RASPLOT Bulletin

Issue No. 7

The purpose of the RASPLOT mailing list is to provide up-to-date RASPLOT information and training.

Upcoming RASPLOT Release - Enhancements

In addition to fixing some bugs in Version 2.1.0, the new RASPLOT version will include the following features:

Upcoming RASPLOT Release - New Function

FDT: RASPLOT will include a new function that will automate the creation of a FEMA specified Floodway Data Table from the encroached HEC-RAS analysis. In using the input and output data, RASPLOT will create a document that includes the following data for each flooding source, as shown in a Floodway Data Table in a FEMA Flood Insurance Study:

Click here to view the archive page for all Flood Hazard Mapping listservs.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2007 11:57:20 EDT