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This page contains News items that were posted on the NFIRS Home page from 1999 through 2005, and are archived for reference.

Reminder: On-line System Availability on January 2, 2006
and Implementation of 2006 Specification Cycle

On Monday, January 2, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 12:00 p.m. (EST), the NFIRS On-line system will be unavailable. This maintenance window is necessary to implement the January 2006 Specification Cycle changes.

USFA Software Users:
After the maintenance window, USFA Software users must download and install the NFIRS 5.0 Client Software Version 5.4.0 to access the NFIRS National Database in the On-line mode. Upon On-line login attempt with any previous USFA Software version, users will receive a message similar to the following:
Request failed (gov.fema.nfirs.service.NFIRSVersionControlServiceDB). Reason: Your application (version 5.3.4) is out of date. Please download and install the latest version (5.4.0).

This information was posted on December 29, 2005

On-line System Availability on January 2, 2006

To All NFIRS 5.0 State Program Managers and Users:

On Monday, January 2, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 12:00 p.m. (EST), the NFIRS On-line system will be unavailable. This maintenance window is necessary to implement the January 2006 Specification Cycle changes.

After the maintenance window, Version 5.0 Incidents with an Incident Date of January 1, 2006 or later will be validated under the 2006 cycle rules. All other incidents will be validated according to their Incident Date.

Implementation of 2006 NFIRS 5.0 Specification Changes

Some of the changes in the January 2006 Specification include:

  • A more robust rules engine which enables validation accroding to Incident Date.
  • Some rules and edits have been modified in effort to capture more detail of fire incidents.
  • Several clarifications for edit and field requirements.
  • The Structure Fire Paper form has been modified to reflect updates.

Several new codes have been made available:

  • New Mobile Property Make codes for Farm Vehicles
  • Hazmat Units of Measure and Units Released
  • A new code for the Structure Fire Module’s Presence of AES (Partial system present).

The list of changes incorporated in the 2006 cycle are outlined in the Specification Changes and Corrections Log, posted on the NFIRS 5.0 Design Documentation page. The changes identified in the January 2006 Specification Cycle will not be implemented in the live system until January 2, 2006 due to the holiday weekend and related support staffing.

Monitor this page for more information on the release of the USFA Client software. The release is scheduled for January 2006, and will require all users to upgrade to the new version.

This information was posted on December 22, 2005

Notice for NFIRS 5.0 On-line System Users: Import Error Message

On Tuesday, October 4, 2005 from approximately 4:20 p.m. to 10:15 a.m. Wednesday October 5, 2005 (EST), an issue involving one of the write services to the NFIRS On-line database caused errors upon incident import. Users who imported files from 4:20 p.m. Tuesday, October 4, 2005 through 10:15 a.m. Wednesday October 5, 2005 (EST) should review their import log file for this error:

Interruption of Write Service
Unable to import incident 12345:TR:09/01/2005:0000001:0 due to an error that occurred while saving incident data: Io exception: Broken pipe (Database SQL Error).

To ensure import data was saved to the On-line database, a re-import of the file is recommended, with Overwrite Existing Incidents specified.

Please do not reply to this email. Send questions or comments to:

This information was posted on October 5, 2005.

To All NFIRS 5.0 Web-based Bulk Export Utility Users:
NFIRS 5.0 Bulk Export Utility Files and Arson Records

An issue has been identified where the Arson records (transaction record types 1900, 1910, 1920) within incidents were not being included in the Bulk Export file. The data in the NFIRS National Database was not affected by the issue, only the user’s Bulk Export data file. The issue was identified and addressed on Thursday June 30, 2005.

Bulk Export files that were generated between Monday October 18, 2004 and Thursday June 30, 2005 should be generated again in order to include the missing records that comprise the Arson module if they exist in an incident. Upon import of the file, please ensure that the "Overwrite Existing " option is specified.

Questions may be directed to:

This information was posted July 5, 2005

USFA NFIRS 5.0 Client Software Version 5.3.4

The USFA NFIRS 5.0 client software version 5.3.4 is available for download. After successful login to the NFIRS 5.0 Users Section, click on the sidebar link: Download Software to locate the software executables.

Users with the previous Version 5.3.3 or 5.3.2 installed can update to Version 5.3.4 automatically upon opening the client software in the On-line mode. Users with previous version 5.3.1 or earlier will download the full executable file to install the software on their PC.

No edit or rule changes have been made in Version 5.3.4 in accordance with the NFIRS Specification cycle. The readme.txt file for Version 5.3.4 is posted on the User Section home page: for users to review instructions and changes made in the version 5.3.4 prior to installation.

