January Spotlight:   Prepare in a Year


We often think that "it won't happen here", but as we have seen in recent years, disasters such as floods, severe winter storms, and extended power outages do occur across our state. We must accept this as reality and assume responsibility by taking action to prepare ourselves, our loved ones, homes, pets and neighborhoods.

Prepare in a Year is an innovative and simple approach to disaster preparedness. Simply choose one hour each month and complete the designated activity. You can start any time of the year, but why not start this month andIn Focus logo  make disaster preparedness a part of your New Year's commitment.

Learn more at our In Focus page.

No flash? image No problem!




No key events or activities planned for the month of January.


Disaster Assistance

  • December 2008 Winter Weather - Report Damage - Home and business owners should file a report of damages incurred as a result of the recent winter weather with their local emergency management office.
  • November 2008 Flooding - Information can be found: After the Storm Resource page.
  • July 2008 Eastern Washington Wildfires - Assistance for Homeowners.

For disaster related assistance or questions, please contact your local emergency management agency.



The Emergency Management Division’s alert and warning center handled 249 requests for emergency support and coordination in September, raising the year-to-date total to 4,100. More information: December Monthly Report.

National Threat Advisory

Color Key:
Red: Severe Risk of Terrorist Attacks
Orange: High Risk of Terrorist Attacks
Yellow: Significant Risk of Terrorist Attacks
Blue: General Risk of Terrorist Attacks
Green: Low Risk of Terrorist Attacks


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