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Community-specific Offerings - Application Procedures

Each year various States, counties, cities, and communities throughout the United States express an interest in FEMA/EMI conducting an IEMC for their jurisdictions emergency management officials and responders. Community-specific IEMCs require a major commitment from both the community and FEMA, as well as from the FEMA regional office and State office of emergency management involved.

Because the demand for community-specific IEMCs exceeds EMI's resources, application criteria and a formal selection process have been established. Both the selection process and information that will be reviewed to determine acceptance of a request are outlined below.

Questions regarding the community-specific IEMCs can be directed to your State emergency management agency, your FEMA Regional Office, or directly to EMI in Emmitsburg, Maryland at Paul.Benyeda@dhs.gov.

Steps in the Application/Selection Process

Types of Community-specific Programs

Past Community-specific Programs

Sample Application for a Community-specific IEMC