NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM TRANSACTION RECORD REPORTING AND PROCESSING (TRRP) PLAN for the WRITE YOUR OWN (WYO) PROGRAM Revision 1.......................January 1, 1992 Revision 2.........................March 1, 1995 Revision 3.......................October 1, 1997 Revision 4.......................October 1, 2001 Changes 1 & 2......................May 1, 2002 Change 3......................October 1, 2002 Change 4..........................May 1, 2003 Change 5......................October 1, 2003 Change 6..........................May 1, 2004 Change 6.1...................February 1, 2005 Change 7..........................May 1, 2005 Change 7 (Revised)................May 1, 2005 Change 8......................October 1, 2005 Change 8.1....................October 1, 2005 Change 9..........................May 1, 2006 Change 10.........................May 1, 2008 Change 11.........................May 1, 2008 DATA ELEMENT: Base Flood Elevation ALIAS: BFE, 100 Year Flood Elevation, 1% Chance of Flooding ACRONYM: Direct (CMF) Base-Fld-Elev-FtDirect (PMF) Base-Flood-Elevation (PMF) WYO (PMF) BASE-FLOOD FILE: Policy Master (PMF) Claims Master (CMF) Elevation Certificate Master (ECMF) Actuarial (APOL) DESCRIPTION: Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is the elevation (or depth in zone AO) at which there is a 1% chance per year of flooding as shown oneffective FIRM in tenths of feet. Value of 9999.0 indicates the field is not reported and/or used for this policy. Floodproofed Policies: For floodproofed policies effective on or after May 1, 2005, theactual value for the LFE, BFE, and elevation difference should bereported. The lowest floor elevation must be at least one footabove the BFE in order to use the floodproofing certificate. EDIT CRITERIA: Numeric - may be positive or negative LENGTH: 6 with an implied decimal of one position DEPENDENCIES: Information is obtained from the Flood Insurance application and the Elevation Certificate. SYSTEM FUNCTION: Used in computing the elevation differencebetween lowest floor and BFE. REPORTING REQUIREMENT: Required on policies with an originalnew business date on or after October 1,1997, and the policy effective date onor after May 1, 2006. Unnumbered ‘A’ Zone policies, Group Flood policies, provisionally rated policies, andtentatively rated policies are excludedfrom reporting the BFE. NOTE: For policies effective prior to May 1, 2006, it is stilladvisable to continue reporting the BFE and LFE (other than9999.0), if available, in order to calculate the correctelevation difference. Part 4 4-7 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 DATA ELEMENT: Basement/Enclosure Type ALIAS: None ACRONYM: WYO (PMF) BASEMENT FILE: Policy Master (PMF) Claims Master (CMF) Recertification Master (RCMF) Actuarial (APOL) DESCRIPTION: Code indicating the type of basement or enclosure in the insuredbuilding. Basement is defined for purposes of the NFIP as anylevel or story which has its floor subgrade on all sides. An enclosure is that portion of an elevated building below thelowest elevated floor that is either partially or fully shut inby rigid walls. Finished (Habitable) Area: A finished area is a basement or other enclosed area having more than 20 linear feet of finishedwalls (paneling, etc.) or equipped for use as kitchen, diningroom, living room, family or recreational room, bedroom, office, professional or private school, studio occupancies, workshop, orother such uses. Coverage restrictions may apply. Unfinished Area: An unfinished area is a basement or other enclosed area used for parking vehicles and/or storage purposesonly and does not meet the definition of a finished area. Drywallused for fire protection is permitted. Enclosure: To define an enclosure, the following data elementsmust be present: -Basement/Enclosure Type is “1” or “2” -Elevated Building Indicator is “Y” -Obstruction Type is “20”, “24”, “30”, “34”, “50”, “54”, or “60” EDIT CRITERIA: Number, Alphanumeric, Acceptable Values: 0 - None 1 - Finished 2 - Unfinished LENGTH: 1 DEPENDENCIES: Basement-Type in Policy Master and Claims Master should be the same. Information is obtained from the Flood Insurance Application. SYSTEM FUNCTION: Rating Element REPORTING REQUIREMENT: Required Part 4 4-8 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Effective 10/1/03 DATA ELEMENT: Case File Number for Disaster Assistance ALIAS: FEMA Registration Number, Disaster Assistance Number, Personal Access Account Number ACRONYM: WYO (PMF) DIS-ASST-CASE-NUM FILE: Policy Master (PMF) DESCRIPTION: The case file number assigned to a disaster aid recipient. EDIT CRITERIA: Alphanumeric LENGTH: 15 DEPENDENCIES: Information is obtained from the Flood Insurance Application. SYSTEM FUNCTION: Prevention of duplication of benefits duringfederally declared disasters and prevention ofduplicate flood insurance policies and claimspayments. REPORTING REQUIREMENT: This data element is required for policies effective on or afterMay 1, 2008, and designated as receiving disaster assistance(Data Element “Coverage Required for Disaster Assistance” reported with value 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5). Part 4 4-44A Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 (This page intentionally left blank) Part 4 4-44B Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 10 Effective 5/1/08 DATA ELEMENT: CRS Classification Credit Percentage ALIAS: CRS Credit ACRONYM: Direct (PMF) CRS-DISCOUNT-PCTWYO (PMF) CRS_CLASS