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I am a Chinese, and I am very glad to have a Blog in here. (MORE)


China 29 Male (MORE)

Nick Hopkins (BYU MBA Class of 2008)

I grew up in Northern California and I am of Japanese Decent (5/8 Japanese to be exact). I was converted to the LDS (Mormon) church when I was 17. I served a mission for my church for 2 years in Cordoba, Argentina. Upon returning I got my Bachelors Degree at BYU-Idaho where I met my wife Nikki who is from Saudi Arabia. I then left to work for Wal-Mart as a Night Manager in Reno, NV. Believe me, if you can survive life as a Night Manager at Wal-Mart over the Christmas season, you can survive anything. After 3 years I left to work as a Database Marketing Coordinator for Harrah's/Caesars Casinos. After a year and a half I returned to school to get my MBA at BYU. I love sports, and I am a huge Sacramento Kings fan. My wife stayed in Reno, NV to work for Microsoft while I am in Provo, UT getting my MBA, which makes things interesting. I graduated and moved to the Phoenix, AZ area to work. (MORE)


A struggling artist, trapped in the magical time-warp that is the corporate world, I am but an insignificant cog in the magnificent multinational machine of value-subtraction, gnawing my way out at the rate of one inch per annum, with the ultimate ambition of achieving utopia in my sadly expired creative life. (MORE)


Good guy who loves his wife & kids & has plenty of faith & determination. (MORE)

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