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Reporting and analysis from ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent and "This Week" Host George Stephanopoulos

George Stephanopoulos reports on events in politics, Congress and the White House for ABCNews, on the air and online. He interviews top newsmakers, discusses the events of the week and looks to the week ahead each Sunday on 'This Week.'

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Israeli President: No Ceasefire

January 04, 2009 9:56 AM

In an exclusive interview on "This Week" Israeli President Shimon Peres rejected international calls for a ceasefire between Hamas and Israeli forces which have launched an assault on Gaza.

"The idea that Hamas will continue to fire and we will declare a does not make any sense," Peres told me on "This Week."

Heavy fighting continues today after thousands of Israeli ground troops moved into Gaza last night.

Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed and thousands wounded since airstrikes began last week. But that has not stopped Hamas from firing rockets into Israel killing four and injuring other Israelis.

Hamas vowed today to make Gaza a "graveyard" for Israeli forces.

"They did things that are unreasonable," he said of Hamas. "They are shooting endlessly without reason or purpose."

Peres added, "They are now beginning to feel the weight of their mistakes."  But the Israeli president said the government of Israel has no intention of occupying Gaza.

"We don’t intend to occupy Gaza or crush Hamas but crush terror," Peres said, "Hamas needs a real and serious lesson. They are now getting it."

Peres argued that Hamas began an assault on Israelis on orders from Iran. "When they stop shooting we will leave," he said.

"We have by law and by reason to defend our people and nobody else has suggested to do it otherwise."

--George Stephanopoulos

January 4, 2009 in This Week with George Stephanopoulos | Permalink | User Comments (22)


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"No Ceasefire" can be take two ways:

1. The Israeli prez is saying that he realizes that Hamas will not cease fire, and/or

2. The Israeli prez reiterates that Israel will not cease fire.

Posted by: Mr. Incredible | Jan 4, 2009 10:27:40 AM

During a massive aerial strike and then ground offensive, Hamas is is expected to simply stop firing their primitive rockets and cease martyrdom? Most of us in the context of a violent break in of our homes would defend it, or be happy to let someone else fire back. It's nothing more than a stated pretext for a continued Israeli response which is clearly disproportionate. As far as Iran being connected to the Hamas firings, those claims are yet to be proved. During the Iraq war, Iran's involvement with the insurgency was minimal compared to Saudi Arabia's. If Iran were involved significantly, I would think Hamas would have far better equipment than unguided rockets which can't hit designated targets.

Posted by: kat | Jan 4, 2009 11:08:40 AM

==During a massive aerial strike and then ground offensive, Hamas is is expected to simply stop firing their primitive rockets and cease martyrdom?==

Hamas started it by announcing they would break the truce, then by firing the rockets. There's no martyrdom in that.

== ...a continued Israeli response which is clearly disproportionate.==

I don't care. A "clearly disproportionate response" is what all wish for to fight terrorism. We're not interested in balancing a response to terrorism. We wanna beat terrorism, not compromise with it.

== As far as Iran being connected to the Hamas firings, those claims are yet to be proved.==

Hamas and Hezbollah are Iran's proxies.

Posted by: Mr. Incredible | Jan 4, 2009 11:13:52 AM

It's amazing that you'll put on that radical leftist (with the Dutch name).
I know your show leans to the left but this is over the edge!

Posted by: Larry Wolke | Jan 4, 2009 11:18:25 AM

George, Thanks, for a one sided point of view from Perez, on the on going crises in Gaza. I think a representative for the Palestinians could have been found!
This type of kiss ass reporting allows this crises to continue.

D wallick

Posted by: D Wallick | Jan 4, 2009 11:19:43 AM

Mr. Stephanopoulos:

Why you dont ask Mr. Peres

Did Israel ever stopped killing Palestinians in Gaza all through the so called cease fire in the last two years?
Did Israel stop the blockage on Gaza?
And all this during the so called cease fire, that Hamas ended, because it is only benefiting Israel and Israel alone.

Posted by: Will | Jan 4, 2009 11:23:34 AM

The supporters of the Palestinians in Gaza repeatedly state that they are virtual prisoners in Gaza, with no food, no medicine, completely cut off from humanitarian supply lines. How, then, do they get all the materials and training to fire hundreds of rockets, more and more advanced rockets, into Israel, daily, weekly, continuously? They have built hundreds of tunnels for importing weaponry and material. How do they do that and then claim they have no food? If they can bring in all these materials -- from Iran, from Syria, from wherever it is coming from -- how can they possibly claim they are "cut off" from humanitarian needs?