FILE: Community Master File (COMF) Policy Master File (PMF) Community Rating System Table (COMR) DESCRIPTION: The Community Rating System (CRS) Classification CreditPercentage that is used to rate the policy. The insurance premium credit is based on whether a property is inor out of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), i.e., the A and Vzones as shown on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map. The premium credit for properties in the SFHA increases according toa community's CRS class. The credit for properties outside ofthe SFHA is 10 percent for Class 1-6 communities and 5 percentfor Class 7-9 communities because premiums in these areas arealready relatively low and can be lowered further through thePreferred Risk Policy. Also, most of the activities undertakento qualify for those classes are implemented only in thefloodplain. The CRS classifications and flood insurance premium credits areshown below: SFHA Non-SFHA Classes Credit* Credit 1 45% ** 10% ** 2 40% ** 10% ** 3 35% ** 10% ** 4 30% ** 10% ** 5 25% ** 10% ** 6 20% ** 10% ** 7 15% ** 5% ** 8 10% ** 5% ** 9 5% 5% 10 0% 0% *For the purpose of determining CRS Premium Discounts, all AR andA99 zones are treated as non-SFHAs. **These percentages are subject to change. Always refer to theFlood Insurance Manual for the latest information. Part 4 4-65 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 10 Effective 5/1/08 DATA ELEMENT: CRS Classification Credit Percentage (Cont'd.) DESCRIPTION: (Cont’d.) NOTE: The CRS credits will not apply to the following categories andthe CRS Classification Credit Percentage should be reported aszero. • Preferred Risk Policies • Mortgage Portfolio Protection Program (MPPP) Policies • Group Flood Policies • Policies effective on or after May 1, 2008, where the LFE(lowest floor elevation) used for rating (Post-FIRMbuildings only) is 1 foot or more below the BFE (base floodelevation), with the exception of Post-FIRM V-Zone elevatedbuildings with unfinished enclosures of 300 square feet ormore that have breakaway walls (Obstruction Type 30). • Policies effective on or after May 1, 2008, where the LFEused for rating is 1 foot or more below the BFE and the PostFIRM V-Zone buildings are reported with Obstruction Types24, 34, 50, 54, or 60. WYO companies are encouraged to verify the reported ObstructionType of insured properties. Obstruction Type 60 (default valuefor “unknown”) should be used carefully as this will impact theCRS Classification Credit percentage. EDIT CRITERIA: Numeric, see preceding table of credits foracceptable values. LENGTH: 2 DEPENDENCIES: Information is obtained from the Flood Insurance Application and the NFIP Flood Insurance Manual. SYSTEM FUNCTION: Premium Computation REPORTING REQUIREMENT: Required Part 4 4-66 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 DATA ELEMENT: Elevation Certification Date ALIAS: None ACRONYM: (PMF) ELEV-CERT-DT FILE: Policy Master (PMF) DESCRIPTION: The date that the Elevation Certificate data was certified by the surveyor, engineer, or architect. EDIT CRITERIA: Numeric, Date Format: YYYYMMDD LENGTH: 8 DEPENDENCIES: Information is obtained from the application andthe Elevation Certificate. SYSTEM FUNCTION: Used to verify the reporting of LowestAdjacent Grade and Diagram Number, and toanalyze age of certification. REPORTING REQUIREMENT: Refer to Part 3 – Reporting Requirements, III. Reporting Requirements forNew/Rollover Indicator, to determine ifthe elevation certification date is required based on reported New/RolloverIndicator. Part 4 4-87 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 7 Effective 5/1/05 DATA ELEMENT: Elevation Difference ALIAS: Elevation ACRONYM: Direct (PMF) Elev-DifferenceWYO (PMF) ELEV-DIFF FILE: Policy Master (PMF) Claim Master (CMF) Actuarial (APOL) DESCRIPTION: Difference between the elevation of the lowest floor used for rating or the floodproofed elevation and the base flood elevation(BFE), or base flood depth, as appropriate. Round to nearest higher elevation difference in whole feet using .5 as themidpoint. This data is reported only if the policy is elevation rated. Entry of +999 indicates the field is not reported and/or used forthis policy. EDIT CRITERIA: Numeric, may be positive or negative LENGTH: 4 DEPENDENCIES: Information is obtained from the Flood Insurance Application. SYSTEM FUNCTION: Rating Element REPORTING REQUIREMENT: Required NOTE: If the elevation difference is reported with a value of +999, theBFE and the Lowest Floor Elevation (LFE) must be reported with avalue of 9999.0. If the elevation difference is reported with a value other than+999, the BFE and the LFE should not be reported with 9999.0. (Unnumbered ‘A’ Zone policies, Group Flood policies, provisionally rated policies, and tentatively rated policies areexcluded from reporting the BFE and LFE.) Floodproofed Policies: For floodproofed polices effective on or after May 1, 2005, theactual values for the LFE, BFE, and elevation difference shouldbe reported. The NFIP will subtract one foot from the reportedelevation difference and use the new difference to determine the rates and compute the premium. The lowest floor elevation must beat least one foot above the BFE in order to use the floodproofingcertificate. Part 4 4-88 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 DATA ELEMENT: Lowest Floor Elevation ALIAS: First Floor Elevation, Lowest Floor Including Basement ACRONYM: WYO (PMF) LOW-FLOOR FILE: Policy Master (PMF) Elevation Certificate