency Management - 107KB Word

Appendix A: Common Emergency Management Acronyms - 37KB Word

References - 310KB Word