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IS-703 NIMS Resource Management

Course Overview

This interactive computer-based course provides the principles, tools, processes, and systems used in the NIMS that incident managers need for timely and effective resource management during an incident.  Primary tasks addressed in this course are:

The course shows that resources, including personnel, teams, facilities, equipment and supplies, are managed through this NIMS system by advance planning, resource identification and ordering, categorizing resources, use of agreements, acquisition management, management information systems, and protocols for ordering, mobilization and dispatching. 

The course begins with resource management concepts and principles, and then addresses how to get an organization ready for managing resources in disasters.  Next the course focuses on management of resources during an incident and goes on to a section dealing with the complex incident. There is then a section about reassessing readiness in the post-incident period followed by a summary and conclusion.

This course will supersede G-276, Resource Management.  For purposes of the Advanced Professional Series, those who have completed G-276 may still claim credit for it as an elective, or IS-703 will count toward that elective.

CEUs: 0.3

Course Length: 3 hours