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Protect Your Property

Protect Your Property From Hurricanes

Hurricanes are like no other storms on earth. From Maine to Texas, and in Hawaii, these ferocious weather systems bring torrential rain, flooding, storm surges and devastating winds that damage homes, destroy treasured keepsakes and disrupt family life. You don't have to be blown away when a hurricane hits. It's never too early to prepare and you can take several basic steps right now to protect your family and your home from disaster. more...

Featured Publications

Keeping wind and water out is critical to your home’s survival.  Shutters should be a planned element of any vulnerable home. Plywood should be a last-minute alternative, and if used, it must be properly fastened. Protective barriers can: Keep wind pressure from building up inside, which often leads to loss...
I received some literature on window coatings that are designed to protect a structure.  My question is, does IBHS have any information on these window coverings?   Their literature implies that they can be as effective, if not more than hurricane shutters (of course, their literature wants to get you to...
A Guide to High Wind Protection The 2004 hurricane season provided painful lessons in the importance of preparing for such destructive storms. Perhaps the most important of all is the need to properly protect your home sooner than later.  This will allow you to focus on other important actions when a...
Click on the link to the right to download a PDF file containing a map of wind speeds within hurricane prone regions along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.

