E604 - Course Development

Course Overview

This course is intended to enable to develop course materials of the students's choosing that can be effectively delivered by other instructors. Participants will learn how to develop instructor guides, student manuals, job aids, visual, displays and learn how to manage the development process. A plan of instruction (POI) needs to be completed prior to attending.

Selection Criteria

This course is designed for those who have overall responsibility for developing, planning, managing, and evaluating training programs. FEMA regional training managers, State emergency management training officers, and other State-level organizational training managers are appropriate candidates for this course. Managers of local training organizations will be accepted provided they demonstrate that the system they manage is of a complexity commensurate with that of the State emergency management organization which includes all of the functions identified above.


Participants must complete E601, E602, and E603 first.

Pre-course Work

Participants will be required to complete and submit the Plan of Instruction they started during the Instructional Design course, do some preparatory reading, and complete a short self-study module on designing self-study materials.

ACE Recommendation

2 semester hours upper division credit in Education, Public Administration, or Emergency Management.

