The Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Preparedness Directorate, National Integration Center (NIC), Training and Exercise Integration/Training Operations (TEI/TO) encourages states, territories, and urban areas to use Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funds to enhance the capabilities of state and local emergency preparedness through the development of a state homeland security training program. Allowable training-related costs under National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) and Grants Program Directorate (GPD) grant programs include the establishment, support, conduct, and attendance for training programs specifically identified under the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP), Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI), Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP), Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS), Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) and Citizen Corps Program (CCP) grant programs within existing training academies, universities, or junior colleges. The target audience for training courses include emergency prevention, protection, response, and recovery personnel, emergency managers and public/elected officials within the following disciplines: fire service, law enforcement, emergency management, emergency medical services, hazardous materials, public works, public health, health care, public safety communications, governmental administrative, and the private sector.
Web-Forms, an electronic form/data management system, was built to assist State Administrative Agency (SAA) and/or SAA Training Points of Contact (TPOC) with the reporting of non-TEI/TO provided training (State-sponsored or Federal-sponsored courses) information supported by HSGP and EMPG funds. All training deliveries, development of new courses, and course additions into the State-Sponsored Course Catalog supported with HSGP grant funding (other than TEI/TO provided training) must be reported through the Web-Forms System. SAAs/TPOCs must ensure the training falls within the NPD/GPD mission scope and meets all required guidelines outlined in each individual Web-Form. Course topics are to include, but are not limited to, CBRNE terrorism and catastrophic events, cyber/agriculture/food security, intelligence gathering and analysis, citizen and community preparedness, and training for volunteers.
Web-Forms is also used by federal department/agency training points of contact as a tool to avail their training courses to states, territories, and urban areas. The Federal-Sponsored Course Catalog is a listing of Federal-sponsored courses that fall within the NPD/GDP mission scope, and have been approved through the TEI/TO Course Review and Approval Process
SAAs/TPOC wishing to enter Web-Forms click here
Federal Departments/Agencies wishing to enter Web-Forms click here
To view the TEI/TO Course Review and Approval Process (State- and Federal-sponsored courses) click here
To view the current course catalogs click the appropriate link below: