This course is designed to enable participants to develop, plan, manage, and evaluate a training program effectively. Key topics include conducting a performance and needs analysis, designing and developing courses and selecting training sites, arranging logistics, promoting teamwork during training, minimizing liability, and evaluating a training program.
This course is the initial activity in the Master Trainer Program. As such, it provides a surface look at the functions of needs assessment, course design, course development, course delivery, and course evaluation. It is appropriate for those training managers whose training responsibility is a collateral responsibility or who are new to the position.
This course is designed for those who have overall responsibility for developing, planning, managing, and evaluating training programs. FEMA regional training managers, State emergency management training officers, and other State-level organizational training managers are appropriate candidates for this course. Managers of local emergency management or emergency services training organizations will be accepted provided they demonstrate that the system they manage is of a complexity commensurate with that of the State emergency management organization which includes all of the functions identified above.
Personnel with training responsibilities from Non-profit organizations involved in emergency management functions may also apply.
Applicants must have the responsibility for developing, planning, managing, and evaluating a training program. For Federal, state or local government emergency management or emergency service organization.
2 semester hours upper division credit in Human Resource Management or Adult Education
To enroll in this course, complete the FEMA Form 75-5. The form, enrollment procedures, and the course schedule can be found by clicking here.