Coastal Hazard Bulletin

Issue No. 8

The purpose of the Coastal Hazard Mailing List is to provide up-to-date coastal flood hazard information pertinent to the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Flood Insurance Program. Subscribers will receive new mailings on a monthly basis.

CHAMP Program 6 - Summary Tables and Graphics for Mapping

Summary Tables
The 'Summary Tables' utility of Program 6 is used to view all of the results in tabular format for the selected transect. Select the 'Table' button in the Main Menu Button Bar to open the 'Summary Tables' window.

Each phase or program of CHAMP is listed. When a program has been completed, a check mark will be shown next to that program. Should your modeling effort be interrupted for some reason, this feature can be used to keep track of all completed analyses and track the remaining analyses to be completed for each transect.

To view the input and output and all of the results in tabular and text format, select the 'Data Table' drop-down menu in the 'Summary Tables' window. Select a table to view it. The following tables are available for viewing:

Summary Graphics
CHAMP incorporates a graphics utility that employs CADD features to visualize and chart flood hazard data in profile cross-section view. This 'Summary Graphics' utility is discussed below, and presented in more detail on pp. 42-43 of the User's Manual.

To view all of the analyses results in graphical format, select the 'Graphics' button in the Main Menu Button Bar. A graphics window will open.

This graphic displays all of the results from each program within CHAMP. Each feature can be turned off or on by selecting the 'Layers' item in the 'Format' menu. Layers available for display are listed on p. 45 of the User's Manual.

Two important options available in the summary graphic include drawing the PFD Limits and the Legend. Both features can be drawn by selecting the commands in the 'Draw' menu.

By selecting the draw 'PFD Limits' item, a horizontal zone bar is drawn to represent the landward extent of the V-Zone. The PFD has to be identified in the 'Edit Transect' Program before the PFD limit can be drawn.

Selecting the 'Legend' item in the 'Draw' menu draws the legend on the right side of the grid. The features in the legend will match the features that are turned on in the layers. If layers are turned on or off, or colors and line types are changed, the legend needs to be redrawn so that the changes are represented. Selecting the 'Legend' menu item again redraws the legend. The legend can be moved as one piece anywhere desired by using the 'Move' item in the 'Modify' menu.

Graphic Controls

Graphic controls are provided for graphic applications for each of the six CHAMP Programs. The function of these graphical displays is discussed in detail on pp. 43-47 of the User's Manual.

The graphics are CADD-like in function, and many of the commands work in the same way. The graphics for CHAMP are stored in one file for each transect with a DXF extension. Each time a graphic is displayed and results are generated, the information is saved in the one DXF file for that transect. Four options available to all graphic displays are 'Setup', 'View', 'Layers', and 'Print'.

In the 'Graph' menu, select the 'Setup' item to bring up the 'Graph Setup' window. On the 'Summary Graphic', 'Setup' is located in the 'View' menu.

This window is used to set the scale and grid for the graphical display. The Y Scale field is used to stretch or shrink the vertical Y axis. The 'Xmax' and 'Xmin' fields set the maximum and minimum stations of the grid. The 'Ymax' and 'Ymin' fields set the maximum and minimum elevations of the grid. The 'X Interval' and 'Y interval' fields set the intervals at which the grid lines are displayed.

To access the 'View' menu, either right click or select the 'View' item in the 'Graph' menu. On the 'Summary Graphics', the 'View' menu has more options than other graphs.

Layers are used to turn on or off different features to be displayed on the graph. Line types and colors of features can also be changed here. The names of the layers correspond to a particular feature; for instance, SWEL100 corresponds to the 100-year stillwater elevation line. The 'Layers' window is accessed by selecting the 'Layers' item in the 'Graph' menu. In the 'Summary Graphic', 'Layers' is located in the 'Format' menu.

To turn a feature off, select the feature and select the 'Freeze' button. The feature must not be the current layer, or the layer will not freeze. To change the current layer, select a layer and select the 'Current' button. To turn a feature on, select the feature and select the 'Thaw' button. To change the color of a feature, select the 'Color' button and a window will be displayed with the color options. To change the line type, select the 'Ltype' button and a list of available line types will be displayed.

The 'Print' command can be found under the 'File' menu for all graphs. Once selected, a print screen window will appear (as shown on p. 46 of the User's Manual). From this window, the printing options can be set. For the best print job, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the print area by selecting the 'Pick' button and then drawing a box around the area to be printed

  2. Select 'Scale to Fit'

  3. Select the 'Select Printer' button to setup the printer. In the print window, select 'properties', where the user can change the paper size and orientation. The Orientation option in the Print window is not operational for Version 1.0 of CHAMP. For best results, it is suggested that the orientation be landscape and the paper size "11 X 17", if available

  4. Select the 'Update View' button to update the print preview with the new settings to make sure the plot looks as desired.

  5. Select the 'Print' button to send the plot to the printer.

Helpful Hints for CHAMP Graphics

When the graphic window is displayed, several commands can be selected by selecting the 'Graph' drop down menu. For instance, layers can be (un)selected for view, axes scales can be changed, and data points can inserted or removed directly in the graphic. To view the insertion or removal of data points, the 'Refresh' button must be selected. In addition, the 'Update Table' menu item in the 'Graph' drop down menu must be selected to update the database table in order to correctly remodel the profile.

Help Menu

The help menu is located in the main window. Two electronic documents available for assistance with CHAMP include the CHAMP User's Manual and the Guidelines and Specifications for Wave Elevation Determination and V-Zone Mapping. Both documents are in .pdf format. Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed to view these documents.

Preparation for the January 2002 Bulletin

In preparation for the January 2002 Bulletin, you should complete the exercise presented above. This exercise concludes the development of your CHAMP databases. Congratulations! The Coastal Hazard mailing list will address other coastal hazard issues commencing in the January 2001 Bulletin.

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2007 11:57:20 EDT