TEMS Overview

The NTOA endorses and supports the incorporation of a well-trained and equipped Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS) element into all tactical teams. Tactical Emergency Medical Support is the provision of preventative urgent and emergent medical care during high-risk, extended duration and mission-driven law enforcement special operations.

The ability of TEMS providers to develop medical threat assessments, render immediate medical care in austere environments, and provide logistical support will further the health and safety of law enforcement personnel and reduce the incidences of injury, illness, disability and death associated with training and tactical operations.

This has led to the total redevelopment of the NTOA TEMS program and the development and introduction of the new and exciting Tactical Rescue Technician (TRT) course, based upon sound tactical medical support and lessons learned under actual high-risk/real-world conditions.

NTOA’s TEMS program offers the following courses:
Basic Introduction to TEMS (3 days)
Expanded TEMS Training (5 days)
TRT (4 days) based upon the Tactical Combat Casualty Care System

For TEMS training, contact the NTOA Training Department. 800-279-9127 ext. 1

Take ACEP TEMS Survey
Click Here for Survey




Tactical Rescue Technician Course (TRT)

NTOA’s new Tactical Rescue Technician (TRT) course is a comprehensive 4-day tactical rescue and medicine curriculum. This course will empower the rescuer to become adaptable and successful in the high-threat arena. Innovative and revolutionary high-threat immediate extraction techniques, tactics and a solid foundation in operational and emergent treatment modalities will guide a more rapid and effective treatment of casualties.

The NTOA has also redefined its instruction model reflecting combat-proven coaching techniques from Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Ken Murray. Stimulus-Response, Stress Inoculation, Situational Immersive, and Reality Based Training (RBT) scenarios are combined to create a synergy unprecedented in the tactical medic training community. Garnering resources from our military’s special operations forces, civilian SWAT teams, and North American Rescue, Inc., NTOA has created guidelines to operate successfully within the asymmetric warfare paradigm.
The evolution of tactical medical support/lessons learned in training safety
Justification and implementation of a tactical rescue/medical program
Legal/liability benefits of a TEMS program
Rescue and medical reconnaissance (MTA)
Medical augmentation within CNT (MAB)
Operational support of the tactical athlete
Immediate Reaction Team (IRT)/Casualty Response Team (CRT) methodology
Advanced personnel recovery tactics and techniques
Advanced tool breaching and emergent egress
Tactical combat casualty care (TCCC): Updated PHTLS™ 2006 curriculum
SUSOPS/CONOPS medical support
Tactical airway practical
4GW medical considerations and tactical response
Expanded scope of practice for TEMS providers
Mission-specific medical aspects: Active Shooter, HRW, HR, 4GW, etc.
Medical support and field decon at WMD/CBRNE incidents
Inner/outer perimeter tactics/movements
Lethal/less-lethal weapons and their effects
Tactical patient assessment: Sensory overload/deprivation
“On Rescue” — The physiological and psychological response to high-threat rescue
and medicine

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