Resource Record Details

NFHL Web Map Service (WMS): Add Flood Hazard Map Layers to Your GIS Applications

Resource Record Cover Image Thumbnail - nfhl_wms_instructions.jpg FEMA provides access to the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) and related data through a WMS. You can use the service to add web-based digital flood hazard maps to business applications. You also can look up attribute information for data portrayed on the maps. To use a WMS you need web-based mapping or GIS software, or software that you develop, that displays WMS images and a high-speed Internet connection. Use the GetCapabilities, GetMap, and GetFeatureInfo URLs required by your software to add the NFHL service to your applications.

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Media Type: File
Availability: Online
Language: English
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 188K)
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