This information was posted on May 24, 2005

NFIRS 5.0 On-line System Maintenance Window, and Update for USFA Client Software

To All NFIRS 5.0 On-line System Users:

The NFIRS 5.0 On-line system will be unavailable on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 9:00 a.m. (EST) for system maintenance.

An email notice will be sent to all users when the system becomes available, and a notice will be posted on this page.

To All USFA NFIRS 5.0 Client Software Users:

Following the system maintenance window on May 24, 2005, an update for the USFA NFIRS 5.0 client software will be made available. No rules or edits changes are included in the release in accordance with the January 2005 Specification Cycle.

Among the enhancements and fixes included in the USFA NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3.4 Update are:

  • The Forms Based Incident Report (FBIR) will generate the Apparatus/ Personnel module, if it exists with the incident.
  • The capability to print all modules in an FBIR with a single print command has been added.
  • To enhance performance and error logging, the Once Valid/Always Valid check will be performed only if the incident is invalid status and the Overwrite Existing condition is specified.
  • Enhanced retry logic and error logging when a user's connection fails or is disrupted after an import has been initiated.

USFA Software users running version 5.3.3 will be able to obtain the Version 5.3.4 Update automatically.

On-line users: upon logging in to the Data Entry Tool in the On-line mode, users will receive a prompt that a newer version exists, and may automatically obtain the Version 5.3.4 Update.

Off-line users must change configuration to On-line mode, then open the Data Entry Tool and follow the prompt to obtain the newer version. When the Version 5.3.4 has been installed, change to Off-line mode and perform User Injection.

Complete instructions for new users and users of previous versions will be posted on the NFIRS 5.0 Download Software page, available after login at:

This information was posted on May 16, 2005

To All NFIRS 5.0 Summary Output Reports Tool Users:

Occasionally the Summary Output Reports Tool (Web-based Reports) upon user login displays the eActuate login screen, preventing users from accessing the reports' interface. To address this issue, a process will be implemented to restart the web-based reports service each night at approximately 0400 (EST). The restart will take approximately 10 minutes.

If upon login to the Summary Output Reports Tool, the login screen for eActuate is displayed, please report the issue immediately to the NFIRS Support Center.

Posted on May 10, 2005

To All USFA Software Users: Latest Version of USFA Software

The new NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3.3 is available for download. After successful login to the NFIRS 5.0 Users Section, The software executables are located on the page named: Download Software.

Users with the previous Version 5.3.2 installed can update to Version 5.3.3 automatically upon opening the client software in the On-line mode. Users with no previous version or versions earlier than 5.3.2 will download the full executable file to install the software on their PC.

The local database options remain the same for this release. Options include: Microsoft Access 97, Access 2000, Access 2002, Visual FoxPro 6.0, Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, or SQL Server 2000. The readme.txt file for Version 5.3.3 will be posted at the time of the release on the User Section home page: so users may review instructions and changes made in the version 5.3.3 prior to installation.

This notice was posted on January 17, 2005

To All NFIRS 5.0 USFA Software Users:
Two Corrections Made to Relational Edits Operation in the NFIRS On-line System

An issue was reported where the Location type: Directions was requiring the Street or Highway entry and not the Cross Street and Directions field. This issue has been identified and addressed in the On-line system.

The rule that was affected by the issue is Relational Edit 161, which has not changed in the 2004 or 2005 specification cycle. Relational Edit 161 states:

"If the "Directions" location type is checked then the Street Name field is not required and the "Cross Street or Directions" field is required."

A critical error referencing Human Factors was being generated for some Exposure incidents. The rule that was affected by the issue is Relational Edit 58, which has not changed in the 2004 or 2005 specification cycle. Relational Edit 58 states:

If Exposure Number > zero (0) this element [Human Factors] is not available.

This issue has been identified and addressed in the On-line system.

Users who imported files and found critical errors in the .err file referencing these conditions should re-import the file with Overwrite Existing Incidents specified.

Off-line Users should perform User Injection or Remote Synch to obtain the corrected 2005 edits for the Off-line database.

This notice was posted on January 04, 2005

To All NFIRS 5.0 State Program Managers and Users:
Important Information on NFIRS 5.0 Specification Release for January 2005

In accordance with the NFIRS 5.0 Specification Cycle, the rules and edits included in the January 2005 cycle will be implemented in the On-line system by midnight, December 31, 2004 to meet the January 1, 2005 implementation date. Files imported after the implementation date will be validated under the January 2005 rules and edits.

The release of the USFA Client Software Version 5.3.3 is tentatively scheduled for the week of January 17, 2005. A Vendor Validation Tool that will encompass the January 2005 rules and edits will be released at the same time.

