Image: Emergency Management Institute Logo

Course: Integrated Emergency Management Courses

Date: March 3, 2008

All of you who respond to your local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during your career will be interested in reading this Announcement.  Please share this Announcement with other emergency management personnel in your jurisdiction.
Protecting the population is a primary responsibility of government, and fulfilling this responsibility depends on the abilities of emergency personnel to prepare for, respond to, recovery from and mitigate against disaster.  This means developing and maintaining a high standard of readiness and an ability to function effectively under crisis conditions.  Emergency personnel can attain readiness either through managing emergencies or through participating in exercises. Clearly, exercises are the preferred method of gaining the necessary expertise.

Integrated Emergency Management Courses (IEMCs), offered by the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), place individuals in a realistic crisis situation within a structured learning environment.

For descriptions of IEMCs,  please visit our website at:
IEMCs allow individuals to rehearse their real-life roles in functional (EOC) exercises that simulate a realistic emergency situation.
In a policy room, elected and appointed officials and key department heads meet to develop policy statements and prepare critical information for release to their citizens.  The EOC manages resources to combat the disaster and develops an EOC incident action plan (IAP).  The operations room consists of first responders, public works, volunteer and faith-based organizations, business, utilities and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).  They develop standard operating procedures based on the jurisdiction’s emergency plans. 
For more information, please sign up for our free e-mail subscription service at:

or contact Paul Benyeda at 301-447-1326 or

IEMC Schedule for FY 2008

June 16 – 20, 2008
E920 - IEMC Hazardous Materials Preparedness and Response
July 14 – 18, 2008
E910 - IEMC Earthquake Preparedness and Response
July 21 – 25, 2008 
E911 - IEMC Earthquake Recovery and Mitigation
July 28 – August 1, 2008
E900 - IEMC All Hazards Preparedness and Response
August 4 – 8, 2008
E901 - IEMC All Hazards Recovery and Mitigation
Sept. 29 – October 3, 2008
E915 - IEMC Homeland Security


EMI Announcement