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E279 - Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Buildings

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide engineering and economic guidance on what constitutes proper retrofitting techniques for flood-prone residential structures. The course will focus on the concepts of floodproofing, regulatory framework, controlling parameters, design practices, and benefit, cost, and technical feasibility analysis. There is a case study design exercise and a written examination.

Selection Criteria:

The audience comprises engineers and architects, and building code, floodplain management,

* hazard mitigation

* planning

* zoning and public works officials.

*This course is intended for those with engineering, architectural, or building science knowledge.





It is recommended that participants complete IS-279. Please see the Independent Study curriculum in this catalog to order IS-279.

ACE Recommendation:

Credit Hours:

2 Semester Hours Level: UD Curricula: Civil Engineering, Emergency Management, or Resource Economics

Course Length: 4 1/2 days

CEUs: 2.9

CECs: 12 (core)
