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Campaign for Disaster Relief

Our neighbors all across the country are being affected by disasters this year—a record number of tornadoes, the worst flooding in the Midwest in 15 years, an early wildfire season and an active hurricane season. You can change a life, starting with your own, by supporting the American Red Cross Campaign for Disaster Relief, and helping the Red Cross raise $100 million for the Disaster Relief Fund. Your generous donations to the Disaster Relief Fund, depleted as a result of an active year of disasters, allows the Red Cross to mobilize volunteers who provide food, shelter and counseling to people who need it, whenever and wherever disasters occur.

  • Donate to the Disaster Relief Fund.
  • Follow Red Cross news and Campaign progress.
  • Join the Campaign by using and sharing online tools to help the Red Cross raise funds.
  • Read Words of Hope and learn what Red Cross clients and volunteers are saying about recent disasters.

Disasters Change Lives. You Can Too.


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Red Cross Asks America to Help Raise $30 Million in 30 Days
This holiday season push will put the final touch on the $100 million goal for the Red Cross Campaign for Disaster Relief.

Our World Gives
The Western Union Company has announced that it will offer consumers the opportunity to donate to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund at any of its more than 45,000 U.S. Agent locations.

Our Supporters
Only through the support of our donors is the Red Cross mission a reality.

The Season for Giving December 12, 2008

Red Cross Announces Top Five Disaster Responses of 2008 - December 11, 2008

Red Cross Invites America to Join "National Day of Giving" December 13 - December 9, 2008

Gearing Up in the Capital for the National Day of Giving - December 8, 2008

Words of Hope

"We just wanted to THANK the Red Cross volunteers in Seabrook, Texas who came to help us after Hurricane Ike. Your volunteers are awesome and were a welcome sight many days when we were tired and hungry and they showed up with a warm dinner or lunch… My husband and I have seen first hand what the Red Cross does in times of disasters and we hope to be able to make a financial contribution in the near future. Thanks so much." - Dan and Kristi Richardson

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Video of Gulf Coast Storms of 2008Red Cross Aid brings Hope to HaitiCalifornia Wildfires


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American Red Cross National Headquarters 2025 E Street NW – Washington, DC 20006 – 800-733-2767 | TO DONATE: 800-REDCROSS / 800-257-7575 (Español)