ezClaims Adjuster Console QuickStart For Flood Certifi ed Adjusters NFIP IT Services User Guide Production Release 1.0 | May 2008 This document is a guide for the NFIP IT Services ezClaims Adjuster Console application. This guide is divided into several parts. The fi rst part provides background on the ezClaims application and its benefits to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) stakeholders. The second part serves as a user guide for the Adjuster Console, a Web portal that facilitates information and application access for NFIP certifi ed claims adjusters. The Third section serves as a user guide for Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA), a Web-based module that supports adjuster assessment of potentially substantially damage properties. The ezClaims application is developed under the NextGen Bureau Systems Modernization Project and is released as a production application. With your suggestions and feedback, NFIP IT Services continues to improve production applications with new features and enhancements. Feel free to provide feedback by sending e-mail to nextgen@ostglobal.com or calling our service desk at (202) 4677602. Table of Contents OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 1 ......................................................................................................... 5 EZCLAIMS OVERVIEW ezClaims is a NFIP IT Services Core Application Component that provides a one-stop shop application for NFIP stakeholders to input, view, validate and manage NFIP insurance claims, disaster information, re-inspections and fl ood certified adjuster data. ezClaims is comprised of six modules. ezClaims modules are available to authorized and authenticated users based upon a user’s business need and role. Each module provides access to specific business-driven features designed to facilitate reporting, monitoring and workflow management of NFIP claims-related information. EZCLAIMS OVERVIEW ezClaims is a NFIP IT Services Core Application Component that provides a one-stop shop application for NFIP stakeholders to input, view, validate and manage NFIP insurance claims, disaster information, re-inspections and fl ood certified adjuster data. ezClaims is comprised of six modules. ezClaims modules are available to authorized and authenticated users based upon a user’s business need and role. Each module provides access to specific business-driven features designed to facilitate reporting, monitoring and workflow management of NFIP claims-related information. ezClaims provides a number of benefits for NFIP stakeholders. Below is a list of the The following table provides a list of the typographic conventions used in this document. major benefits for affected stakeholders. Description Samples • Improve data integrity through upfront validations Typeface • Increase NFIP operational workflow and efficiency • Increase NFIP analytical capabilities • Establish consistent communications • Facilitate increased NFIP business transactions NFIP IT SERVICES EZCLAIMS FOR ADJUSTERS Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) module allows validated adjusters to submit data on potentially substantially damaged losses. This web-based Preliminary Damage Assessment form allows users to enter and view their submissions. Users are NFIP certified Adjusters, Bureau and FEMA Claims staff. Adjuster Console is a self-service module for that allows all adjusters to view claims related information. Flood certified adjusters can view their professional information, such as address, phone numbers, fl ood certification applications, and yearly claims workshop training credits. All submissions are routed to the Bureau for approval. This one-stop shop for certified adjusters will also allow users to print their adjuster card, view claim workshop dates, access CAT information and announcements. Public pages allow all users to view adjuster related news, access forms and other adjuster related information. Users are Flood Certified Adjusters and Bureau staff. Italic Italic style is used to denote variable text that must be replaced with the appropriate value, such as filenames and form field values. It is also used for emphasis. fi lename1 default-value Bold Bold style is used to denote GUI elements and text that is to be entered, such as window or form fi eld names and keyboard input text. Start Menu cd .. Monospace A monospace font is used to denote command names, on-screen computer output and filenames. mkdirconfig.sys OVERVIEW EZCLAIMS ezClaims I 3 SECTION 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS EZCLAIMS ADJUSTER CONSOLE The Adjuster Console QuickStart is a mini guide to help you get started with the Adjuster Console module of the ezClaims application. Adjuster Console is a web based portal that facilitates access applications, news, forms and profi le information all geared towards the needs of NFIP certifi ed adjusters. This guide is divided into multiple sections. The first section provides background information on the Adjuster Console module that is relevant to all users. The second section provides information for users, primarily certifi ed claims adjusters, on the Preliminary Damage Assessment module of ezClaims. For a complete listing of NFIP IT Services’ QuickStarts and additional help, please refer to http://www. NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov/help.html. OBJECTIVES AND PREREQUISITES After reading this guide, users should possess the following skills and knowledge. Users should be able to access the ezClaims Adjuster Console and PDA module. Users should be able to navigate the Adjust Console/PDA modules. Users should be able to complete a PDA form. Users should be able to download and print PDA forms in Adobe PDF format. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or better – Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows can be downloaded for free at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/results.aspx?productID=&freetext=IE&DisplayLa ng=en. Adobe Reader – The Adobe Reader application can be downloaded for free at http://www.adobe.com. RESTRICTED ACCESS ezClaims Adjuster Console access is limited to authorized NFIP stakeholders. Contact NFIP IT Services to request an account at http://www.NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov/NGUsers/signup.do. • • • • • • SECTION 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS EZCLAIMS ADJUSTER CONSOLE The Adjuster Console QuickStart is a mini guide to help you get started with the Adjuster Console module of the ezClaims application. Adjuster Console is a web based portal that facilitates access applications, news, forms and profi le information all geared towards the needs of NFIP certifi ed adjusters. This guide is divided into multiple sections. The first section provides background information on the Adjuster Console module that is relevant to all users. The second section provides information for users, primarily certifi ed claims adjusters, on the Preliminary Damage Assessment module of ezClaims. For a complete listing of NFIP IT Services’ QuickStarts and additional help, please refer to http://www. NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov/help.html. OBJECTIVES AND PREREQUISITES After reading this guide, users should possess the following skills and knowledge. Users should be able to access the ezClaims Adjuster Console and PDA module. Users should be able to navigate the Adjust Console/PDA modules. Users should be able to complete a PDA form. Users should be able to download and print PDA forms in Adobe PDF format. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or better – Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows can be downloaded for free at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/results.aspx?productID=&freetext=IE&DisplayLa ng=en. Adobe Reader – The Adobe Reader application can be downloaded for free at http://www.adobe.com. RESTRICTED ACCESS ezClaims Adjuster Console access is limited to authorized NFIP stakeholders. Contact NFIP IT Services to request an account at http://www.NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov/NGUsers/signup.do. • • • • • • Table of Contents ADJUSTER CONSOLE Accessing Adjuster Console .....................................5 Login to Adjuster Console .........................................6 Navigational Layout ..................................................7 Flood Certification Number (FCN) Cards .................8 PRELIMINARY DAMAGE ASSESSMENT (PDA) Accessing PDA ...........................................................9 Work Page List ...........................................................10 Create a New PDA .....................................................11 View and Print a PDA ................................................14 APPENDIX Microsoft Internet Explorer .......................................15 JAVA ............................................................................16 Adobe Reader and PDFs...........................................17 ezClaims I 4 Open Internet Explorer. Shortcuts for Internet Explorer are typically located in the Start Menu or on the Desktop. Type http://www.NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov in the Address bar and press or click the Go button. Click the Adjuster Console link. Note: When accessing ezClaims you will be prompted for your NFIP IT Services username and password. ADJUSTER CONSOLE ACCESSING ADJUSTER CONSOLE Adjuster Console is one of the modules of the ezClaims application; the ezClaims application is accessible through the NFIT IT Services Portal. The following process describes how to access the NFIP IT Services Portal, ezClaims and the Adjuster Console module. NFIP IT Services Tip Please note that http://NFIPBureau.FEMAGov requires Internet Explorer 5.5. or better, performance on other browsers may vary. 1 2 2 3 3 Open Internet Explorer. Shortcuts for Internet Explorer are typically located in the Start Menu or on the Desktop. Type http://www.NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov in the Address bar and press or click the Go button. Click the Adjuster Console link. Note: When accessing ezClaims you will be prompted for your NFIP IT