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RKB Integrated Display Page: AEL & SEL

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Operational Equipment>>Safety Equipment>>Detectors, Current

This item is part of both the AEL and SEL.
This item is part of both the AEL and SEL.
Description: Equipment for detecting and/or measuring AC or DC current. Includes non-contact detectors for use in finding "live wiring" in walls or collapsed structures.
Important Features
(Recommendations from IAB — NOT DHS requirement or part of DHS grant guidance):
Should have both audible and visual alarms/indicators.
Operating Considerations
(Recommendations from IAB — NOT DHS requirement or part of DHS grant guidance):
Must be compact, lightweight, and usable in close quarters.

* POD-List *
Training Requirements (Recommendations from IAB — NOT DHS requirement or part of DHS grant guidance): Core Training: Manufacturer's specifications.
Initial Training: Minimal (<1 day)
Sustainment Training: Minimal (<1 day)
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