Master (ECMF) Claims Master (CMF) Actuarial (APOL) DESCRIPTION: A building's lowest floor is the floor or level (includingbasement/enclosure/crawl space) that is used as the point ofreference when rating a building. This includes the level to which a building is floodproofed*. For more definitive information, refer to the NFIP Flood Insurance Manual. The lowest floor elevation of the insured structure in tenths of feet is supported by an elevation survey of the property. Value 9999.0 indicates the field is not reported and/or used for thispolicy. Note: In the Claims Master File (CMF), whole feet are used. Floodproofed Policies: For floodproofed policies effective on or after May 1, 2005, theactual values for the LFE, BFE, and elevation difference shouldbe reported. The lowest floor elevation must be at least one footabove the BFE in order to use the floodproofing certificate. EDIT CRITERIA: Numeric, may be positive or negative LENGTH: 6 with an implied decimal of one position DEPENDENCIES: Information is obtained from the Flood Insurance Application and the Elevation Certificate. SYSTEM FUNCTION: Used in computing elevation difference betweenlowest floor and base flood elevation (BFE) REPORTING REQUIREMENT: Required on policies with an originalnew business date on or after October 1,1997, and the policy effective date onor after May 1, 2006. Unnumbered ‘A’ Zone policies, Group Flood policies, provisionally rated policies, andtentatively rated policies are excludedfrom reporting the LFE. NOTE: For policies effective prior to May 1, 2006, it is stilladvisable to continue reporting the BFE and LFE (other than9999.0), if available, in order to calculate the correctelevation difference. Part 4 4-131 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 DATA ELEMENT: Mailing City ALIAS: City ACRONYM: (MAMF) CITY FILE: Mailing Address Master (MAMF) DESCRIPTION: The name of the city in which the mailing address is located. EDIT CRITERIA: Alpha LENGTH: 30 DEPENDENCIES: Information is obtained from the Flood Insurance Application. SYSTEM FUNCTION: Primary Key REPORTING REQUIREMENT: Required Part 4 4-131A Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 8 Effective 10/1/05 PART 6 - RECORD LAYOUTS INTRODUCTION This section provides a description of the record layout for eachsystem transaction. The description includes the field lengthand record position. Each transaction has the possibility of a"Record A" and a "Record B." The "Record A" designates thosedata elements that are required and the "Record B" the optionaldata elements for the transaction. Each transaction is presentedin a narrative form. Part 6 6-1 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Effective 10/1/89 11 New Business Field Record Record A Length Position Transaction Code (11A) 3 1-3 Transaction Date 8 4-11 WYO Prefix Code 5 12-16 Policy Number 10 17-26 Policy Effective Date 8 27-34 Policy Expiration Date 8 35-42 Name or Descriptive Information Indicator 1 43 Property Beginning Street Number 10 44-53 Property Address 1 50 54-103 Property Address 2 50 104-153 Property City 30 154-183 Property State 2 184-185 Property ZIP Code 9 186-194 Filler 9 195-203 Coverage Required for Disaster Assistance 1 204 Community Identification Number 6 205-210 Map Panel Number 4 211-214 Map Panel Suffix 1 215 Regular/Emergency Program Indicator 1 216 Flood Risk Zone 3 217-219 Occupancy Type 1 220 Number of Floors (Including Basement)/ Building Type 1 221 Basement/Enclosure Type 1 222 Condominium Indicator 1 223 State-Owned Property 1 224 Building in Course of Construction Indicator 1 225 Deductible - Building 1 226 Deductible - Contents 1 227 Elevated Building Indicator 1 228 Obstruction Type 2 229-230 Location of Contents Indicator 1 231 Original Construction Date/Substantial Improvement Date 8 232-239 Post-FIRM Construction Indicator 1 240 Elevation Difference 4 241-244 Floodproofed Indicator 1 245 Total Amount of Insurance - Building 8 246-253 Total Amount of Insurance - Contents 5 254-258 Total Calculated Premium 7 259-265 Risk Rating Method 1 266 Policy Term Indicator 1 267 Premium Payment Indicator 1 268 New/Rollover Indicator 1 269 Filler 8 270-277 Insurance to Value Ratio Indicator 1 278 Elevation Certificate Indicator 1 279 1981 Post-FIRM V Zone Certification Ind. 1 280 Condominium Master Policy Units 3 281-283 Insured Last Name 25 284-308 Insured First Name 25 309-333 The Taxpayer Identification Number has been removed from the TRRPtransaction, effective May 1, 2008. Part 6 6-2 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 New Business (Cont’d.) Field Record Record A (Cont’d.) Length Position Name Format Indicator 1 334 CRS Classification Credit Percentage 2 335-336 Federal Policy Fee 3 337-339 Expense Constant 3 340-342 Principal Residence Indicator 1 343 Replacement Cost 10 344-353 Lowest Floor Elevation (LFE) 6 354-359 Base Flood Elevation (BFE) 6 360-365 Repetitive Loss Target Group Indicator 1 366 Lowest Adjacent Grade 6 367-372 Diagram Number 1 373 Elevation Certification Date 8 374-381 Basic Building Rate WYO 5 382-386 Additional Building Rate WYO 5 387-391 Basic Contents Rate WYO 5 392-396 Additional Contents Rate WYO 5 397-401 ICC Premium WYO 3 402-404 Probation Surcharge Amount WYO 3 405-407 Deductible Percentage WYO 4 408-411 Repetitive Loss ID Number 7 412-418 Case File Number for Disaster Assistance 15 419-433 Reserved for NFIP Use 24 434-457 Original Submission Month 6 458-463 Rejected Transaction Control Number 6 464-469 Sort Sequence Key 1 