Services username and password. ADJUSTER CONSOLE ACCESSING ADJUSTER CONSOLE Adjuster Console is one of the modules of the ezClaims application; the ezClaims application is accessible through the NFIT IT Services Portal. The following process describes how to access the NFIP IT Services Portal, ezClaims and the Adjuster Console module. NFIP IT Services Tip Please note that http://NFIPBureau.FEMAGov requires Internet Explorer 5.5. or better, performance on other browsers may vary. 1 2 2 3 3 ACCESSING ADJUSTER CONSOLE SECTION 1 ezClaims I 5 ADJUSTER CONSOLE LOGIN TO ADJUSTER CONSOLE Adjuster Console users must login to the application to ensure that the right users have access to the right data. Intended users can request access to ezClaims through the link titled Request an Account on the NFIP IT Services Portal homepage. NFIP IT Services utilizes a single sign-on mechanism, which means that users have the same username and password for all NFIP IT Services applications, such as FREE and AW501. The following steps should be performed in the NFIP IT Services Account Sign In section of the Sign in Page. ADJUSTER CONSOLE LOGIN TO ADJUSTER CONSOLE Adjuster Console users must login to the application to ensure that the right users have access to the right data. Intended users can request access to ezClaims through the link titled Request an Account on the NFIP IT Services Portal homepage. NFIP IT Services utilizes a single sign-on mechanism, which means that users have the same username and password for all NFIP IT Services applications, such as FREE and AW501. The following steps should be performed in the NFIP IT Services Account Sign In section of the Sign in Page. 1 2 3 2311 2 3Enter your NFIP IT Services username in the User name: field. Enter your password in the Password: field. Click the OK button to complete the sign in process. NFIP IT Services Tip You will be prompted to change your password after you login the fi rst time. Directions are provided in the NFIP IT Services Portal and Access Control QuickStart, located at http://www.NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov/pdf/QuickStart_ Portal_Access.pdf. Read the tips on choosing a secure but memorable password. If you encounter issues with your username and password, contact us by sending e-mail to nextgen@ostglobal.com or calling our service desk at (202) 467-7602 for assistance. NFIP IT Services Note Users who want to access the Adjuster Console public pages can do so just by visiting http://www.nfi pbureau.fema.gov and clicking the Adjuster Console link as outlined on the Accessing the Adjuster Console page. SECTION 1 LOGIN TO ADJUSTER CONSOLE ezClaims I 6 ADJUSTER CONSOLE NAVIGATIONAL LAYOUT The Adjuster Console contains links to a variety of resources for adjusters, including access to applications, forms, and information. The major navigational elements are listed below. SECTION 1 123456789NAVIGATIONAL LAYOUT 3 1 2 4 1 3 2 9 6 5 7 8 4 5 6 7 8 NFIP IT Services Note Only authorized users will be able to see the My Profile and My Adjuster Profile sections of the homepage. Users can request an account by clicking the Account Signup Link on the Adjuster Console Action Menu. Navigational Elements Adjuster Console Primary Navigation Menu – These links provide access to the My Adjuster Console homepage, return to the Work List or open a new PDA form. Adjuster Console Secondary Navigation Menu – These links provide access to return to the NFIP IT Services Portal homepage, access Adjuster Console online help and logout of the Adjuster Console. Adjuster Console Action Menu – This menu offers a number of links for adjusters. These links include the Claims Handbook and access to the PDA application. Adjuster Console News – This section of the portal contains the latest news for Adjusters. Adjuster Console My Profile - This section displays the user’s profile informaiton. This section aslo facilitates user profile management by allowing user updates to profi le infomation. 9 Adjuster Console Claims Presentations - This sections displays links to upcoming workshop schedules. My Adjuster Profile - This sections displays information specific to each Adjuster. It also includes a link to allow adjusters to print their FCN cards. Adjuster Console Forms - This section displays a selection of NFIP forms. Adjuster Console FAQuestions - This section contains a list of frequently asked questions related to adjuster related activites. ezClaims I 7 ADJUSTER CONSOLE FLOOD CERTIFICATION NUMBER (FCN) CARDS Flood Certification Number (FCN) cards replace the original Flood Certifications that were traditionally issued in letter format. FCN cards are available to authorized adjusters on the My Adjuster Console homepage. A description of an FCN card is listed below. ADJUSTER CONSOLE FLOOD CERTIFICATION NUMBER (FCN) CARDS Flood Certification Number (FCN) cards replace the original Flood Certifications that were traditionally issued in letter format. FCN cards are available to authorized adjusters on the My Adjuster Console homepage. A description of an FCN card is listed below. SECTION 1 FCN CARDS 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 Viewing and printing your FCN card from the My Adjuster Console Homepage. 