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Flood Data Symbology for the Web Map Service

NOTICE: FEMA withdrew the flood WMS from service on November 30, 2008.

The "NFHL" service provides access to features in the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) database.


"NFHL" Web Map Service: Layer titles, map symbols, and symbol identification

Layer Title: Floodways
Floodways Floodways            
Layer Title: Floodways (linear)
Structre Contains Floodway Structure Contains Floodway            
Layer Title: Limit of Floodway
Limit of Floodway Limit of Floodway            
Layer Title: Flood Hazard Zones (General)
(draws in the scale range 1:300,000 and larger)
All A and V Zones All A and V Zones Shaded X Zone "Shaded X" Zone Zone D Zone D    
Layer Title: Flood Hazard Zones (General–med)
(draws in the scale range 1:300,000 to 1:32,000)
All A and V Zones All A and V Zones Shaded X Zone "Shaded X" Zone Zone D Zone D    
Layer Title: Flood Hazard Zones (General–lrg)
(draws in the scale range 1:32,000 and larger)
All A and V Zones All A and V Zones Shaded X Zone "Shaded X" Zone Zone D Zone D    
Layer Title: Flood Hazard Zones (linear)
Structure Contains 1 percent Annual Chance Flood Structure Contains 1 pct Annual Chance Flood Structure Contains Zone Shaded X Structure Contains Zone Shaded X        
Layer Title: Flood Hazard Zones (Detailed)
Zone VE Zone VE Zone V Zone V        
Zone AE Zone AE Zone A Zone A Zone AH Zone AH Zone AO Zone AO
Zone AR Zone AR Zone A99 Zone A99        
Zone Shaded X Zone Shaded X Zone D Zone D        
Layer Title: Flood Hazards Zone Boundaries
Limit of 1 percent Annual Chance Flood Limit of 1 percent Annual Chance Flood Limit of Shaded X Zone Limit of Shaded X Zone Breaks among 1-percent Annual Chance Flood Zones Breaks among 1-percent Annual Chance Flood Zones

Apparent Limit Apparent Limit Limit of Study or Limit of Detailed Study Limit of Study or Limit of Detailed Study Flowage Enroachment Flowage Encroachment    
Layer Title: CBRS and OPA Units
CBRS OPA Units CBRS or OPA Units            
Layer Title: Base Flood Elevation (symbolized by vertical datum and labeled by elevation)
Base Flood Elevation NGVD88

Elevation Measured Using the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88)

Base Flood Elevation NGVD29 Elevation Measured Using the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) Base Flood Elevation Other Elevation Measured Using Another Vertical Datum (for example mean sea level)    
Base Flood Elevation in Feet Elevation in Feet Base Flood Elevation in Meters Elevation in Meters Base Flood Elevation Other Units Elevation in Other Units    
Layer Title: Cross Sections (labeled by identifier used in the Flood Insurance Study)
Cross Sections Cross Sections Cross Section Label Cross Section Label        
Layer Title: Coastal Transects (labeled by identifier used in the Flood Insurance Study)
Coastal Transects Coastal Transects Coastal Transect Label Coastal Transect Label        
Layer Title: Bench Marks (labeled by identifier)
Bench Marks Bench Marks Bench Marks Identifier Identifier        
Layer Title: River Distance Markers (labeled by river mark number)
River Distance Markers River Distance Markers River Distance Marker Identifier Identifier        
Layer Title: General Structures
Aqueduct, Canal, or Pipeline Aqueduct, Canal, or Pipeline

Bridge Bridge Dam Fish Ladder Lock Dam, Fish, Ladder, or Lock Dike Levee Seawall Dike, Levee, or Seawall
Channel Culvert Storm Sewer Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer Floodway in Channel Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer contains a floodway Channel 1% Chance Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer contains a 1‑percent annual chance flood Channel 0.2% Chance Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer contains Shaded X zone
General Structure Other All Other Structures            
Layer Title: Jurisdiction Boundaries
Boundary International International Boundary State State Boundary County County Boundary Corporate Corporate
Boundary Levee Utilitiy Special District (for example, levee or utility district) Boundary Forest Park Public Lands or Reservations (for example, forest, park, or military)        
Layer Title: Jurisdiction Names
Jurisdiction Name Jurisdiction Name            
Layer Title: Jurisdiction Names 2
Secondary Jurisdiction Name Secondary Jurisdiction Name            
Layer Title: DFIRM Panels (detailed)
DFIRM Panels (Detailed) FIRM Boundary FIRM Panel Number Full FIRM Panel Number (full)        
Layer Title: LOMR's
LOMR LOMR Boundary LOMR Case Number LOMR Case Number        
Layer Title: LOMA and LOMR-F
LOMA location approximate LOMA and LOMR-F (location approximate) LOMA and LOMR-F Case Number LOMA and LOMR-F Case Number        
Layer Title: Flood Map Panels (national)
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Map Boundary National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Map Boundary Map Panel Number Map Panel Number        
Layer Title: Q3 Flood Hazards (to be phased out)
Special Flood Hazard Areas Special Flood Hazard Areas            
Layer Title: Q3 Flood Hazards (red)
Special Flood Hazard Areas Red Special Flood Hazard Areas            
Layer Title: Streets (from DFIRM)
Primary Road and Airport Primary Road and Airport Secondary Road Secondary Road Other Road Other Road Railroad Railroad
Feature Name Feature Name            
Layer Title: Streams
Streams Streams Stream Name Stream Name        
Layer Title: Water Bodies
Water Bodies Water Bodies Water Body Name Water Body Name        
Layer Title: PLSS
Public Land Survey System (PLSS) township Public Land Survey System (PLSS) township PLSS Section PLSS Section        
Layer Title: USGS Quads
USGS Topo Map Boundary USGS Topo Map Boundary USGS Topo Map Name USGS Topo Map Name        
Layer Title: Watershed (HUC)
Subbasin Boundary (HUC-8) Subbasin Boundary (HUC-8) Subbasin Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) Subbasin Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC)        
Layer Title: Flood Data Availability (county-by-county digital data availability)
DFIRM Available Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Data Available Partial DFIRM Available Partial DFIRM Available Q3 Available Q3 Flood Hazard Data Available    
Layer Title: Preliminary Maps Issued (county-by-county status of data in later stages of production. These data are not in the web map service.)
Preliminary Maps Issued Preliminary Maps Issued            
Layer Title: DFIRM Data Availability (community-by-community digital data availability)
DFIRM Available Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Data Available            
Layer Title: Flood Map Availability (paper and scanned maps available)
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Map Available            
Layer Title: No DFIRM mask (used with other layers to show areas where data are not available)
No DFIRM data available (mask) No DFIRM data available (mask)            
Layer Title: Flood Hazard Zone mask (used with other layers to provide Zone X and Open Water)
(white area with no boundary) Flood hazard zone (mask)            
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