470 Reserved for WYO Company Use 30 471-500 Part 6 6-3 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 12 Mailing Address Data Field Record Record A Length Position Transaction Code (12A) 3 1-3 Transaction Date 8 4-11 WYO Prefix Code 5 12-16 Policy Number 10 17-26 Name or Descriptive Information Indicator 1 27 Mailing Address 1 50 28-77 Mailing Address 2 50 78-127 Mailing City 30 128-157 Mailing State 2 158-159 Mailing ZIP Code 9 160-168 Reserved for NFIP Use 289 169-457 Original Submission Month 6 458-463 Rejected Transaction Control Number 6 464-469 Sort Sequence Key 1 470 Reserved for WYO Company Use 30 471-500 NOTE: This transaction must be submitted with any new business (11A), renewal (17A), or reinstatement transaction (14A,15A) OR when the mailing address information has been updated by the WYO company. Part 6 6-3A Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 8 Effective 10/1/05 15 Policy Reinstatement With Policy Changes Field Record Record A Length Position Transaction Code (15A) 3 1-3 Transaction Date 8 4-11 WYO Prefix Code 5 12-16 Policy Number 10 17-26 Policy Effective Date 8 27-34 Policy Expiration Date 8 35-42 Name or Descriptive Information Indicator 1 43 Property Beginning Street Number 10 44-53 Property Address 1 50 54-103 Property Address 2 50 104-153 Property City 30 154-183 Property State 2 184-185 Property ZIP Code 9 186-194 Filler 9 195-203 Coverage Required for Disaster Assistance 1 204 Community Identification Number 6 205-210 Map Panel Number 4 211-214 Map Panel Suffix 1 215 Regular/Emergency Program Indicator 1 216 Flood Risk Zone 3 217-219 Occupancy Type 1 220 Number of Floors (Including Basement)/ Building Type 1 221 Basement/Enclosure Type 1 222 Condominium Indicator 1 223 State-Owned Property 1 224 Building in Course of Construction Indicator 1 225 Deductible - Building 1 226 Deductible - Contents 1 227 Elevated Building Indicator 1 228 Obstruction Type 2 229-230 Location of Contents Indicator 1 231 Original Construction Date/Substantial Improvement Date 8 232-239 Post-FIRM Construction Indicator 1 240 Elevation Difference 4 241-244 Floodproofed Indicator 1 245 Total Amount of Insurance - Building 8 246-253 Total Amount of Insurance - Contents 5 254-258 Reinstatement Premium 9 259-267 Risk Rating Method 1 268 Policy Term Indicator 1 269 Premium Payment Indicator 1 270 New/Rollover Indicator 1 271 Endorsement Effective Date 8 272-279 Insurance to Value Ratio Indicator 1 280 Elevation Certificate Indicator 1 281 1981 Post-FIRM V Zone Certification Ind. 1 282 Condominium Master Policy Units 3 283-285 Insured Last Name 25 286-310 Insured First Name 25 311-335 The Taxpayer Identification Number has been removed from the TRRPtransaction, effective May 1, 2008. Part 6 6-5 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 Policy Reinstatement With Policy Changes (Cont’d.) Field Record Record A (Cont’d) Length Position Name Format Indicator 1 336 CRS Classification Credit Percentage 2 337-338 Reinstatement Federal Policy Fee 5 339-343 Expense Constant 3 344-346 Principal Residence Indicator 1 347 Replacement Cost 10 348-357 Lowest Floor Elevation (LFE) 6 358-363 Base Flood Elevation (BFE) 6 364-369 Repetitive Loss Target Group Indicator 1 370 Lowest Adjacent Grade 6 371-376 Diagram Number 1 377 Elevation Certification Date 8 378-385 Basic Building Rate WYO 5 386-390 Additional Building Rate WYO 5 391-395 Basic Contents Rate WYO 5 396-400 Additional Contents Rate WYO 5 401-405 ICC Premium WYO 3 406-408 Probation Surcharge Amount WYO 3 409-411 Deductible Percentage WYO 4 412-415 Repetitive Loss ID Number 7 416-422 Case File Number for Disaster Assistance 15 423-437 Reserved for NFIP Use 20 438-457 Original Submission Month 6 458-463 Rejected Transaction Control Number 6 464-469 Sort Sequence Key 1 470 Reserved for WYO Company Use 30 471-500 Part 6 6-6 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 17 Renewals Field Record Record A Length Position Transaction Code (17A) 3 1-3 Transaction Date 8 4-11 WYO Prefix Code 5 12-16 Policy Number 10 17-26 Policy Effective Date 8 27-34 Policy Expiration Date 8 35-42 Name or Descriptive Information Indicator 1 43 Property Beginning Street Number 10 44-53 Property Address 1 50 54-103 Property Address 2 50 104-153 Property City 30 154-183 Property State 2 184-185 Property ZIP Code 9 186-194 Filler 9 195-203 Coverage Required for Disaster Assistance 1 204 Community Identification Number 6 205-210 Map Panel Number 4 211-214 Map Panel Suffix 1 215 Regular/Emergency Program Indicator 1 216 Flood Risk Zone 3 217-219 Occupancy Type 1 220 Number of Floors (Including Basement)/ Building Type 1 221 Basement/Enclosure Type 1 222 Condominium Indicator 1 223 State-Owned Property 1 224 Building in Course of Construction Indicator 1 225 Deductible - Building 1 226 Deductible - Contents 1 227 Elevated Building Indicator 1 228 Obstruction Type 2 229-230 Location of Contents Indicator 1 231 Original Construction Date/Substantial Improvement Date 8 232-239 Post-FIRM Construction Indicator 1 240 Elevation Difference 4 241-244 Floodproofed Indicator 1 245 Total Amount of Insurance - Building 8 246-253 Total Amount of Insurance - Contents 5 254-258 Total Calculated Premium 7 259-265 Risk Rating Method 1 266 Policy Term Indicator 1 267 Premium Payment Indicator 1 268 Filler 9 269-277 Insurance to Value Ratio Indicator 1 278 Elevation Certificate Indicator 1 279 1981 Post-FIRM V Zone Certification Ind. 1 280 Condominium Master Policy Units 3 281-283 Insured Last Name 25 