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E603 - Instructional Design

Course Description:

This course will provide the participant with the knowledge, skills, and tools to conduct instructional design in order to develop effective training. Participants will be able to work on a training need of their own choosing for most of the work assignments based on the needs assessment completed after the E602 course.

Selection Criteria:

The primary focus will be State Emergency Management Agencies and Officess. FEMA staff, State exercise training officers, and other key emergency management trainers also may participate.


Participants must complete E601 and E602 first. Participants also should possess an associate's degree from a regionally accredited college or university.


Since participants will be designing training for their organization, based on a needs assessment, they will be required to submit a list of tasks that students attending their training should be able to perform at the end of the training. Reading assignments also are part of pre-course work.

ACE Recommendation:

2 semester hours upper division credit in Education, Public Administration, or Emergency Management.

CEUs: 3.1

