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User Section

The Users' section provides information, registration, software and its user guides specific to the USFA NFIRS 5.0 software.

New Users

Users requesting a login username and password must register for the NFIRS 5.0 software. Your state must be participating in the National Fire Incident Reporting System. If you are unsure if your state is participating or when NFIRS will be adopted in your state, contact your State NFIRS Program Manager. If you are unsure of who your State NFIRS Program Manager is, contact the National Fire Information Council member for your state. A list of members can be accessed at the NFIC web site's Membership List. Once you have registered, your System Administrator will activate your account and you will be notified your account has been activated.

To register for NFIRS 5.0 Software, proceed to User Registration.

Registered Users

Proceed to the User Login if you have already registered and have been activated.

To access and use the web-based Bulk Import Utility and the web-based Summary Output Reports Tool, specific permissions must be assigned to your NFIRS account. Contact your State Program Manager for information on using these tools.

USFA Software Resources