Until the software release, USFA software users may continue to use the previous client software Version 5.3.2. Vendors who wish to test rules and edits in their flat files may apply the testing Update to the Vendor Validation Tool Version 4.08. The testing Update is available in the Vendor section of the NFIRS web site.

Among the changes included in the NFIRS 5.0 2005 Specification cycle are:

  • Fire Module: Factors Contributing to Ignition becomes a required field.
  • Fire Module: Human Factors Contributing to Ignition becomes a required field. For Human Factors, at least one entry (including "None") is required.
  • Fire Service Casualty module: Severity becomes a required field.
  • Several 4.1 conversion rules have been corrected or further defined to support more accurate data analysis.

These changes will be implemented in the live system on January 1, 2005, but not available to USFA software users until after the new version 5.3.3 is released:

  • Basic Module: A new Location Type will be available: 7 - US National Grid.
  • New relational edit: If the "US National Grid" Location Type is specified, then the Street Name field is not required and the "Cross Street or Directions" field is required.
  • A new state code: NA, Native American Tribal Authority, will be added.

A complete list of changes is posted on the NFIRS 5.0 Design Documentation page in the January 2005 Specification Changes and Corrections Log.

USFA Client Software: On-line Users

The USFA NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3.3 software executable will be posted for users to download and install if they do not have previous version 5.3.2 on their PC.

Users with previous versions 5.3.2, 5.3.1, or 5.3 of the USFA NFIRS client software on the PC will be prompted upon login that a newer version exists. The auto-update feature may be used to download the necessary files to upgrade to version NFIRS 5.3.3.

Off-line Users

The same local database options will be available in Version 5.3.3 as were offered in Version 5.3.2: Access 97, Access 2000, Access 2002 (Access XP), MS Foxpro 6.0, MS SQL Server 7.0 and MS SQL Server 2000. The local database program of choice must be installed on the PC prior to installation of the USFA NFIRS 5.0 Software Version 5.3.3.

Steps to set up and use the local database are included in the readme.txt file, the Data Entry Tool User’s Guide and Configuration Tool User’s Guide, all available on the NFIRS 5.0 web site. An Internet connection is necessary to complete the User Injection, which is necessary for local database setup.

This notice was posted on December 28, 2004

NFIRS 5.0 On-line System Maintenance Window: Monday, December 13, 2004
and Web Site Revision

The NFIRS 5.0 On-line System will be unavailable on Monday, December 13, 2004 from approximately 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST) while a hardware upgrade is performed and the NFIRS 5.0 web site design is updated.

Users should be logged off the system prior to 8:00 a.m. (EST). Users should remain off the system until the message is posted on the NFIRS 5.0 Home Page ( ) that system services are available, or until the email notification which is sent to Registered, Active status users is received.

The new NFIRS 5.0 web site design will feature sections for System Information, NFIRS 5.0 Design Documentation, Users, and Vendors, Sections for the NFIRS Support Center (NSC) and NFIRS Training Information will link directly to the USFA web site pages containing these topics. A section for Web-based Tools will provide access to The Bulk Import Utility (BIU), Bulk Export Utility (BEU), and the initial functions of the web-based System Admin Tool. Access to the BEU and the System Administrator Tool are being released with a phased approach.

Complete information about the web-based Tools will be posted on the NFIRS web-site.

This notice was posted on December 6, 2004

To All NFIRS 5.0 State Program Managers and Users:
Web-based Structure Fire Cause Reports Available

The new web-based Structure Fire Cause and Residential Structure Fire Cause reports are now available after successful login to the NFIRS 5.0 Summary Output Reports Tool. These reports are designed specifically to show the frequency of the Fire Cause and Priority Cause codes assigned to structure fire incidents in the National database according to the USFA fire cause methodology. The Fire Cause Methodology Matrix is posted on the NFIRS 5.0 Design Documentation page.

The methodology consists of a set of hierarchical sorting rules based primarily on the Ignition Cause and Factors, Equipment Involved in Ignition, and Heat Source, and Exposure Number to create a hierarchical sorting of all fires into 35 priority (hierarchical) cause codes. These priority cause codes are then regrouped into 12 major cause categories plus a residual unknown-cause group. This framework has proved enormously useful to analysts over the years and is continued under NFIRS version 5.0.

At this time, the cause codes are assigned to applicable incidents in the National Database via a script run each night at approximately 3:30 a.m. (EST). When generating the report, it is not necessary to specify ad hoc filters for the fire Incident Types or residential Property Uses.

The two reports should be generated with Valid incidents only to ensure the incidents included in the report contained the factors necessary for accurate cause code assignment.