11 Click the Print your FCN Card! link located in the My Adjuster Profile section of the homepage. Once the image of the FCN card appears the user can view the following information. 234512 3 4 5 6 This section contains the Adjuster’s name and address. FCN Number: - This field contains the Adjuster’s current FCN number. Certifi cation Date: - This field shows the date of certification for the adjuster. Status: - This section describes the adjuster’s current status. Certifications: - This section lists any specifi c certifications an adjuster may have. Adjuster’s also have the ability to print a personal wallet sized FCN card. The instructions below outline this procedure. 17 Click the Print icon at the top of the FCN card window. NFIP IT Services Tip Printing your FCN requires the use of pop-ups. Make sure that you browser is set to allow pop-ups in order to be able to print your FCN card. ezClaims I 8 PDA ACCESSING PDA Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) is one of the modules of the ezClaims application; the ezClaims application is accessible through the NFIP IT Services Portal as well as through the Adjuster Console. The following process describes how to access the PDA module. PDA ACCESSING PDA Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) is one of the modules of the ezClaims application; the ezClaims application is accessible through the NFIP IT Services Portal as well as through the Adjuster Console. The following process describes how to access the PDA module. SECTION 1 4 1 Accessing PDA from the NFIP IT Service Portal Home page Open Internet Explorer. Shortcuts for Internet Explorer are typically located in the Start Menu or on the Desktop. 1 2 3 Type http://www.NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov in the Address bar and press or click the Go button. Click the Prelim Damage Assessment link. Note: When accessing ezClaims you will be prompted for your NFIP IT Services username and password. Accessing PDA from the ezClaims Adjuster Console portal. Follow the previous instructions to a log into the Adjuster Console module. 4 Once you are logged into the Adjuster Console module click the New PDA link to access the PDA module and begin a new PDA form. NFIP IT Services Tip Please note that NFIP IT Services utilizes a Single Sign On mechanism. If you log into the Adjuster Console you will be able to access the PDA module directly from the Adjuster Console Primary Menu. ACCESSING PDA ezClaims I 9 PDA WORK LIST PAGE The Work List is the first page that a user sees when they login to the PDA module. The contents of the work list will be customized based on the user’s role. If you have previously created a PDA form those records will be displayed in your work list. ezClaims I 10 SECTION 1 WORK LIST PAGE PDA Tip Each column heading is a link that allows you to sort the Work List by the entries in that column. For instance, you can sort the Work List by Update Date to group the PDA by last update or by Submitter/Updater to group the Work List alphabetically by the Submitter’s e-mail address. 21 3 WORK LIST PAGE ELEMENTS PDA Primary Navigation Menu – These links provide access to return the Adjuster Console home page, return to the Work List or create New PDA forms. PDA Secondary Navigation Menu – These links provide access to return to the NFIP IT Services Portal home page, access PDA online help and logout of PDA and the Adjuster Console. PDA Action Menu – These links provide information relevant to adjusters including tips WORK LIST STATUS Only your work List entries in PDA are displayed. You will not have the ability to see data which belongs to other adjusters. Only “saved” submissions will be listed. If the PDA has not been submitted the user will not see the PDA in their work list. 1231 2 3 PDA CREATE A NEW PDA The main activity of the ezClaims PDA module is the creation of a PDA form. The PDA form consists of a number of fi elds including the Adjuster FCN and Date of loss. In order to begin a new PDA entry the user must first select a policy and then enter damage assessment information for that policy. Clicking the New PDA or the Create New PDA link initiates the PDA form creation process. New PDA forms are created by adjusters and the data is entered through a manual process. PDA CREATE A NEW PDA The main activity of the ezClaims PDA module is the creation of a PDA form. The PDA form consists of a number of fi elds including the Adjuster FCN and Date of loss. In order to begin a new PDA entry the user must first select a policy and then enter damage assessment information for that policy. Clicking the New PDA or the Create New PDA link initiates the PDA form creation process. New PDA forms are created by adjusters and the data is entered through a manual process. 8Select the state from the State: pull down menu. 99 Enter the Zip Code in the Zip: field. 