Posted by: Lorraine S Roth MD | Jan 4, 2009 11:31:33 AM


I sat this morning in utter disbelief as you soft peddled questions to President Shimon Peres of Israel. For ten minutes you allowed him to use his propaganda about why Israel had to defend itself without attempting to challenge him. Since the majority of your viewers are not familiar with the area, they must conclude that Israel is right and the Palestinians are terrorists who need to be eradicated. If this is your intention, you achieved your goal. I am sure the Israeli supporters are cheering for you.

Since I know that you have a little more integrity than that, I wonder about the following:

A) Where was the Palestinian side of the story, I am sure there is somebody who is not afraid to speak on their behalf- perhaps your sister in Jerusalem-She lives with the Palestinian people and knows the struggle of the occupation first hand. Or perhaps, you could have people like Yossi Belin (Former Israeli Justice Minister) or someone for Haaretz newspaper.
B) How about challenging the truth, why did you not ask Peres about the 1.5 million people who are imprisoned with nowhere to go as the bombs are dropped at them? Surely, you know that Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on earth. The refugees who live there are often the targets of Israeli brutality
C) Based on what I saw you and the two senate guests on the news believe that Israel could do no wrong.—You, the critic of the Iraqi occupation believes that the Palestinian occupation is OK, I doubt that, what are you afraid off, the truth.
D) As for the allegation that Iran is supporting Hamas, please wake up and smell the roses, Iran a Shiite regime, supporting a Sini regime? Pleeeeeeeeease. How convenient-Iran here we come-DEFENSE-DEFENSE, our boys in the armed forces will be fighting Iran soon

George, I don’t mind people supporting Israel, in fact as Palestinian/ American pacifist who believes that violence begets violence I believe that this latest war crime will only harm Israel in the long run. Our blind support to Israel will not only cost Israel it will cost us as well. With this latest attacks, Israel just gave birth to more extremism. Unless Israel kills all the Palestinians, their tactics invite more insecurity and war for both sides. Call me crazy and I am sure you will, but Israel had just set or Middle East Policy for Mr. Obama. Congratulation, job well done

Posted by: terry | Jan 4, 2009 11:42:59 AM

Boy! I love the hypocrazy, the short-sighted-ness, short-term memory of american experts and politicians!

Some of these guys suffer from BI-POLAR disorder and these are the kind of guys you have preaching "peace, truth and leadership" in the world!

I bet the same bunch of experts/politicians who now support Israel's right to self-defense to justify the 400 deaths in Gaza were shouting restrain and need of susbtantial proof when terrorists attacked Mumbai/India! THEY R NUCLEAR-ARMED Nations!

It is hard to listen to some of these hypocracy from a "Boga-leader" nation!

And some of these experts/ politicians get paid millions to express their views!! I would send them to doctors rather than listen to them or pay them my penny!

No wonder world is starting get a sense of the real american psyche! BIPLOAR, INCONSISTENT!

Posted by: N! | Jan 4, 2009 11:46:21 AM


I sat this morning in utter disbelief as you soft peddled questions to President Shimon Peres of Israel. For ten minutes you allowed him to use his propaganda about why Israel had to defend itself without attempting to challenge him. Since the majority of your viewers are not familiar with the area, they must conclude that Israel is right and the Palestinians are terrorists who need to be eradicated. If this is your intention, you achieved your goal. I am sure the Israeli supporters are cheering for you.

Since I know that you have a little more integrity than that, I wonder about the following:

A) Where was the Palestinian side of the story, I am sure there is somebody who is not afraid to speak on their behalf- perhaps your sister in Jerusalem-She lives with the Palestinian people and knows the struggle of the occupation first hand. Or perhaps, you could have people like Yossi Belin (Former Israeli Justice Minister) or someone for Haaretz newspaper.
B) How about challenging the truth, why did you not ask Peres about the 1.5 million people who are imprisoned with nowhere to go as the bombs are dropped at them? Surely, you know that Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on earth. The refugees who live there are often the targets of Israeli brutality
C) Based on what I saw you and the two senate guests on the news believe that Israel could do no wrong.—You, the critic of the Iraqi occupation believes that the Palestinian occupation is OK, I doubt that, what are you afraid off, the truth.
D) As for the allegation that Iran is supporting Hamas, please wake up and smell the roses, Iran a Shiite regime, supporting a Sini regime? Pleeeeeeeeease. How convenient-Iran here we come-DEFENSE-DEFENSE, our boys in the armed forces will be fighting Iran soon

