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SAVER Projects Help

This page provides a tree view of SAVER Projects. The documents listed here are organized according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Authorized Equipment List (AEL) structure.
Clicking the Open Folder icon expands the folder allowing the display of projects/folders.
Clicking the Closed Folder icon collapses the folder hiding the projects/folders.
The Project icon indicates a project and clicking it expands/contracts the project.

Projects are folders that contain documents related to the project. They are located at the end of the tree and cannot be expanded any further.

  • Project Icon indicates the document is a project highlight. Clicking the icon opens a new browser window and displays the project highlight and the related project documents.
  • PDF Icon indicates the document is a Portable Document Format (PDF). SAVER highlights and summaries are immediately viewable in PDF (or HTML) format.
  • Locked PDF Icon indicates the document is a locked Portable Document Format (PDF). Clicking the PDF icon opens a new browser window and displays a document request form.
  • HTML Icon indicates the document is a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) document. Most HTML documents are project highlight or summary documents. Clicking the icon opens a new browser window and displays the document. If the document is a full report, clicking the icon opens a new browser window and displays a document request form.
  • QuickLook Icon indicates the project has a QuickLook Report associated with it. Clicking the icon displays the page showing the QuickLook information.

Because administrators may add documents while users are viewing the SAVER Projects, periodically clicking the ‘Refresh Project Library” button ensures the user is viewing the most up-to-date and complete document library.

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