This notice was posted on posted November 3, 2004

To All NFIRS 5.0 USFA Client Software Users:
The release of NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3.2 is now available.

On-line users with Version 5.3.1 installed: Upon login to the Data Entry Tool Version 5.3.1, the user will be prompted that a newer version exists. Proceed to download the Update 5.3.2. The update will be automatically applied.

Proxy Server users: the Update file (approximately 1.8 MB) must be manually downloaded. The Update file and steps to follow are posted on the NFIRS 5.0 Download Software page.

Version 5.3.1 Off-line users must change to the On-line mode using the Configuration Tool's Advanced Tab. Establish an Internet connection if one does not exist, and upon logging into the Data Entry Tool in the On-line mode, the user will be prompted that a newer version exists. Proceed to download the Update 5.3.2. The update will be automatically applied. Change the Configuration to Off-line and perform Remote Synch.

If the message indicates the Update failed, manually download and install the Update.

Users with Version 5.3: The Version 5.3.2 Update file (approximately 1.8 MB) must be manually downloaded. Steps are provided on the Downloaded Software page.

Users with previous version 5.2.3 and new users must download and install the complete NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3.2, available on the Download Software page.

This release resolves the sorting issue for 4.1 master files processed by the Data Entry Tool's Validation and Conversion Tool. No rules or edit changes have been made in Version 5.3.2

This notice was posted on June 28, 2004

To All NFIRS 5.0 Bulk Import Utility Users:

A change will be made Friday March 26, 2004 with the method of returning the import result log files to Bulk Import Utility users. Files uploaded after 0700 (EST) March 26, 2004 will be subject to the new procedure to retrieve log files.

This change is being made in response to email servers that strip zip file attachments due to increased email virus activity. The Bulk Import Utility will no longer email the log files to the user as an attachment. When the import processing is complete, the user will receive an email notification that their log files are available for download from the Bulk Import Utility web site. The user will download a single file which contains the results for all files uploaded in a session.

The new method of receiving log files is outlined as follows: When the email message is sent to the Bulk Import Utility user notifying them the processing has been performed, the email will contain a URL. The user will click on the URL which will take the user to the Bulk Import Utility Login page. The user will enter their login information and their account will be authenticated. A file download box will be displayed. The user must specify to save the file to the computer. The filename will include a long, numeric identifier, as in the past. The zipped file will be downloaded and saved to the PC. To extract and review the files, the Winzip program is necessary.

For complete information, refer to the Bulk Import Utility Info page or the Steps to Use the Bulk Import Utility document, available after login to the Bulk Import Utility web site. This information will be updated and posted on March 26, 2004 at approximately 0700 (EST), after the new procedure has been implemented.

This notice was posted on March 25, 2004

To All USFA NFIRS 5.0 Software Users:
Necessary Update for USFA NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3 Software

To address two main issues found with the NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3 software, a necessary update has been posted today, Thursday, February 12, 2004 on the NFIRS 5.0 Download Software page.

The Update, NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3.1, addresses the improper naming and saving of the .pdf version of an incident, officially known as the Forms Based Incident Report (FBIR), and the session time out.

While not all users have experienced these issues, the NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3.1 Update must be applied regardless of whether the user encountered these issues.

Users who have already downloaded and installed NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3:

The Version 5.3.1 Update requires downloading and saving the new NFIRS.jar file to the existing USFA software NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3 installation.

Follow step by step instructions on the NFIRS Download Software page.

Users who have not already downloaded and installed NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3:

Users who have not downloaded the Version 5.3 will obtain the necessary update when they download and install the full NFIRS 5.0 Version 5.3.1 software, posted on the NFIRS Download Software page.

Installation and local database setup of software version 5.3.1 is described in the Version 5.3.1 Readme.txt file. The Data Entry Tool User Guide, Configuration Tool Users Guide will be updated at a later date to reflect the Version 5.3.1 numbering.

No rule or code changes have been made in version 5.3.1.

To access the NFIRS 5.0 Download Software page, after successful login to the NFIRS 5.0 User Login Page, click on the Download Software link in the sidebar. Complete steps are listed for the Update.

This notice was posted on February 12, 2004

To All NFIRS 5.0 Users - Important Correction made to Complete Reference Guide

A error was identified on page 8-3 of the Complete Reference Guide (CRG) posted on December 23, 2003. On that page, the list of valid Incident Types for completing an EMS module is missing the Incident Types 311 and 321-323. The corrected sentence is: "If used, the EMS module is only allowed for Incident Types: 100-243, 311, 321-323, 351-381, 400-431, 451, 900".