10Click Search to generate a list of policies. Click Reset to clear all fields and enter new information. Click Cancel to cancel data submission and return to the PDA work list page. 4Enter the policy TRRP number in the TRRP Reported Policy Number: field 55 Enter the street name in the Property Street: field. 6Enter the unit number in the Unit Number: field. 3Enter the first name of the policy holder in the Insured First Name: field 2Enter the last name of the policy holder in the Insured Last Name: field. 77 Enter the city in the City: field. 8 1Select a WYO Company from the WYO Company: pull down menu. 1 2 3 4 9 5 6 7 8 11121011111 2 3 4 6 PDA Tip To get the best search results try using PDA’s “fuzzy matching” abilities. Just enter a company name and partial address and PDA will return all results that match. Example: Entering a company and “1503” in the address field will return both 1503 4th Avenue and 1503 Fourth Avenue. SECTION 1 CREATE A NEW PDA ezClaims I 11 PDA CREATE A PDA (CONTINUED) After entering search criteria and clicking Search, the system will display a list of results in the 2. Your Search Results section. Click on the column headers to re-organize the search results based on the contents of that column. If there are more than 20 results, the application will display additional results on subsequent pages. Use the links provided to navigate through the results. 1 2 122 1 SECTION 1 CREATE A PDA ezClaims I 12 PDA CREATE A PDA (CONTINUED) Once you have selected a policy, you must enter the assessed damage data. PDA CREATE A PDA (CONTINUED) Once you have selected a policy, you must enter the assessed damage data. 123456781 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Select the appropriate Month, Date and Year from the Date of Loss: drop down menus. Select the FICO number and Type in the FICO Number | Type: drop down menu. Enter the probable repair cost in the Probable Repair Cost*: field. Enter the building replacement cost in the Building Replacement Cost Value: field. Enter the building actual cash value in the Building Actual Cash Value: field. Enter notes in the Adjuster’s Notes: field. Click Cancel to cancel data submission and return to the PDA work list page. Click Continue to view a summary of the information entered in the previous fields. SECTION 1 CREATE A PDA ezClaims I 13 PDA VIEW AND PRINT A PDA After clicking Continue on the Create a new PDA page the View & Print PDA data form is displayed. This page provides the user with the ability to review, make edits to, cancel or save and download a PDA form for printing. Click Cancel to go back to the Work List page. Click Edit to make changes to the PDA form. This action will take users back to the Enter section of the PDA application and allow the user to make edits to the PDA form. Once the desired changes have been made, clicking Continue will take the user back to the View & Print PDA form. Click Save to save the current PDA form. This action will take the user to the Work List page. Click the Save & Download | Print link to save the PDA form. This action will open a printer-friendly version of the form that can be saved to a local workstation or printed to a printer. 12341 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 PDA VIEW AND PRINT A PDA After clicking Continue on the Create a new PDA page the View & Print PDA data form is displayed. This page provides the user with the ability to review, make edits to, cancel or save and download a PDA form for printing. Click Cancel to go back to the Work List page. Click Edit to make changes to the PDA form. This action will take users back to the Enter section of the PDA application and allow the user to make edits to the PDA form. Once the desired changes have been made, clicking Continue will take the user back to the View & Print PDA form. Click Save to save the current PDA form. This action will take the user to the Work List page. Click the Save & Download | Print link to save the PDA form. This action will open a printer-friendly version of the form that can be saved to a local workstation or printed to a printer. 12341 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 SECTION 1 VIEW AND PRINT A PDA ezClaims I 14 ADJUSTER CONSOLE MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER The NFIP IT Services Portal is designed for use on Internet Explorer 5.5 or better. Performance on other browsers may vary and some options may not be available. ADJUSTER CONSOLE MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER The NFIP IT Services Portal is designed for use on Internet Explorer 5.5 or better. Performance on other browsers may vary and some options may not be available. The following steps will provide users with the Internet Explorer version number If your Internet Explorer version is not at 5.5 or above, it is recommended that you upgrade to a more current version. Internet Explorer is available for download from the Microsoft Website at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/results. aspx?productID=&freetext=IE&DisplayLang=en. 1231 2 3 2 3 for their computer. Open Internet Explorer. Shortcuts for Internet Explorer are typically located in the Start Menu or on the Desktop. Open the Help menu in Internet Explorer and select the About Internet Explorer option. The About Internet Explorer window has a version field that displays the current version of the browser. SECTION 1 MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER ezClaims I 15 ADJUSTER CONSOLE JAVA The NFIP IT Services applications were designed for use with Java. If you receive errors related to Java, use the following steps to check your Java settings. ADJUSTER CONSOLE JAVA The NFIP IT Services applications were designed for use with Java. If you receive errors related to Java, use the following steps to check your Java settings. 