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Request for Citrix and
Directory Access

Please submit to your Regional Management Center (RMC) contact for processing.
Only requests that have been approved and sent by the RMC will be set up.

Items in bold print with asterisk (*) are required.  Each user will receive an e-mail with setup information within 5 days of receipt of this form.



(If also a new user, be sure to complete the information in the corresponding User table)
*Manager’s Name:
*Primary Contact:

Tools You may select one or more of the following tools

You may select one or more of the following tools
Items in bold print with # are required
To Add Additional WISE Users, Click Here:WISE User Group/User

# : # # #

Please select the tool type and use the drop down to select the FEMA Region. You must type in the State, County and Other Directory. Please input only one (1) State and County per line.

To Add Additional DFIRM Production Tools Users or to define your groups and users, Click Here: DFIRM Production Tools Users

WISE User Group/User

If adding additional users to existing group, please only include new users
Click on the table to add users to be included in this user group or for whom individual access is requested. Do NOT alter this table, except, to input data.

* * * * * * * * * *


A Group is a set of users that share a common role, and typically work in the same department (e.g. Engineering, QA/QC, Mapping, etc…). Two groups will be needed per department - one for administrators and one for analysts.

Administrator Groups will be able to create jobs, assign jobs to any User or Group and close jobs at the end of the workflow, while Analysts Groups will only be able to assign jobs within their Group, or to their administrator.

If adding additional users to existing group, please only include new users
Double-click on the table to add users to be included in this user group or for whom individual access is requested. Do NOT alter this table, except, to input data.

* * * * * * * * * *

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