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EMI Courses Conducted by States

The courses listed below are only for emergency management professionals who are residents of the United States. For information about course dates and the application process, contact the training officer in your State Emergency Management Agencies and Offices.

The courses are listed based on Course Code.

Click on each Course Code or Course Title link to get a course description.

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G346 Hazardous Materials AccidentsN/A N/A Readiness
G351 Who's in Charge Here?: Exercise Ldrshp in Emerg or Disaster6 Hours N/A Readiness
G357 Emergency Response to Criminal and Terrorist Incidents6-8 Hours N/A Readiness
G358 Evacuation Planning Course2 Days N/A Readiness
G361 Flood Fight Operations Course2 1/2 Days N/A Mitigation
G362 Multihazard Program for Schools2 Days No Mitigation
G365.3 WEM: Partnerships for Creating and Maintaining Spotter Group5 Hours N/A Mitigation
G378 Emergency Action Plans for Dams - Exercise Course1 Day N/A Mitigation
G386 Mass Fatalities Incident Course2 1/2 Days N/A Readiness
G393 Mitigation for Emergency Managers3 Days N/A Mitigation