1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 1 JAVA 2 3 4 5 6 Open Internet Explorer. Shortcuts for Internet Explorer are typically located in the Start Menu or on the Desktop. Open the Tools menu and select Internet Options... from the menu. Select the Advanced tab in the Internet Options window. Make sure that the option under Java (Sun) is checked. Click OK to close the dialog. Restart your computer. ezClaims I 16 ADJUSTER CONSOLE ADOBE READER & PDFS Many of the NFIP IT Services informational materials are published in Adobe PDF format. Users must have Adobe Reader 5.0 or better installed on their computer in order to be able to view these files. The latest version of the Adobe Reader application can be downloaded for free at http://www.adobe.com. Occasionally, users experience issues with Adobe PDFs in SQANet or other NFIP IT Services applications. The following quick steps can help troubleshoot issues with PDF reports. The estimated time is about 10 minutes. Please start by answering the questions, then following the recommended configurations in the “how to” in the table below. No SQANet-Adobe Reader PDF Action List Answer 1 Answer 2 How To 1 Can you currently open up any Adobe PDFs outside of SQANet? Yes, go to No. 2 No, Check to see if Adobe Reader is Installed. 2 What version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) are you using? If 6.x or better, go to No. 3 IE 5.5 or worse - Upgrade IE See A 3 What version of Adobe Reader are you using? If 6.x or better, go to No. 4. (If you are using Adobe Professional 6.0 – please contact the NFIP IT Services) Adobe Reader 5.x or worse–Upgrade Adobe Reader See B 4 Check/Adjust your Adobe Reader Settings I can view PDFs! I still cannot view PDFs – go to No 5 See C 5 Uninstall Adobe Reader & Reinstall I can view PDFs! I still cannot view PDFs – Contact NFIP IT Services SECTION 1 ADOBE READER & PDFS HOW TO A. What version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) are you using? Open IE and click on “Help” in the top menu bar. Select “About Internet Explorer.” In the window that pops up, please report the “version” (e.g., 6.0.2800.1106IC). B. What version of Adobe Reader are you using? Open up Adobe Reader. Click “Help” in the top menu bar and select “About Adobe Reader.” In the window that pops up, please report the “version” (e.g., 6.0.3). If you would like to look for updates click the top menu “Help” button. Select “Update,” see screenshot below. The software will update by itself. C. Check/Adjust your Adobe Reader Settings. C1: Close all Internet Explorer windows before going to step 2. C2: Open up Acrobat Reader on your computer. If Adobe Reader does not open, there may be an issue with the Adobe Reader on your machine, or you may not have it installed. It is recommended that you uninstall and reinstall Adobe Reader, as a fresh install will reset your configuration to defaults, which may resolve your issue. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, please do so at this time. C3: In Acrobat Reader, click on the top menu “Edit” button and select “Preferences” from the list. C4: Select “Internet” from the list of Categories. C5: Under the “Web Browser Options” make sure the checkbox for “Display PDF in browser” is selected. If it is not checked, select it by clicking on the checkbox. (If the box is already selected, uncheck and check it again.) ezCliams I 17 ADJUSTER CONSOLE ADOBE READER & PDFS (CONTINUED) HOW TO (CONTINUED) C6: Click the “OK” button on the bottom. It may ask you if you would like to restart your machine. If so, please restart your machine. C7: Leave the Adobe Reader open. If you re-started your computer, open Adobe Reader. Go to www.NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov and log into SQANet. Run any SQANet report (non-AW501) in PDF format. To do this, select “Printing (PDF - Optimized for printing & saving your report)” on the launch page in the display section. If the report shows up, continue to Step C8. If not, contact NFIP IT Services. C8: Run the AW501 report. Try it using all the search methods, i.e. Lookup by RL Number, Lookup by Community ID (CID) and Lookup by Address. If the report shows up in PDF format, continue to Step C9. If not, check to see if the report shows up in any of the other lookup options. If it doesn’t, contact NFIP IT Services. C9: Close the Acrobat Reader. Run another AW501 report. If the report shows up, you should be set. If it does not, return to the #5 in the troubleshooting table. SECTION 1 ADOBE READER & PDFS ezClaims I 18