Interagency Serious Accident Investigation





Fire Information






Fire Programs

Fire Equipment


Manual Lessons

PM-1, Pre-Evaluation and Overview
PM-2, Overview of Authorities, Policies, Procedures, Team Membership and Roles
PM-3, Team Preparation and Activation
PM-4, Initial and Recurring Briefings
PM-5, Team Management
PM-6, Exchanging Information
PM-7, Initial Site Investigation
PM-8, Evidence Gathering and Documentation
PM-9, Wildland Fire Investigation
PM-10, Evidence Analysis
PM-11, Out Briefings
PM-12, Reports
PM-13, Accident Review Board and Review
PM-14 DOI Follow Up Actions


Lesson Objectives Other Charts
Lesson Course Objective slide Administrative Support Personnel
Lesson 1 slide AI Process
Lesson 2 slide Cause
Lesson 3 slide Chief Investigator
Lesson 4 slide Contributing Factors
Lesson 5 slide DASHO
Lesson 6 slide Document Specialist
Lesson 7 slide Findings
Lesson 8 slide Interagency Representative
Lesson 9 slide Law Enforcement
Lesson 10 slide Recommendations
Lesson 11 slide Reports and Due Dates
Lesson 12 slide Safety Manager
Lesson 13 slide Team Leader
Lesson 14 slide Technician Specialist
  Union Representative
  What is an Accident

PowerPoint Presentations

Evidence Analysis and Deliberations
Serious Accident Investigation Team Brief

Report Samples

Factual Report (DOI)
Management Evaluation Report (DOI)

Guest Speakers

Don Smurthwaite Mike Johns
Lets Talk: Communication Through Tough Times Criminal Fire Law
  Fire Law (ppt)
  Responses by Mike Johns
  What Was He Thinking
  Fischoff article
  Eberwine article
  Counterfactuals and Causation
  Debias Backfires
  Computer Animations Used in Court Colored by Bias
  Semifactual Thinking
  Inside Judicial Mind
  Judging in Hindsight

Can Judges Ignore Inadmissible Information? The Difficulty of Deliberately Disregarding

  Prosecution Decision Biases
  Assessment of Decision Quality

A Third View of the Black Box: Cognitive Coherence in Legal Decision Making

  Perseverance of Social Issues
  Categorically Biased
  Nature of Human Error
  Decision Support for Tactical Decision Making Under Stress
  Fire Law 2007 (ppt)
  Integrated Critical Thinking Training and Decision Support for Tactical Anti-Air Warfare
  Decisionmaking in Complex Military Environments
  Modeling Facts, Culture, and Cognition in the Gun Debate
  Identifying Why Even Well-Trained Firefighters Make Unsafe Decisions
  Outcome Bias in Decision Evaluation
  Perspectives on Human Error
  Principles for Intelligent Decision Aiding
  The One-of-Us Effect in Decision Making
  Objectivity in the Eye of the Beholder
  The Situation
  The Situational Character
  The “Saw-It-All-Along” Effect: Demonstrations of Visual Hindsight Bias


Accident Investigation Kit
Team Activation Notification
Action to be taken by the unit
Delegation of Authority Letter (NPS)
Delegation of Authority Letter (BLM)
Delegation of Authority Letter (FWS)
Delegation of Authority Letter (FS)
In-brief AA Checklist
Administrative Support Needs List
Risk Assessment (BLM)
Dealing with OSHA
NIOSH Firefighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention
OIG Public Law
Dealing with Medical Examiners
Letter to Medical Examiner
Initial Site Investigation Guide
Talking Paper on Three Types of Evidence
Human Factors Checklist
Accident Photographic Documentation Form
Accident Photographic Log
Witness Statement
Memoradum of Interview
Weingarten Rights
Cover Letter (FS)
Employee Rights and Responsibilities (FS)
Sample Witness Questions
Evidence Log
Chain of Custody Log
MOU (DOI and Ag)
Wildland Fire Fatality and Entrapment Report
Personal Protective Equipment Assessment Form
Practical Exercise Recommendations
Investigation Team Closeout Briefing
Closeout Briefing with Management
24-Hour Preliminary Report
72-Hour Expanded Report
Factual Report Content
Management Evaluation Report Content

Resource Documents

Agency Administrator's Guide
BLM Casualty Guide
BLM Serious Accident Investigation Manual
Firefighter Autopsy Protocol
Accident Investigation Guide (FS)
Joint Investigation Summary of a Fire Engine Rollover (CAL Fire and Contra Costa County Fire Protection)
Interagency SAI Acronyms
Safety Program Management (NPS)
Recommended Additional Reading
Red Book, Ch 7, Safety
Red Book, Ch 18, Reviews, Investigations Analyses
Serious Accident Investigation Team Resource








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Participating Agency Logos width=      
BLM - Bureau of Land Management NASF - National Association of State Foresters BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs FWS -  US Fish & Wildlife Service - Fire Management NPS - National Park Service - Fire & Aviation Management FS - US Forest Service - Fire & Aviation Management NOAA -  National Weather Service - Fire Weather AMD -  National Business Center Aviation Management USFA -  US Fire Administration