Map Viewer Help


The Map Viewer displays the map. Below the header there are four parts: File, Map Size, Navigation Tools, and Quick Zoom Steps.


Map Viewer
The Advanced Map Viewer allows the user to view base map data, DFIRM data, hazards data, imagery, and to access available metadata information on the map layers displayed on the map. In addition, the user can go to an area of interest by using the Geocoder.
File Buttons
The File section contains four buttons: Load Map from a file, Save Map to File, Save Temporary Location, and Print Single Map. The Load Map from a file button allows the user to open a .WMC (Web Map Context) file. The Save Map to File button allows the user to save the map to a .WMC file. The Save Temporary Location button allows the user to save a selected view of the map. View the saved location by selecting the saved location in the Zoom to dropdown in the Geocoder. The Print Single Map button allows the user to print the current map being viewed to a PDF file.
Navigation Buttons
The Navigation Tools include the functions Zoom In, Zoom Out, Pan, Zoom to initial extent, and Identify visible layers. These tools are used by clicking on the icon and then clicking on the map. Zoom In allows you to view a smaller area in greater detail. Click and hold down your left mouse button. Drag a box over a location of interest on the map and release the button. Zoom Out allows you to view a larger area in less detail. Click and hold down your left mouse button. Drag a box over a location of interest on the map and release the button. Pan allows you to re-center the current map. Click and hold down your left mouse button while "dragging" the image in the direction you want to go. Release the button when finished to view the newly re-centered location. Zoom to Initial Extent creates a view of the initial, full extent of the map. Identify allows you to enable the Identify function, then click on a location within the map. A table of attributes describing the active feature layers displays in the legend identify tab.
Quick Zoom
Quick Zoom steps allow the user to zoom to preset zoom extents of the map. Next to Quick Zoom Steps are three small buttons (US48, AK, HI). US48 is a quick zoom to the 48 United States. AK is a quick zoom to Alaska. HI is a quick zoom to Hawaii.
Size Buttons
The Map Size buttons allow the user to view a large or small map. Clicking on the smaller vertical arrowed square will display the small map while clicking on the larger horizontal arrowed square will display the large map.
DFIRM View Button
Clicking on the DFIRM View Button will turn off preliminary layers (Q3 and preliminary DFIRM data) displaying only approved DFIRM data.
Can't see a layer or labels?
Some map layers and feature labels will not be visible at certain extents or scales. For example, the zip code layer may be turned on but not visible. This happens because the zip code layer doesn't display until the user is zoomed in to a 1:200,000 scale or larger (a smaller area). To view these scale-dependent layers, continue to zoom in until they appear in the map. Make sure that each desired map layer is checked in the legend and that the Refresh Map Button is clicked.