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European DNA ruling offers 'wriggle room'

The European ruling on keeping DNA records of cleared or acquitted people has 'room for interpretation', the ACPO lead on forensics has said

11 December 2008

European Court DNA ruling dismays UK Government

Anti-terrorism training: Lockerbie

Jane's recalls the investigation that followed the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 in 1988

10 December 2008

Analysis - Jihadists attack UK

European Court DNA ruling dismays UK Government

Keeping DNA samples from people with no criminal convictions is a breach of their human rights, a court has ruled

09 December 2008

Forensic science firms to seek early validation on new products

Critical questions

Jane's talks to Joe Sullivan, the principal forensic behaviour analyst at the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency

02 December 2008

Forensic science firms to seek early validation on new products

Final salute

Sir Ian Blair (PA Photos)

To mark his retirement, Sir Ian Blair writes exclusively for Police Review about the events that shaped his policing career, as well as his hopes for the service's future

27 November 2008

The true Ronnie

The true Ronnie

Sir Ronnie Flanagan (Andrew Carruth)

Sir Ronnie Flanagan, who retires from his post as HM chief inspector of constabulary next month, talks about his career, force mergers, direct entry and police pay

25 November 2008

Awards success for Britain's best bobbies

Temper tactics

Police Review discovers how training in conflict management and appropriate equipment are key when officers are faced with a fight

03 October 2008

Officer injured in Taser demonstration

Awards success for Britain's best bobbies

Sir Hugh Orde, chief constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, with Insp Noel Rogan

AN INSPECTOR who tackled sectarian violence in Northern Ireland...

20 November 2008

Hometown hero

Insp Noel Rogan wanted to change the way of life for people in Larne...

20 November 2008

Forensic science firms to seek early validation on new products

Forensic science companies will tell their industry's regulator about new products in development so they can be validated in advance of their use.

09 May 2008

Forensic science review calls for better standards and training

Forensic science review calls for better standards and training

AN independent review into low template DNA analysis has found the method is sound but warns about standards and training in forensic science.

18 April 2008

Ecuador purges armed forces and police

The armed forces and police in Ecuador have been plunged into crisis by accusations of institutional collusion with foreign powers.

11 April 2008

FARC exposed

Who will head Russia's new 'FBI'?

The formation of a consolidated investigation agency would represent a major reshuffle of the law-enforcement and security community, and the decision about who will lead it will be a useful gauge of where real power lies in post-Putin Russia

10 April 2008

Russian parliament to decide if Putin is to become prime minister

Professor sceptical about DNA technology

A scientist has warned that new UK police technology could lead to the conviction of innocent people

31 March 2008

Former commissioner backs ID cards

Lord John Stevens 'strongly supports' plans to introduce identification cards in the UK

10 March 2008