For Users who have already downloaded and printed the Complete Reference Guide:

The corrected page 8-3 in PDF format has been posted on the NFIRS 5.0 Reference Guide web page Notice's section. This single PDF page can be downloaded and used to replace the incorrect page in the printed manual.

The Complete Reference Guide has been updated to contain this correction and has posted on the Reference Guide page.

This notice was posted January 23, 2004

To All NFIRS 5.0 State Program Managers and Users:
Important Information on USFA Software Release for January 2004

Changes to be made at the time of the January 2004 release are described below to assist users plan their upgrade to the USFA NFIRS 5.0 Client software Version 5.3.0. While some of the corrections and enhancements are transparent to users, it will be necessary for both Off-line and On-Line users to upgrade to the new version at the time of the release, or before submitting data to the NFIRS National Database after the release has been implemented.

In accordance with the NFIRS 5.0 Specification Cycle, the rules and edits included in the January 2004 cycle will be implemented in the On-line system by midnight, December 31, 2003 to meet the January 1, 2004 implementation date. The USFA Client Software Version 5.3.0 release is scheduled for January 13, 2004.

When released, the new version enhancements will further support data transfer security and simplify configuration for On-line users behind a firewall and proxy server. Enhancements also support future incident reporting capability for more web-based utilities.

Among the changes included in the USFA software new Version 5.3 are:

  • Age fields have been reviewed for proper handling of decimals, where applicable, and have been corrected accordingly.
  • The Wildland Module's Latitude /Longitude field will handle three digits to the left of the decimal and two digits to the right. The Township field has been expanded to handle three digits to the left of the decimal.
  • The new federal standard for Race and Ethnicity codes will be available for the Race and Ethnicity fields.
  • The Apparatus/Personnel Module's Last Unit Cleared Time will be no longer be required to precede or equal the Last Unit Cleared Time on the Basic Module.
  • Several 4.1 conversion rules have been corrected or further defined to support more accurate data analysis.

Changes to the USFA Client Software Suite:

  • The default mode of the USFA Software will be On-line access mode.
  • Removal of the Program Administration Tool. Users who need to create Plus One Codes, Special Studies and their codes, or modify the Field Level Permissions will use the System Admin Tool and must have the System Admin and the Program Admin permissions assigned to their account by their State Program Manager.
  • Removal of the Data Entry Tool's On-line Reporting Tool. Users who wish to use the Summary Output Reports Tool (Web-based Reports) must have the four reporting permissions assigned by their State Program Manager.

The System Administration Tool User's Guide will contain updated information.

Off-line Users

The same local database options will be available in Version 5.3.0 as were offered in Version 5.2.3: Access 97, Access 2000, Access 2002 (Access XP), MS Foxpro 6.0, MS SQL Server 7.0 and MS SQL Server 2000. The local database program of choice must be installed on the PC prior to installation of the USFA NFIRS 5.0 Software Version 5.3.0.

Off-line Users, Previous Version

Changes that will be implemented in the NFIRS 5.0 National database schema will require an automatic database translation to occur upon Off-line login to a local database from a previous version. Upon Off-line login, if the software detects a schema change is necessary, the user will be prompted that the database translation is necessary, and is being performed automatically. This translation ensures the structure of the local database is consistent with the National database schema.

The Off-line database translation will be necessary for existing Off-line databases before sending data to the National Database once the new Version has been implemented in the On-line system.

A backup copy of the existing Off-line database should be made prior to download of the NFIRS 5.0 version 5.3.0 software. Steps for Off-line database setup will be included in the readme.txt file, the Data Entry Tool User's Guide and Configuration Tool User's Guide.

On-line Users

In addition to enhancements and changes listed above, several changes will be made to the components of the NFIRS 5.0 system which will enhance On-line use of the USFA Client software and further support security issues. As a result of the changes, firewall and proxy server users will not have to specify a specific port for incoming NFIRS traffic.

The planned date of the January release is January 13, 2004. An auto-update feature will prompt users to download the new software upon login, if a previous version is detected.

Monitor this page and email for updates and further information on the release of the new USFA Software Version 5.3.0

This notice was posted on December 30, 2003

To All NFIRS 5.0 Users:

Updated NFIRS 5.0 Complete Reference Guide

A newly revised version of the NFIRS 5.0 Complete Reference Guide (variously known as the CRG, the NFIRS 5.0 Handbook or the NFIRS 5.0 Users Manual) is now available on the NFIRS Reference Guide web page for download.

The revised CRG is consistent in content with the January 2004 Specification Release Cycle and is intended for use by NFIRS users beginning January 1, 2004.

