FEMA 424 - Design Guide for School Safety Against Earthquakes, Floods, and High Winds

This manual is intended as the first of a series of publications (hospitals, multifamily dwellings, commercial buildings, and light industrial facilities to follow) to provide guidance for the protection of school buildings from natural disasters. This volume concentrates on grade schools, K-12. FEMA 424 covers earthquakes, floods, and high winds. Its intended audience is design professionals and school officials involved in the technical and financial decisions of school construction, repair, and renovations.

This manual introduces two core concepts: multihazard design and performance-based design. Neither of these is revolutionary, but represent an evolution in design thinking that is in tune with the increasing complexity of today's buildings and also takes advantage of developments and innovations in building technology. It also outlines the steps necessary in the creation of a specific risk management plan for protection against earthquakes, floods, and high winds.

The focus of this manual is on the safety of school buildings and their occupants, and the economic losses and social disruption caused by building damage and destruction.

FEMA 424- Design Guide for School Safety Against Earthquakes, Floods, and High Winds (PDF 16.9 MB; TXT 428 KB)

Individual Chapters

FEMA 424- Cover - Table of Contents (PDF 1.2MB, TXT 20KB)

FEMA 424- Chapter 1 (PDF 1.2MB, TXT 22KB)

FEMA 424- Chapter 2 (PDF 404KB, TXT 60KB)

FEMA 424- Chapter 3 (PDF 1.0MB, TXT 32KB)

FEMA 424- Chapter 4 (PDF 6.7MB, TXT 80KB)

FEMA 424- Chapter 5 (PDF 72.5MB, TXT 100KB)

FEMA 424- Chapter 6 (PDF 3.4MB, TXT 108KB)

FEMA 424- Appendix A (PDF 80KB, TXT 12KB)

For more information, please email: riskmanagementseriespubs@dhs.gov

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Last Modified: Friday, 19-Oct-2007 09:48:38 EDT