George, I don’t mind people supporting Israel, in fact as Palestinian/ American pacifist who believes that violence begets violence I believe that this latest war crime will only harm Israel in the long run. Our blind support to Israel will not only cost Israel it will cost us as well. With this latest attacks, Israel just gave birth to more extremism. Unless Israel kills all the Palestinians, their tactics invite more insecurity and war for both sides. Call me crazy and I am sure you will, but Israel had just set or Middle East Policy for Mr. Obama. Congratulation, job well done

Posted by: terry | Jan 4, 2009 11:50:04 AM

I can not believe you are reporting only the Isreal side
I think you should be shamed that one of your guest was more prepared to interview the Isreal president than you...
By the way she rocks you should have her as a guest every week.

Posted by: g seker | Jan 4, 2009 11:50:49 AM

==Since the majority of your viewers are not familiar with the area, they must conclude that Israel is right and the Palestinians are terrorists who need to be eradicated.==

You're not getting that one by me!

Israel is not against the Palestinian People. Israel does not claim that the Palestinin People are terrorists.

Israel is going after Hamas which broke the truce and fired rockets into Israel. More power to Israel!

Posted by: Mr. Incredible | Jan 4, 2009 11:53:17 AM

"Peres argued that Hamas began an assault on Israelis on orders from Iran."

Peres offered proof of that, did he?

You forgot to ask Peres when Israel will return these men for trial in connection with the 9/11 attacks, George:

Posted by: ghost | Jan 4, 2009 11:58:46 AM

After watching This Week with no representation of a spokesperson for the Palestinian Children, I have this to say to you, George:
Dear Fourth Estate and Humanitarians:
I went to to e-mail the Obama transition team and searched the site and the inquiry response was:
We found 0 results for “Gaza”
How sad is that?
We need to e-mail the site and get that changed! His motto at the top of the site says: "Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today" - President-elect Barack Obama.
It doesn't say that he is waiting til Jan 20th! He says: "Today..." He can speak as an ordinary citizen-a citizen that is speaking out and taking back his government.
We need to let Obama know that every day he keeps silent he is not making the world better for children, his own, or the rest of the world's. 50 + Palestinian children are dead, murdered by the Israeli gov't's F16 warplanes (not Hamas as the talking heads keep repeating-do they think we are falling for that twisted logic?) and condoned by the Lame Duck US gov't who alone vetoed the cease-fire resolution in the emergency UN Security Council session last night. I am outraged as an American citizen who voted on Nov 4th for CHANGE I can believe in.

Waiting til Jan 20th while children are dying is something that I'm not willing to do. I would hope that the Obama transition team would let their boss know that the people that got him elected are holding him to his words that are plastered at the top of his website. He needs to act! "War is Not the Answer" and Silence isn't either. Silence is complicity! Find a diplomatic way to express empathy to the Palestinian people who are experiencing the deaths of their children. Its the least Obama can do for the children of the world.

Mares Hirchert
2641 Sun Terrace
Hartland, MI 48353

Three Things
Cannot be long hidden
The Sun
The Moon
The Truth





Posted by: Mares Hirchert | Jan 4, 2009 11:59:07 AM

How is it possible that so many people on here are clueless???

This is a war against TERROR.

Hamas fired missiles at Israel for 8 YEARS. They should have stopped the missiles a long time ago, as any other country would.

The Palestinians are being killed by Hamas.

Hamas are using them as human shields and hiding behind women and children in civilian areas, they are targeting both Palestinians and Israelis. Israel on the other hand, is trying to STOP those terrorists and does NOT want any casualties in Gaza.


People, you must do some research and get the facts straight. Stop believing the ant-Semitic and anti-Zionist propaganda out there (often connected), because what is shown to you in the media against Israel are lies.

Posted by: Kate | Jan 4, 2009 12:45:22 PM

Why did Hamas break the truce in the first place ? Any good reasons ?

Can't blame Isreal to take decisive action after bearing hundreds of rockets on their land. What would you do to guys who keep throwing rock on your home after repeated warnings ? Of course, shoot them.

