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Academic Emergency Management and Related Courses

The college-level courses noted below have been contract-developed for the FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project by, in most cases, practicing college/university faculty. The primary intent is for college and university faculty to add these courses to their curriculum, drawing, in whole or in part, from the material provided below. These college courses are not taught at FEMA's Emergency Management Institute.

Courses listed below in blue are currently available. Those not listed in blue are under development. The available courses are posted as self-extracting zipped file(s).

Load your Microsoft Word program and open the README.TXT file for instructions (be sure that file type is set to "ALL" or you will not see the README.TXT file.

A CD-rom containing all the Emergency Management Bachelor Degree level courses is available through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). For cost and ordering information visit NTIS's web site at http://www.ntis.gov or call 1-800-553-NTIS. The order number is PB2000500062.

Access the NTIS home page for more information: http://www.ntis.gov/search/product.asp?ABBR=PB2000500063&starDB=GRAHIST