This version of the document supercedes all previous versions. Those using older versions of the NFIRS 5.0 Handbook or draft versions of the CRG should replace them with the January 2004 CRG version as many changes and corrections have been made in the revised guide.

This notice was posted on December 23, 2003

To All NFIRS 5.0 Vendors:

Cause Categories Methodology Matrix

There were two errors found in the Cause Category Methodolgy Matrix spreadsheet. The document has been corrected and posted. The following are the two corrections.

Change #1

Equipment Involved In Ignition code 600 was moved to the Priority Cause Code 15 (Appliances), Cause Code 07 (Appliances) row, which is matrix row #16. It was previously in the Priority Cause Code 13 (Air Conditioning), Cause Code 07 (Appliances) row (matrix row #14).

Change #2

Equipment Involved In Ignition code 700 was missing from the matrix. It has been added in the matrix hierarchy to the Priority Cause Code 16 (Special Equipment), Cause Code 10 (Other Equipment) row (matrix row #18).

This notice was posted on December 23, 2003

To All NFIRS 5.0 Vendors:

Cause Categories Methodology Matrix

The USFA fire cause methodology consists of using a set of hierarchical sorting rules based primarily on the Ignition Cause and Factors, Equipment Involved in Ignition, and Heat Source (plus Exposure Number) to create a hierarchical sorting of all fires into 35 priority (hierarchical) cause codes. These priority cause codes are then regrouped into 12 major cause categories plus a residual unknown-cause group. This framework has proved enormously useful to analysts over the years and is continued under NFIRS version 5.0.

Fires are assigned to a cause category based on a set of rules. Fires that do not meet the criteria are then available for cause assignment from the next rule. Anything left at the end is declared "Unknown". These hierarchical groups are then grouped together to form the 13 major cause groups that fire analysts currently use.

A table containing the new hierarchical grouping rules is available by clicking the following url: NFIRS 5.0 Design Documentation page.

Note: As was the cause in previous versions, these cause category groupings are intended for use with structure fires only. They will not accurately portray causes for Outside or Vehicle fires and they were not designed for that purpose.

This notice was posted on December 16, 2003

OMB Required Changes to NFIRS Race and Ethnicity Codes

The Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs stated in its revision of "Statistical Policy Directive No. 15, Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting" that "new standards will be used by the Bureau of the Census in the 2000 decennial census. Other Federal programs should adopt the standards as soon as possible, but not later than January 1, 2003, for use in household surveys, administrative forms and records, and other data collections."

Because of the United States Fire Administration (USFA) commitment to a set cycle of system updates, USFA has been granted an extension in order to adopt the new standard within NFIRS during the next scheduled change cycle release.

To that end, in order to comply with the new federal standard as directed by OMB, the United States Fire Administration will revise the NFIRS Race and Ethnicity fields' codes during the next specification change cycle scheduled for release on January 1, 2004. The code changes to be implemented at that time are as follows:

1 White
2 Black or African American
3 American Indian or Alaska Native
4 Asian
5 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
0 Other, Includes multi-racial U Undetermined
1 Hispanic or Latino
0 Not Hispanic or Latino

This notice was posted on April 14, 2003

To All NFIRS 5.0 Users
Self-study Version of the National Fire Incident Report System
(NFIRS) Training

A self-study version of the National Fire Incident Report System (NFIRS) training is now available on the United States Fire Administration's website. The course material, which is based on materials from the two-day NFIRS training can be downloaded from the following url:

This training program is geared to allow the student to proceed at his or her own pace.

Upon completion of the course, students may take an online test to earn a National Fire Academy Certificate of Training.

This notice was posted on March 21, 2003

To all NFIRS 5.0 Online System Users

Automatic User Account Deactivation Information

To meet FEMA security requirements for protection of application and information access, the release of the NFIRS 5.0 version 5.2.1 included a daily user account Last Login check and automatic user account deactivation for those accounts that have not been accessed for at least 60 days.

Logins are recorded in the NFIRS On-line National database three ways:

  • when the On-line user successfully logs in to the USFA client software (Data Entry Tool, System Admin Tool)
  • when the Off-line user logs in successfully performs User Injection/Remote Synchronization
  • upon successful login to the NFIRS User Login or Bulk Import Utility login, or future Web Based Reporting login.

If a user has not logged in one of these three ways for 60 days, their account will be automatically deactivated.

When the account status is reset, the user must login before the next 0430 (EST) hour.

This notice was posted on December 6, 2002

New Schedule for Changes to
The National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Design Specification

The United States Fire Administration's National Fire Data Center (NFDC) will be adopting a new schedule for changes to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) design specification. The current bi-annual change schedule will be modified in favor of a schedule that will allow for changes on an annual basis. The new schedule will better align with the calendar year data collection cycle adopted by most states and is a direct result of a resolution passed by the National Fire Information Council's (NFIC) general membership at their Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 21, 2002.

