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The SAVER website was upgraded on 7/3/08 to v 2.2!
Post Date

8/4/2008 10:13:00 AM

Ralls, Denise


The SAVER website has been upgraded with some new features:

1) Modifications were made to the “Greetings” section of the “Home Page”.

2) The “SAVER Project Library” section of the “Home Page” now lists the date the document was modified and the size of the document next to the document title.

3) Two AEL titles were changed and nine documents were moved into four new sections in the “SAVER Project Library” of the “Home Page”.

4) An Accessibility Policy hidden link was added to the top of the “Home Page” for screen reader users.

5) Modifications were made to the “About SAVER” text: “SAVER Program Background and Mission”, “SAVER Program Support Office”, “SAVER Technical Agents”, and “How to Use the SAVER Website” tabs.

6) “SAVER Program Assessment Process” tab was added to “About SAVER”.

7) “SAVER QuickLooks” can now be entered and viewed by Administrators before being available to everyone else.

8) “SAVER QuickLook” reports were modified to report to one decimal point. Instead of whole percentages displaying, “84” now displays as “84.0”. The composite score is now calculated to one decimal place as well.

9) “SAVER QuickLook” will allow the entry of 0 values which appears as N/A on the actual report for “ilities” that are not evaluated.

10) A “DHS AEL” menu option was added to the site. You can access the DHS Authorized Equipment List Change Log by clicking on the “DHS AEL” hyperlink on the left side of the website. The log contains all changes to the online version of the DHS AEL.

11) The SAVER Program mailing address was updated on the “Frequently Asked Questions” page.

12) The SAVER “Help Desk” email address has changed from to

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