284-308 Insured First Name 25 309-333 The Taxpayer Identification Number has been removed from the TRRPtransaction, effective May 1, 2008. Part 6 6-7 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 Renewals (Cont’d.) Field Record Record A (Cont’d.) Length Position Name Format Indicator 1 334 CRS Classification Credit Percentage 2 335-336 Federal Policy Fee 3 337-339 Expense Constant 3 340-342 Principal Residence Indicator 1 343 Replacement Cost 10 344-353 Lowest Floor Elevation (LFE) 6 354-359 Base Flood Elevation (BFE) 6 360-365 Repetitive Loss Target Group Indicator 1 366 Lowest Adjacent Grade 6 367-372 Diagram Number 1 373 Elevation Certification Date 8 374-381 Basic Building Rate WYO 5 382-386 Additional Building Rate WYO 5 387-391 Basic Contents Rate WYO 5 392-396 Additional Contents Rate WYO 5 397-401 ICC Premium WYO 3 402-404 Probation Surcharge Amount WYO 3 405-407 Deductible Percentage WYO 4 408-411 Repetitive Loss ID Number 7 412-418 Case File Number for Disaster Assistance 15 419-433 Reserved for NFIP Use 24 434-457 Original Submission Month 6 458-463 Rejected Transaction Control Number 6 464-469 Sort Sequence Key 1 470 Reserved for WYO Company Use 30 471-500 Part 6 6-8 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 20 Endorsements Field Record Record A Length Position Transaction Code (20A) 3 1-3 Transaction Date 8 4-11 WYO Prefix Code 5 12-16 Policy Number 10 17-26 Policy Effective Date 8 27-34 Policy Expiration Date 8 35-42 Name or Descriptive Information Indicator 1 43 Property Beginning Street Number 10 44-53 Property Address 1 50 54-103 Property Address 2 50 104-153 Property City 30 154-183 Property State 2 184-185 Property ZIP Code 9 186-194 Filler 9 195-203 Coverage Required for Disaster Assistance 1 204 Community Identification Number 6 205-210 Map Panel Number 4 211-214 Map Panel Suffix 1 215 Regular/Emergency Program Indicator 1 216 Flood Risk Zone 3 217-219 Occupancy Type 1 220 Number of Floors (Including Basement)/ Building Type 1 221 Basement/Enclosure Type 1 222 Condominium Indicator 1 223 State-Owned Property 1 224 Building in Course of Construction Indicator 1 225 Deductible - Building 1 226 Deductible - Contents 1 227 Elevated Building Indicator 1 228 Obstruction Type 2 229-230 Location of Contents Indicator 1 231 Original Construction Date/Substantial Improvement Date 8 232-239 Post-FIRM Construction Indicator 1 240 Elevation Difference 4 241-244 Floodproofed Indicator 1 245 Total Amount of Insurance - Building 8 246-253 Total Amount of Insurance – Contents 5 254-258 Endorsement Premium Amount 7 259-265 Risk Rating Method 1 266 Policy Term Indicator 1 267 Premium Payment Indicator 1 268 New/Rollover Indicator 1 269 Endorsement Effective Date 8 270-277 Insurance to Value Ratio Indicator 1 278 Elevation Certificate Indicator 1 279 1981 Post-FIRM V Zone Certification Ind. 1 280 Condominium Master Policy Units 3 281-283 Insured Last Name 25 284-308 Insured First Name 25 309-333 The Taxpayer Identification Number has been removed from the TRRPtransaction, effective May 1, 2008. Part 6 6-9 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 Endorsements (Cont’d.) Field Record Record A (Cont’d) Length Position Name Format Indicator 1 334 CRS Classification Credit Percentage 2 335-336 Federal Policy Fee 3 337-339 Expense Constant 3 340-342 Principal Residence Indicator 1 343 Replacement Cost 10 344-353 Lowest Floor Elevation (LFE) 6 354-359 Base Flood Elevation (BFE) 6 360-365 Repetitive Loss Target Group Indicator 1 366 Lowest Adjacent Grade 6 367-372 Diagram Number 1 373 Elevation Certification Date 8 374-381 Basic Building Rate WYO 5 382-386 Additional Building Rate WYO 5 387-391 Basic Contents Rate WYO 5 392-396 Additional Contents Rate WYO 5 397-401 ICC Premium WYO 3 402-404 Probation Surcharge Amount WYO 3 405-407 Deductible Percentage WYO 4 408-411 Repetitive Loss ID Number 7 412-418 Case File Number for Disaster Assistance 15 419-433 Reserved for NFIP Use 24 434-457 Original Submission Month 6 458-463 Rejected Transaction Control Number 6 464-469 Sort Sequence Key 1 470 Reserved for WYO Company Use 30 471-500 Part 6 6-10 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 23 Policy Correction Field Record Record A Length Position Transaction Code (23A) 3 1-3 Transaction Date 8 4-11 WYO Prefix Code 5 12-16 Policy Number 10 17-26 Policy Effective Date 8 27-34 Policy Expiration Date 8 35-42 Name or Descriptive Information Indicator 1 43 Property Beginning Street Number 10 44-53 Property Address 1 50 54-103 Property Address 2 50 104-153 Property City 30 154-183 Property State 2 184-185 Property ZIP Code 9 186-194 Filler 9 195-203 Coverage Required for Disaster Assistance 1 204 Community Identification Number 6 205-210 Map Panel Number 4 211-214 Map Panel Suffix 1 215 Regular/Emergency Program Indicator 1 216 Flood Risk Zone 3 217-219 Occupancy Type 1 220 Number of Floors (Including Basement)/ Building Type 1 221 Basement/Enclosure Type 1 222 Condominium Indicator 1 223 State-Owned Property 1 224 Building in Course of Construction Indicator 1 225 Deductible - Building 1 226 Deductible - Contents 1 227 Elevated Building Indicator 1 228 Obstruction Type 2 229-230 Location of Contents Indicator 1 231 Original Construction Date/SubstantialImprovement Date 8 232-239 Post-FIRM Construction Indicator 1 240 Elevation Difference 4 241-244 Floodproofed Indicator 1 245 Total Amount of Insurance - Building 8 246-253 Total Amount of Insurance - Contents 5 254-258 Premium (incremental adjustment to