The resolution passed by NFIC reads as follows:

"To recommend to the US Fire Administration a one-year cycle for any changes to the NFIRS system. Additionally:

  • The annual changes would correspond with the calendar year (would be effective on January 1 of any given year); and
  • The change process would be managed so that everyone affected would have the changes prior to their effective date (to allow time for them to be incorporated into software.
  • The adopted resolution also requested that the USFA implement a means to ensure that incidents that have been validated by the federal client tool would remain valid regardless of subsequent changes in the rules."

Changes to the NFIRS specifications will now be released on the first business day in September of each year with those changes taking effect on January 1. This schedule will give vendors three (3) months to make the necessary changes and distribute software updates. The next scheduled release for changes to the NFIRS specifications will be September 3, 2003. These changes will be implemented on January 1, 2004.

The NFDC will also be working to find the best technical solution to accommodate the request that incidents that have been validated by the federal client tool would remain valid regardless of subsequent changes in the rules.

This notice was posted on November 22, 2002

To All NFIRS 5.0 State Program Managers, Users and Vendors:
Release of the New NFIRS 5.0 Bulk Import Utility

The new, web-based Bulk Import Utility enables the automation of fire department and incident data processing at the National Database without using the USFA NFIRS 5.0 client software. Data files created by the USFA NFIRS 5.0 software as well as data files created by Active Vendors' software can be placed on the server one at a time or in a batch mode for processing and import to the National Database. A basic, daily report which lists the state's Bulk Import Incident Acivity for a specified date is also available on the Bulk Import web page area.

A phased implementation of the Bulk Import Utility has begun with two states currently having access to it. State Program Managers who wish to be scheduled for Bulk Import access can contact the NFIRS Service Center. Fire Department level users must contact their State Program Manager for more information on how the Bulk Import Utility will be implemented in their state.

These system requirements are necessary to use the Bulk Import Utility:

  • Internet Explorer Version 5.5 or higher or Netscape Communicator Version 4.7 or higher.
  • The PC must have frames enabled.
  • The PC must have non-persistent cookies (session cookies) enabled. This practice meets FEMA guidelines as stated in the CIO Guidance Memorandum 01-02.
  • Email account to receive the import log file results.
  • Winzip is necessary on the PC for extracting returned log files. To obtain a trial version of WinZip at no cost, go to:
  • Minimum modem speed: 28.8 kbps or better

The Bulk Import user will need an activated NFIRS user account assigned the Bulk Import permission. The Bulk Import permission can be added to an existing user account by the user's State Program Manager or System Administrator. Users without an NFIRS 5.0 user account must contact their state.

Complete information is provided to NFIRS 5.0 State Program Managers upon inquiry.

This notice was posted on June 28 , 2002

To All NFIRS 5.0 State Program Managers, Users and Vendors

A regularly scheduled maintenance window is planned for each first Monday of the month, at 0600 hrs (EST) to 0800 hrs (EST).

A list message will be sent to all registered NFIRS 5.0 users a few days prior to the planned maintenance window to confirm the date and time.

This notice was posted on April 18 , 2002

Updated Coding Questions and Answers Guide

The NFIRS 5.0 Coding Guide has been updated and posted on the NFIRS 5.0 Reference Guide page. This guide provides coding information for reporting NFIRS 5.0 incidents in a question and answer format.

The Coding Questions Guide is available in PDF file format and requires Acrobat Reader.

This notice was posted on January 30, 2002

Vendor Software Development Procedures

The United States Fire Administration (USFA) will no longer certify vendor transaction files for the NFIRS 5.0. The USFA will instead maintain a list of fire software vendors that have registered with the USFA to obtain NFIRS 5.0 development materials and the vendor validation tool. We will also maintain vendors' readiness status' on a list based on their reports to us on their status.

The new procedure has 5 steps:

  1. Vendors will register their company/organization and their software to receive a vendor ID and a software ID. This step is the same as in the previous certification procedure. All transaction files processed at the national level are required to have these two IDs embedded in the transaction file as specified in the design documentation.
  2. Vendors will be requested to develop software using the NFIRS 5.0 design documentation and then test their output transaction files using the validation tool the USFA provides for those purposes. NFIRS design documentation and other information may be downloaded from the Design Documentation page at The Validation Tool can be downloaded after successful login (using the credentials entered during registration) at the Vendor Login.
  3. Vendors are requested to notify USFA when their product development is completed and tested to be compatible with the national NFIRS 5.0 database standard.
  4. Vendors who have notified USFA in step 3 above will be marked as "active" vendors on Active Vendor list. This new status will supercede the previous two status categories of ''conditionally certified" and "fully certified".
  5. Fire Departments and states may use the USFA maintained list of vendors as a resource when shopping for a software product.

