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Graphic with the following text. 
- Public Information
- Mapping and Regulations
- Flood Damage Reduction
- Flood Preparedness

Communities should undertake activities that deal with their particular flood problems, regardless whether they are credited by the CRS. Your community may already be implementing several activities that deserve CRS credit.

The CRS welcomes innovative ways to prevent or reduce flood damage. Communities that are implementing floodplain management activities not listed in this CRS Application or the CRS Coordinator's Manual are encouraged to request a review to determine if they should be credited.

CRS Publications: This CRS Application provides summary information that is spelled out in more detail in the CRS Coordinator's Manual. All CRS materials use the same numbering system.

Some activities and elements are not directly recognized by the CRS for one of three reasons:

  1. They do not directly impact buildings that can be insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) (e.g., uninsurable items such as streets and land values).
  2. They are recognized by other aspects of the flood insurance rating program (e.g., flood control projects that result in revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps reduce flood insurance premiums in protected areas).
  3. The impact of an activity cannot be measured for CRS credit (e.g., preserving floodplains for aesthetic reasons).

Click on a link below to learn more about the CRS activities.

Public Information (Series 300)

This series credits programs that advise people about the flood hazard, flood insurance, and ways to reduce flood damage. These activities also provide data needed by insurance agents for accurate flood insurance rating. They generally serve all members of the community and work toward all three goals of the CRS.
Activity 310 (Elevation Certificates) is required of all CRS communities. Designated repetitive loss communities have additional responsibilities.

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Mapping and Regulations (Series 400)

This series credits programs that provide increased protection to new development. These activities include mapping areas not shown on the FIRM, preserving open space, enforcing higher regulatory standards, and managing stormwater. The credit is increased for growing communities. These activities work toward the first and second goals of the CRS, damage reduction and accurate insurance rating.

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Flood Damage Reduction (Series 500)

This series credits programs for areas in which existing development is at risk. Credit is provided for a comprehensive floodplain management plan, relocating or retrofitting floodprone structures, and maintaining drainage systems. These activities work toward the first goal of the CRS, damage reduction.

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Flood Preparedness (Series 600)

This series credits flood warning, levee safety, and dam safety programs. These activities work toward the first and third goals of the CRS, damage reduction and hazard awareness.

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Note : The CRS encourages communities to develop and implement locally pertinent programs that exceed the minimum criteria of the NFIP. It is the intent of the CRS to credit only those activities that are compliant with applicable federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations, including the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Where this is an issue, it is the responsibility of the community to demonstrate that an activity complies with those laws or regulations.

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