Natural Hazards Informer

Written by expert practitioners and researchers, each volume of the Natural Hazards Informer summarized current state-of-the-art knowledge about a specific aspect of natural hazards research and policy, saving readers the time and effort needed to research and update their understanding of a topic. The Informer was intended for practitioners, researchers, public policy makers, and others and was distributed free to all subscribers of the Natural Hazards Observer. For information on purchasing printed copies of the Informer, visit our publications purchasing page.

Issue 1: Flood Mitigation Planning: The CRS Approach by French Wetmore and Gil Jamieson. 1999.

Issue 2: Public Education for Earthquake Hazards by Sarah Nathe, Paula Gori, Marjorie Greene, Elizabeth Lemersal, and Dennis Mileti. 1999. Issue 2 is also available in PDF format. Two related bibliographies are also available in PDF format: Public Hazards Communication Bibliography and Annotated Bibliography.

Issue 3: Building Back Better: Creating a Sustainable Community After Disaster by Jacquelyn L. Monday. 2002.