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EMI Courses Conducted by States

The courses listed below are only for emergency management professionals who are residents of the United States. For information about course dates and the application process, contact the training officer in your State Emergency Management Agencies and Offices.

The courses are listed based on Course Code.

Click on each Course Code or Course Title link to get a course description.

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G905 Agent Characterization/Toxicity First Aid/Special Treatment8 Hours N/A FEMA Headquarters
G290 Basic Public Information Officers Course3 Days N/A Distance Learning
G278 Benefit Cost Analysis Entry Level Training2 Days No Mitigation
G285 Benefit Cost Analysis Using LD Module: Intermediate Training2 Days N/A Mitigation
G108 Community Mass Care Management2 Days Readiness
G549 Continuity of Operations (COOP) Managers Course2 Days N/A Readiness
G238 Cooperating Technical Partners (IO)4 Days Yes Mitigation
G904 CSEPP Chemical Awareness8 Hours N/A FEMA Headquarters
G902 CSEPP JIC AdvisorN/A N/A FEMA Headquarters
G903 CSEPP Spokesperson Training Course8-16 Hours Yes FEMA Headquarters