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Welcome to the IAI!


The International Association for Identification, the world’s oldest and largest organization of forensic identification investigators, examiners, analysts and technicians, boasts over 7,000 members. This roster of accomplished and dedicated individuals makes the I.A.I. the primary resource in the realm of forensic science applications. Our members, through appointment to or service on a variety of committees, working groups, advisory boards and coalitions, not only advise on issues relating to crime scene investigations and the resulting collected evidence but help to set the agenda. Because the I.A.I. functions independently of government, we are sought after to provide intellectual and practical guidance regarding a number of forensic disciplines and the policies and practices which support their application.

The I.A.I.’s web site is designed to be a resource to our membership and the general public. Here you will find information about I.A.I. sponsored training, our annual educational conference, professional certification programs, publications, job listings and the activities of our regional and state divisions. There is also contact information for our officers, directors and central office.

I.A.I. members receive a subscription to the highly respected Journal of Forensic Identification which contains articles dealing with research, practical applications, case studies and book reviews. They also receive Identification News which deals with the social, administrative and informational aspects of the Association’s business. Both of these publications contain information of value to practitioners of the various crime scene investigation and evidence examination disciplines.

If your profession involves the investigation or analysis of crime scenes, collection and examination of evidence, working with biometric identification or you are a student or professional working in an associated industry, you should consider membership in the I.A.I. It is where you will meet and confer with your peers and gain exposure to all aspects of forensic identification.

Bob Garrett