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Voice Response Translator - VRT

Voice Response Translator - VRT
Voice Response Translator - VRT

Users can speak a short, prompt phrase in English, and the resulting output is a lengthier phrase in one of 120 languages. This product is capable of holding 8 user voices.

Current Mission:
To provide users with a tactical one-way, eyes-free, hands-free voice-to-voice translation. Applications include providing instructions and asking short questions during: medical, law enforcement, first responder, and force protection duties including house/vehicle searches, combat and non-combat patrol, civil aid missions, and entry control duty.

Target Users:
Law enforcement, first responders, humanitarian and military personnel who have repetitive interactions with local population and need to maintain eye contact and weapon or other readiness.


  • Hands and eyes free translator
  • An ultra-low power consumption (0.1 watt)
  • Highly accurate speech recognition that works in high ambient noise (100dB)
  • Adaptable to auxiliary amplification
  • Highly miniaturized: Fits in M4 single ammo pouch
  • Highly rugged--heat, cold, moisture, sand
  • Lasts 65 hours on battery charge
Information Provided By:
Integrated Wave Technologies
4042 Clipper Court
Fremont , CALIFORNIA 94538
Knowledge Links
No third-party certifications in RKB for this Product

Disseminating Information to Ethnic Communities During a Public Health Emergency
Public Communications: Distributing Emergency Information in Multiple Languages


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