Posted by: pmp2008 | Jan 4, 2009 12:49:08 PM

Some of these comments are ridiculous. The P people are being choked by their "leaders" who have nothing better to do than to taunt Israel constantly with rockets obtained from other sources. If the Hamas can build EXTENSIVE tunnels and hoard rockets then why aren't they feeding their people instead?
Its clear they don't want peace or the cease fire would not have been broken.

Its easy to show pics of wounded and dead people. But the Hamas leaders caused it. If another country were firing rockets into the US daily do you think we would just dismiss it and "forget about it"??? NOT. We would launch a war against this country in 10 seconds

Israel has a right to defend itself. Period. 8+ years of stupid rocket fire constantly is a joke. They need to plug that hole once and for all.

Also the Hamas fighters hide behind civilians. The P people should be enraged by this cheap trick tactic of using civilians as decoys and they the civilians are the ones that get killed.

I would love to see PEACE in the middle east but they have to want it first.

Posted by: no more rockets please! | Jan 4, 2009 1:48:56 PM

u hosted a terrorist to defend a terrorist state's terrorist acts. Just take a look at the UN documents and u will find him among the terrorist Zionists wanted by the UN on war crimes against the same people whom he and his co-thugs are slaughtering like sheep today. The US media is till blackouting these crimes and history will hold all of u responsible for this genocide.

Posted by: Tito | Jan 4, 2009 1:49:28 PM

The only question that needs to be asked and honestly answered is: "Would Israel have used its military if Hamas would have left it alone? The answer is NO. All else is commentary.

Arguments about "disproportionality" is inherently an attempt to morally equate intentional rocketing of civilians and the acts of a state to defend its citizens from terrorists. When Hamas decides to get with the program of progress of the 21st century, we can have discussions. Until then, the world has no use for terrorists like Hamas and their supporters, including their handlers in Iran.

Posted by: Randy Shiner | Jan 4, 2009 3:38:10 PM

I would like to answer whoever, supports Israel action in Gaza. I have a question, if anyone of you would accept to be kicked out of their home, homeland, imprisoned, killed, and denied the most basic human rights? I think no human with any dignity would accept this.

Even when the Palestinian people exercise their right to defend them self still are called terrorist. Some of you maybe asking, why is it Hamas fired rockets into Israeli cities, I guess when your city is blocked, and you are denied food, medicine, work, plus you are subject to attacks and assassination daily, what would you do?

This injustice of the last of 60 years would not be possible to explain in few words. I recommend for any one that want to be educated on the roots of this problem, to read the book written by the late professor Edward Said, Blaming The Victims. This book has good information. History of the problem. It will at least give you an idea of the injustice done to the Palestinian by Israel and the all the western powers that help create this state over the ruins and misery of the Palestinian people. To this day, they are getting the money and weapons to continue their atrocities, with the help of American and western Media that report only from one side. Always the Israel side, no regard to the destruction and killing of the Palestinian people, and not allowing their voice to be heard, like we have seen today.

Posted by: Sammy | Jan 4, 2009 5:37:18 PM

Cut to the chase. Israel is committed to a two state solution. A Jewish State of Israel and a Palestinian State, each agreeing to live peacefully next to one another. Hamas is committed to NO Jewish State of Israel, period.

In fact, Hamas' constant barrage of rocket fire is intended to tear at the very fabric of Israeli society while scuttling hopes for peace with the more moderate Palestinians. How can anyone defend Hamas' actions?

Did Hamas think they could fire on Israelis indefinitely with impunity? How can anyone buy into "the Muslim Street" crying foul when Israel responds? Let's look at intent. The intent of Hamas is to kill or convert all non-Muslims in Israel. The intent of the Israeli's is to stop Hamas' rocket fire into Israeli towns while inflicting as few casualties as possible among Palestinian civilians.

When Israel left Gaza, Palestinians had an opportunity to build a homeland for their people. Instead, their leaders chose to build a terror statelet with a focus on destroying Israel that superceded any commitment to improve the lives of their own people. Palestinians in Gaza are more victims of Hamas than they are of Israel.

Posted by: peace for all | Jan 4, 2009 5:48:27 PM

peace for all - I think peace may be achieved when Isreal pull all settlements and checkpoints out of the occupied territories. Until that happens, peace is an illusion. The Palestinians should not agree to the way things are right now. They have a right to be extremely angry.

Posted by: Ben Straub | Jan 4, 2009 6:35:23 PM

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