TotalCalculated Premium or Endorsement Premium) 7 259-265 Risk Rating Method 1 266 Policy Term Indicator 1 267 Premium Payment Indicator 1 268 New/Rollover Indicator 1 269 Endorsement Effective Date 8 270-277 Insurance to Value Ratio Indicator 1 278 Elevation Certificate Indicator 1 279 1981 Post-FIRM V Zone Certification Ind. 1 280 Condominium Master Policy Units 3 281-283 Insured Last Name 25 284-308 Insured First Name 25 309-333 The Taxpayer Identification Number has been removed from the TRRPtransaction, effective May 1, 2008 Part 6 6-11 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 Policy Correction (Cont’d.) Field Record Record A (Cont’d.) Length Position Name Format Indicator 1 334 CRS Classification Credit Percentage 2 335-336 Federal Policy Fee 3 337-339 Expense Constant 3 340-342 Principal Residence Indicator 1 343 Replacement Cost 10 344-353 Lowest Floor Elevation (LFE) 6 354-359 Base Flood Elevation (BFE) 6 360-365 Repetitive Loss Target Group Indicator 1 366 Lowest Adjacent Grade 6 367-372 Diagram Number 1 373 Elevation Certification Date 8 374-381 Basic Building Rate WYO 5 382-386 Additional Building Rate WYO 5 387-391 Basic Contents Rate WYO 5 392-396 Additional Contents Rate WYO 5 397-401 ICC Premium WYO 3 402-404 Probation Surcharge Amount WYO 3 405-407 Deductible Percentage WYO 4 408-411 Repetitive Loss ID Number 7 412-418 Case File Number for Disaster Assistance 15 419-433 Reserved for NFIP Use 24 434-457 Original Submission Month 6 458-463 Rejected Transaction Control Number 6 464-469 Sort Sequence Key 1 470 Reserved for WYO Company Use 30 471-500 Part 6 6-12 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 PART 7 - INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORMATTING DATA ELEMENTS AND REVISING DATA ELEMENT VALUES INTRODUCTION This section lists each data element and provides specifications forits reporting format. I. FORMATTING DATA ELEMENTS This reporting format includes whether the element is areplacement or incremental value and whether it is a signedfield allowing for a negative number. The third column indicates whether dollars and cents, whole dollars, or hundredsof dollars are applicable formats for the money fields. The last column presents the picture expected for each element. In the picture column, numeric fields, indicated by a 9 or 9's, are right-justified and zero-filled. The number within the parentheses is the length of the field preceding the decimalposition. The V9 or V99 indicates an implied decimal position. For example, 123.45 with a picture of 9(7)V99 would berepresented as 000012345. Note that the field is zero-filled with four zeros because the numeric value is not large enoughto use up all of the required length. Alpha and alphanumeric fields, indicated by an X in the picturecolumn, are left-justified with trailing spaces. Zero, reported in numeric data elements, and blanks, reportedin alpha and alphanumeric data, indicate not reporting or notapplicable. The only exceptions to this rule are on a NewBusiness (11) transaction for the following data elements: • Elevation Difference: +999 • Lowest Floor Elevation: 9999.0 • Base Flood Elevation: 9999.0 • Lowest Adjacent Grade: 9999.0 On a New Business (11) transaction, zero indicates an actual elevation. II. REVISING DATA ELEMENT VALUES To change data element values already in the NFIP/WYO System toblank or zero, asterisk fill the appropriate field on thetransaction being submitted. "Asterisk fill" means that if a data element has a length of 'n,' then 'n' asterisks are to beplaced in the field. For example, if the data elementCommunity Identification Number: X(6) = 012345 is changed toblank or zero, the picture would be represented as ******. This feature is not allowed on New Business (11) and OpenClaim/Loss-Reserve (31) transactions. Part 7 7-1 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 9 Effective 5/1/06 III. LISTING OF DATA ELEMENTS WITH REPORTING SPECIFICATIONS $¢4 R1 $5 Data Element I2 S3 $/1006 Picture Actual Salvage RecoveryActual Salvage Recovery DateAdditional Building Rate WYOAdditional Contents Rate WYO Alteration Date Base Flood Elevation (BFE)Basement/Enclosure TypeBasic Building Rate WYOBasic Contents Rate WYO Bldg. Claim Payment (ACV or RCV)Bldg. Claim Payment RecoveryBldg. Damage Subject to PolicyExclusions (ACV) Bldg. in Course of ConstructionIndicator Cancellation/Voidance ReasonCase File Num. for Disaster Assistance Catastrophe NumberCause of Loss Claim/Loss Closed DateClaim/Loss Reopen DateClaim Closed w/o Pymt. Reason - Bldg.Claim Closed w/o Pymt. Reason - Cont.Claim Closed w/o Pymt. Reason – ICCCoinsurance Claim Settlement Indicator Community Identification NumberCondominium Indicator Condominium Master Policy UnitsContents Claim Payment (ACV)Contents Claim Payment RecoveryContents Damage Subj. to PolicyExclusions (ACV)Coverage Req. for Disaster AssistanceCRS Classification Credit PercentageDamage - Appurtenant (ACV)Damage - Main (ACV)Damage to Contents - Appurtenant (ACV)Damage to Contents - Main (ACV)Date of Loss Deductible - App. to Bldg. Claim Pymt.Deductible - App. to Cont. Claim Pymt.Deductible – BuildingDeductible – Contents Deductible Percentage WYODiagram NumberDuration Bldg. Will Not Be HabitableDuration of Flood Waters in Bldg.Elevated Bldg. IndicatorElevation Certificate Indicator Elevation Certification Date Elevation Difference Endorsement Effective Date Endorsement Premium Amount I S R -R -R -R -R S R -R -R -I S I S R - R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -I S I S R -R -R -R -R -R -R -Key -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R -R S R -I S $¢ --- ----- $¢ $¢ - ------- -- -----$¢ $¢ ---$ $ $ $ --- -- ---------$ 9(10)V999(8)YYYYMMDD9(2)V9999(2)V9999(8)YYYYMMDDS9(5)V9X 9(2)V9999(2)V999S9(10)V99S9(10)V99 X X XX X(15)9(3)X 9(8)YYYYMMDD9(8)YYYYMMDDXX XX XX X X(6)X 9(3)S9(7)V99S9(7)V99 X X 9(2)9(7)9(10)9(7)9(7)9(8)YYYYMMDDX X X X 9V999 X X 9(3) HoursX X 9(8)YYYYMMDDS9(4)9(8)YYYYMMDDS9(7) 1R2I3S4$¢5$6$/100 -Replacement Value -Incremental Value -Signed Data Element-Dollars and Cents -Whole Dollars -Hundreds of Dollars Part 7 7-2 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 This page is intentionally left blank. Appendix C C-13 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 7 Effective 5/1/05 RECORD LAYOUT WYO Prefix Code* Policy Number* Policy Effective Date Policy Expiration Date Endorsement Effective Date Transaction Code Transaction Date Name or Descriptive Information Indicator* Property Beginning Street Number* Property Address 1* Property Address 2* Property City* Property State* Property ZIP Code* Filler Coverage Required for Disaster Assistance Community Identification Number Map Panel Number Map Panel Suffix Regular/Emergency Program Indicator Flood Risk Zone Occupancy Type Number of Floors (Including Basement)/ Building Type Basement/Enclosure Type Condominium Indicator State-Owned Property Record Length Position 5 1-5 10 6-15 8 16-23 8 24-31 8 32-39 2 40-41 8 42-49 1 50 10 51-60 50 61-110 50 111-160 30 161-190 2 191-192 9 193-201 9 202-210 1 211 6 212-217 4 218-221 1 222 1 223 3 224-226 1 227 1 228 1 229 1 230 1 231 Building in Course of Construction Indicator 1 232 Deductible – BuildingDeductible – Contents Elevated Building Indicator Obstruction Type Location of Contents Indicator Original Construction Date/SubstantialImprovement DatePost-FIRM Construction Indicator Elevation Difference Floodproofed Indicator Total Amount of Insurance – BuildingTotal Amount of Insurance – Contents Total Calculated Premium Endorsement Premium Amount Risk Rating MethodPolicy Term Indicator New/Rollover Indicator Insurance to Value Ratio Indicator Premium Payment Indicator 1 233 1 234 1 235 2 236-237 1 238 8 239-246 1 247 4 248-251 1 252 8 253-260 8 261-268 7 269-275 7 276-282 1 283 1 284 1 285 1 286 1 287 * Data Elements that are stored only once per policy record and not by policy term. The Taxpayer Identification Number has been removed from the TRRP transaction, effective May 1, 2008. Appendix C C-14 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 Record Layout (cont’d.) Record Length Position Elevation Certificate Indicator 1 288 1981 Post-FIRM V Zone Certification Indicator 1 289 Insured Last Name 25 290-314 Insured First Name 25 315-339 Principal Residence Indicator 1 340 Replacement Cost 9 341-349 Lowest Floor Elevation (LFE) 6 350-355 Base Flood Elevation (BFE) 6 356-361 Expense Constant 3 362-364 Name Format Indicator 1 365 Condominium Master Policy Units 3 366-368 Reserved for WYO Company Use 30 369-398 Policy Termination Date* 8 399-406 Cancellation/Voidance Reason* 2 407-408 Total Premium Refund* 9 409-417 CRS Classification Credit Percentage 2 418-419 Federal Policy Fee 3 420-422 Federal Policy Fee – Refunded* 5 423-427 Diagram Number 1 428 Filler 1 429 Lowest Adjacent Grade 6 430-435 Elevation Certification Date 8 436-443 Basic Building Rate WYO 5 444-447 Additional Building Rate WYO 5 449-453 Basic Contents Rate WYO 5 454-458 Additional Contents Rate WYO 5 459-463 ICC Premium WYO 3 464-466 Probation Surcharge Amount WYO 3 467-469 Deductible Percentage WYO 4 470-473 Repetitive Loss Target Group Indicator 1 474 Reserved for NFIP Use 13 475-487 NFIP Activity Date* 8 488-495 NFIP Policy Status Indicator* 1 496 NFIP Basic Limit Amount of Insurance – Building 8 497-504 NFIP Basic Limit Rate – Building 4 505-508 NFIP Additional Limit Amount of Insurance – Building 8 509-516 NFIP Additional Limit Rate – Building 4 517-520 NFIP Basic Limit Amount of Insurance – Contents 8 521-528 NFIP Basic Limit Rate – Contents 4 529-532 NFIP Additional Limit Amount of Insurance – Contents 8 533-540 NFIP Additional Limit Rate – Contents 4 541-544 NFIP Total Premium Refund* 9 545-553 NFIP CRS Classification Credit Percentage 2 554-555 NFIP Federal Policy Fee 3 556-558 NFIP Federal Policy Fee – Refunded* 5 559-563 NFIP Community Probation Surcharge Amount 3 564-566 NFIP Deductible Discount Percentage 5 567-571 *Data Elements that are stored only once per policy record and notby policy term. Data elements containing NFIP calculated values are provided toassist WYO companies in determining what conditions caused theerror. Appendix C C-15 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 Record Layout (cont’d.) Record Length Position NFIP Deductible Discount Amount 9 572-580 NFIP Property ZIP* 9 581-589 NFIP Expense Constant 3 590-592 NFIP Policy Term 1 593 NFIP ICC Premium 7 594-600 NFIP ICC Coverage 5 601-605 Case File Number for Disaster Assistance 15 606-620 Reserved for NFIP Use 29 621-649 Error Code 1 8 650-657 Error Code Date 1 8 658-665 Error Code 2 8 666-673 Error Code Date 2 8 674-681 Error Code 3 8 682-689 Error Code Date 3 8 690-697 Error Code 4 8 698-705 Error Code Date 4 8 706-713 Error Code 5 8 714-721 Error Code Date 5 8 722-729 Error Code 6 8 730-737 Error Code Date 6 8 738-745 Error Code 7 8 746-753 Error Code Date 7 8 754-761 Error Code 8 8 762-769 Error Code Date 8 8 770-777 Error Code 9 8 778-785 Error Code Date 9 8 786-793 Error