Because the USFA will no longer nationally certify vendor's NFIRS 5.0 transaction file formats, it will be extremely important for state agencies, fire departments and vendors to continue monitoring data quality issues.

State agencies are the authority for state reporting compliance. Issues with NFIRS vendor files should be addressed by the fire department, the vendor and the state involved. The USFA will continue to act as a resource for states to identify data problems at the national level.

Vendors should retest their software after software revisions or version changes.

In order to maintain a uniform National reporting standard:

  • Fire departments should make sure they have the most current version of the vendor software installed.
  • States and fire departments need to ensure that their vendor's data files remain compatible with the national system.

Vendors testing their files using the Vendor Validation Tool should review the log files that are generated by the program for validation errors and/or rejected transaction information. The files generated are:

Output file (filename.out)
Log file of exported records (filename.log)
Validation error file (filename.err)
Rejected transactions file (filename.bad)>

This notice was posted on June 28, 2001



For those states that are considering using 3rd party vendor software at the state level, the following guidelines and information should be considered before purchasing a product:

No specifications are currently documented for NFIRS 5.0 state level software specifically. There are some functions beyond those contained in the USFA Data Entry Tool that should also be included in state level NFIRS 5.0 software. Beyond these functions, all states should be aware that all conversions of NFIRS 4.1 to 5.0 data MUST be done using the USFA conversion tool. States opting for 3rd party software at the state level will also, at a minimum, need to use the USFA data conversion tool at the state level if they wish to convert and merge NFIRS 4.1 and 5.0 data in a single state level database.

Some of the functions that vendor state level software should include are:

  • Individual Field Security: Software should be able to configure sensitive data fields for transmission to and from the department, state and federal levels.
  • State Plus One Codes: State software should be able to define and configure state level plus one codes and accept them from departments.
  • State Special Studies: State software should be able to define and configure state wide special studies fields.
  • State Defined Fields: State software should be able to accommodate additional state defined and collected fields.
  • State Level Edits: State software should be able to define edits more rigid than the national standard that do not conflict with the NFIRS 5.0 standard edits.
  • Standard File Export: State software should be able to produce a standard NFIRS 5.0 compatible transaction file containing data from all participating state departments.
  • Standard Reporting: State level NFIRS reports should follow standard NFIRS incident and casualty count rules.

In addition to the above functionality, the following points should be noted and considered by state NFIRS program managers:

  • NFIRS 5.0 Files sent to USFA from state vendor software are considered "released" data.
  • Data contained in vendor software generated files sent to the USFA is considered "non sensitive" data.
  • Using vendor state software means a state can not participate in national level special studies.
  • Using vendor state software means a state can not participate in the national level use of plus one codes.

Finally, it should be noted that those using state level vendor software may opt not to include the functionality for field security, additional edits, plus one codes, special studies or state defined fields listed above without any impact at all beyond that felt at the state level.

National Fire Data Center
United States Fire Administration
Federal Emergency Management Agency

This notice was posted on June 6, 2000


USFA has discovered that some transactions are being sent up to states from fire departments that were converted by vendors from 4.1 to 5.0. Vendors should not send 4.1 to 5.0 converted data to the state or the federal level.

USFA has been advising vendors that they should not send converted records to the state, but instead just keep vendor converted records locally. The rule on this is for the department to send the incident (s) to the state in the format that it was originally reported. The NFIRS 4.1 to 5.0 conversion will be made at the state or the federal levels using the USFA conversion tool.

Why? The USFA software does not edit converted 4.1 to 5.0 data by 5.0 rules. When it converts records they are first edited by 4.1 rules and then converted. Also, 4.1 converted records are flagged as "converted" records by our software and treated as a special case. One reason for this is because it carries forward the 4.1 specific fields that were dropped in NFIRS 5.0. Another is that it uses the "conversion codes" for the converted 4.1 incidents only. In addition, it handles change transaction conversions in a special way.

That is why USFA is asking vendors to not send converted records up to the state or to USFA since USFA would have no way of flagging them and we would lose the 4.1 specific fields that are carried forward in the conversion. USFA asks that all vendors and states be aware of this issue. It is a potential data quality nightmare if vendors send up converted data based on their own interpretations of how it should be done.

National Fire Data Center
United States Fire Administration
Federal Emergency Management Agency

This notice was posted on October 14, 1999