Integrated Emergency Management Course


Students gain a greater understanding of Emergency Operation Center (EOC) coordination and procedures through the classroom lectures and case study discussions, as well as small-group planning sessions and practical exercises.  For the emergency exercise, each participant is assigned a role similar to their current jurisdiction position. IEMCs are designed to help individuals and communities identify potential deficiencies in emergency plans, staff knowledge, and EOC operations so that these weaknesses can be corrected prior to an actual emergency.

Instructional methods used in the classroom are designed to challenge individuals and communities to examine emergency policies, plans, and procedures and to identify needed improvements. In this manner, corrective actions can be taken prior to major emergencies or catastrophic disasters.

Planning Sessions

Planning sessions among participants directly impact how the three elements of the simulated EOC function during the course exercises. Planning sessions are held the first two evenings during the week of the course.

Three Elements of the EOCThe Policy Room (including such personnel as elected officials, legal counsel and key department head) develops policy statements that answer questions such as: An EOC Room manages resources to establish anticipated resources during the preparedness phase, during the response phase.  In addition, they shift resources to restore infrastructure and services during the recovery phase. This room uses the policy statements as a foundation for developing a comprehensive emergency management plan to deal with issues such as: The Operations Room made up of first responders and personnel from public works, volunteer organizations and utilities develops standard operating procedures, based on the operations plan to address such problems as: