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Monday, 05 January 2009
Recent Articles
Eligible or Ineligible for NFIP Coverage?
Defines Building eligibility requirements for NFIP insurance. (2/5/2008)

Webinars: Another NFIP Training Option
Explains how web seminars are used for NFIP training. (2/5/2008)

This Is the Map Service Center
Offers information about flood mapping resources. (2/5/2008)

Wildfires Increase Flood Hazards
Highlights flood risks for California properties hit by recent wildfires. (1/7/2008)

Digital Vision
Describes FEMA efforts to digitize flood maps. (1/7/2008)

One Town, Two NFIP Communities
Reports on how one unusual town participates in the NFIP. (1/7/2008)

Online Mapping Tutorials
Describes multimedia FEMA map modernization tutorials. (12/14/2007)

Check It Out!
Introduces recent enhancements to the FEMA Information Resource Library. (12/14/2007)

Related Links
- NFIP Website
- FloodSmart Website
- Insurance Professional Info
- FEMA Mitigation Info
- Watermark e-Notification
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Other Links
- NFIP Bureau Services
- NFIP Videos
- Location Validation
- Forms
- Acronym/Glossary List

DHS FEMA NFIP Services - eWaterwark Events
The National Flood Insurance Program offers basic training for insurance agents, lenders, adjusters, public officials, and others in locations across the United States, throughout the year. Visit the NFIP Training, Workshops, and Conferences page on the FEMA website for more information.

Below is a calendar of selected upcoming events hosted by NFIP stakeholder organizations. Issues of flooding, mitigation, risk insurance, or disaster preparedness or response may be addressed at these events. Visit each organization's website for more details about and registration information for these events.

State/Event City Date
NFIP Workshops
Visit the NFIP Training, Workshops, and Conferences page on FEMA's website for dates and locations.
NAIW Annual Conference Scottsdale June 4-8, 2008
AUG Annual Conference Palm Springs May 6-9, 2008
NAIC Summer Meeting San Francisco May 31-June 3, 2008
NAFSMA Annual Conference Napa August 25-28, 2008
Governor's Hurricane Conference Ft. Lauderdale May 12-16, 2008
SITE Annual Conference Savannah June 28-July 2, 2008
National Flood Conference Chicago May 7-10, 2008
ACORD LOMA Insurance Systems Forum Las Vegas May 13-15, 2008
ASFPM Annual Conference Reno May 18-23, 2008
NCOIL Summer Meeting New York July 10-13, 2008
NAIIA Annual Conference Hilton Head Island May 12-15, 2008

Event Posting
Does your organization have a flood-related event you would like us to list? If so, send your organization's name, a short description of the event, the city and state in which it will be held, and the date of the event to Lynd Morris at the NFIP Bureau and Statistical Agent (lmorris@nfipstat.com).

Event Acronyms
ABA - American Bankers Association
ABIA - American Bankers Insurance Association
ACORD - Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development
ACP - Association of Contingency Planners
ASBPA - American Shore and Beach Preservation Association
ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineering
ASDSO - Association of State Dam Safety Officials
ASFPM - Association of State Floodplain Managers
ASWM - Association of State Wetlands Managers
AUG - ALERT Users Group
AWRA - American Water Resources Association
CPCU - Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters
CUNA - Credit Union National Association
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
FMA - Floodplain Management Association
IAEM - International Association of Emergency Managers
IBHS - Institute for Business and Home Safety
IIABA - Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America
LOMA - Life Office Management Association
MBA - Mortgage Bankers Association
NAFSMA - National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies
NAIC - National Association of Insurance Commissioners
NAIIA - National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters
NAIW - National Association of Insurance Women
NAMIC - National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
NCOIL - National Conference of Insurance Legislators
NHC - Natural Hazards Center
NHEMA - National Home Equity Mortgage Association
NHWC - National Hydrologic Warning Council
NORFMA - Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers Association
PCIAA - Property Casualty Insurers Association of America
PLRB/LIRB - Property Loss Research Bureau/Liability Insurance Research Bureau
SIR - Society of Insurance Research
SITE - Society of Insurance Trainers and Educators

Check out FloodSmart.gov!
Business-Driven Technologies.
Last Modified: Tuesday, 27 May 2008
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