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Monday, 05 January 2009
Recent Articles
Eligible or Ineligible for NFIP Coverage?
Defines Building eligibility requirements for NFIP insurance. (2/5/2008)

Webinars: Another NFIP Training Option
Explains how web seminars are used for NFIP training. (2/5/2008)

This Is the Map Service Center
Offers information about flood mapping resources. (2/5/2008)

Wildfires Increase Flood Hazards
Highlights flood risks for California properties hit by recent wildfires. (1/7/2008)

Digital Vision
Describes FEMA efforts to digitize flood maps. (1/7/2008)

One Town, Two NFIP Communities
Reports on how one unusual town participates in the NFIP. (1/7/2008)

Online Mapping Tutorials
Describes multimedia FEMA map modernization tutorials. (12/14/2007)

Check It Out!
Introduces recent enhancements to the FEMA Information Resource Library. (12/14/2007)

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DHS FEMA NFIP Services - eWaterwark Article

5 Million Policies, and Growing!

More than 5 million NFIP policyholders are now enjoying the financial protection provided by flood insurance coverage. As of May 31, 2006, there were 511,583 more policyholders than there were at the end of 2004. This translates into more than an 8.5-percent rate of growth.

Who buys flood insurance and where do they live?

According to The National Flood Insurance Program's Market Penetration Rate: Estimates and Policy Implications, published by the RAND Corporation in February 2006, slightly more than half of the single-family homes located in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) across the country have flood insurance provided by the NFIP or other insurers. Although approximately one-third of NFIP policies are written for property located outside SFHAs, the RAND study estimates that this represents only 1 percent of market penetration in moderate-risk zones.

U.S. map indicating the percentage of homes in high risk areas with flood insurance by region Overall market penetration varies by region, with the Southern and Western states producing approximately 60-percent penetration and the Northeastern and Midwestern states experiencing only 20-percent to 30-percent penetration (see map). Nearly 60-percent of single-family homes in SFHAs nationwide are located in the Southern states. However, less than a quarter of the buildings in NFIP communities nationwide are in the South.
Check out FloodSmart.gov!
Business-Driven Technologies.
Last Modified: Tuesday, 27 May 2008
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