Code 10 8 794-801 Error Code Date 10 8 802-809 Error Code 11 8 810-817 Error Code Date 11 8 818-825 Error Code 12 8 826-833 Error Code Date 12 8 834-841 Error Code 13 8 842-849 Error Code Date 13 8 850-857 Error Code 14 8 858-865 Error Code Date 14 8 866-873 Error Code 15 8 874-881 Error Code Date 15 8 882-889 Error Code 16 8 890-897 Error Code Date 16 8 898-905 Error Code 17 8 906-913 Error Code Date 17 8 914-921 Error Code 18 8 922-929 Error Code Date 18 8 930-937 * Data Elements are stored only once per policy record and notby policy term. Data elements containing NFIP calculated values are provided toassist WYO companies in determining what conditions caused theerror. Appendix C C-16 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 Record Layout (cont’d.) Record Length Position Error Code 19 8 938-945 Error Code Date 19 8 946-953 Error Code 20 8 954-961 Error Code Date 20 8 962-969 Error Code 21 8 970-977 Error Code Date 21 8 978-985 Error Code 22 8 986-993 Error Code Date 22 8 994-1001 Error Code 23 8 1002-1009 Error Code Date 23 8 1010-1017 Error Code 24 8 1018-1025 Error Code Date 24 8 1026-1033 Error Code 25 8 1034-1041 Error Code Date 25 8 1042-1049 Appendix C C-17 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 RECORD LAYOUT - COBOL Output – Policy Information and Error Extract FD Output – FileLabel Records are Standard Block Contains 32 Records Recording Mode is FData Record is Output–Record 01 Output - Record05 OP-WYO-Prefix-Code PIC X(5). 05 OP-Policy-No* PIC X(10). 05 OP-Pol-Effective-Date PIC 9(8). 05 OP-Pol-Expiration-Date PIC 9(8). 05 OP-End-Effective-Date PIC 9(8). 05 OP-Transaction-Code PIC X(2). 05 OP-Transaction-Date PIC 9(8). 05 OP-Name-Desc-Info* PIC X(1). 05 OP-Begin-Street-Number* PIC X(10). 05 OP-Address1* PIC X(50). 05 OP-Address2* PIC X(50). 05 OP-City* PIC X(30). 05 OP-State* PIC X(2). 05 OP-ZIP* PIC X(9). 05 OP-Filler PIC X(9). 05 OP-Disaster-Assist PIC X(1). 05 OP-Community-Number PIC 9(6). 05 OP-Map-Panel-Number PIC X(4). 05 OP-Map-Panel-Suffix PIC X(1). 05 OP-Regular-Emergency PIC X(1). 05 OP-Flood-Risk-Zone PIC X(3). 05 OP-Occupancy PIC X(1). 05 OP-Building-Type PIC X(1). 05 OP-Basement PIC X(1). 05 OP-Condominium PIC X(1). 05 OP-State-Own PIC X(1). 05 OP-Course-Construction PIC X(1). 05 OP-Deductible-Building PIC X(1). 05 OP-Deductible-Contents PIC X(1). 05 OP-Elevated-Building PIC X(1). 05 OP-Obstruction PIC X(2). 05 OP-Location-of-Contents PIC X(1). 05 OP-Original-Construction PIC 9(8). 05 OP-Post-Firm PIC X(1). 05 OP-Elevation-Difference PIC S9(4). 05 OP-Flood-Proof PIC X(1). 05 OP-Total-Coverage-Building PIC 9(8). 05 OP-Total-Coverage-Contents PIC 9(8). 05 OP-Total-Calc-Premium PIC S9(7). 05 OP-Endorsement-Premium PIC S9(7). 05 OP-Risk-Rating-Method PIC X(1). *Data Elements that are stored only once per policy recordand not by policy term. The Taxpayer Identification Numberwill not be reported, effective May 1, 2008. Appendix C C-18 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08 Record Layout (cont’d.) 05 OP-Policy-Term PIC X(1). 05 OP-New-Rollover-Ind PIC X(1). 05 OP-Insurance-To-Value PIC X(1). 05 OP-Premium-Pay PIC X(1). 05 OP-Elevation-Certificate PIC X(1). 05 OP-Post-1981-Certificate PIC X(1). 05 OP-Insured-Last-Name PIC X(25). 05 OP-Insured-First-Name PIC X(25). 05 OP-Principal-Residence PIC X(1). 05 OP-Replacement-Cost PIC X(9). 05 OP-Low-Floor PIC S9(5)V9. 05 OP-Base-Floor PIC S9(5)V9. 05 OP-Expense-Constant PIC 9(3). 05 OP-Name-Format PIC X(1). 05 OP-Condo-Master-Units PIC 9(3). 05 OP-WYO-Cmpy-Use PIC X(30). 05 OP-Termination-Date PIC 9(8). 05 OP-Cancel-Reason PIC X(2). 05 OP-Total-Refund PIC S9(7)V99. 05 OP-CRS-Class-Perc PIC 9(2). 05 OP-Federal-Policy-Fee PIC S9(3). 05 OP-Federal-Policy-Fee-Refund PIC S9(3)V99. 05 OP-Diagram-Number PIC X(1). 05 Filler PIC X(1). 05 OP-Lowest-Adjacent-Grade PIC S9(5)V9. 05 OP-Elev-Certification-Date PIC 9(8). 05 OP-Base-Building-Rate-WYO PIC 9(2)V999. 05 OP-Additional-Building-Rate-WYO PIC 9(2)V999. 05 OP-Base-Contents-Rate-WYO PIC 9(2)V999. 05 OP-Additional-Contents-Rate-WYO PIC 9(2)V999. 05 OP-ICC-Premium-Rate-WYO PIC 9(3). 05 OP-Probation-Amount-WYO PIC 9(3). 05 OP-Deductible-Percentage-WYO PIC S9V999. 05 OP-Repetitive-Loss-Ind PIC X(1). 05 Filler PIC X(13). 05 OP-NFIP-Activity-Date* PIC 9(8). 05 OP-NFIP-Policy-Status* PIC X(1). 05 OP-NFIP-Basic-Cov-Building PIC 9(8). 05 OP-NFIP-Basic-Rate-Building PIC 9(2)V99. 05 OP-NFIP-Add-Cov-Building PIC 9(8). 05 OP-NFIP-Add-Rate-Building PIC 9(2)V99. 05 OP-NFIP-Basic-Cov-Contents PIC 9(8). 05 OP-NFIP-Basic-Rate-Contents PIC 9(2)V99. 05 OP-NFIP-Add-Cov-Contents PIC 9(8). 05 OP-NFIP-Add-Rate-Contents PIC 9(2)V99. 05 OP-NFIP-Total-Refund* PIC S9(7)V99. 05 OP-NFIP-CRS-Class-Perc PIC 9(2). 05 OP-NFIP-Policy-Service-Fee* PIC S9(3). 05 OP-NFIP-Policy-Service-Fee-Refund* PIC S9(3)V99. 05 OP-NFIP-Comm-Prob-Surcharge PIC 9(3). 05 OP-NFIP-DED-Discount-Perc PIC 9(2)V999. 05 OP-NFIP-DED-Discount-Amt PIC 9(9). 05 OP-NFIP-Property-ZIP* PIC X(9). 05 OP-NFIP-Expense-Constant PIC 9(3). 05 OP-NFIP-Policy-Term PIC X(1). 05 OP-NFIP-ICC-Premium PIC 9(07). 05 OP-NFIP-ICC-Coverage PIC 9(05). *Data Elements that are stored only once per policy record and not by policy term. Appendix C C-19 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 7 Effective 5/1/05 Record Layout (cont’d.) 05 OP-Case-File-Number-Dis-Asst PIC X(15). 05 Filler PIC X(29). 05 OP-Error-Codes-Out. 10 Error-CDEX Occurs 25 Times 15 Error-Code PIC X(8). 15 Error-Date PIC 9(8). Appendix C C-20 Revision 4 (10/1/01) Change 11 Effective 5/1/08