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China's Electric Car

BusinessWeek Asia Correspondent Frederik Balfour takes the BYD F3 DM hybrid electric car for a test drive in Shenzhen, China

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It will be very interesting to see how busy Japan's department stores are on January 2, the traditional start of the New Year sales season. In normal years, keen shoppers queue in their hundreds to get first in line to pick up the bargains. But the last 12 months, and the last few weeks in particular, have been anything but normal.

Ian Rowley, Eye On Asia

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Asia Insight

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How Asian Countries Should Respond to the Crisis

The crisis is undoing much of Asia's hard work for economic growth and financial stability. Here's what Asian countries should do to limit the damage


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Business Should Spread the Love

Employers need to work harder at inspiring their workers' loyalty, thus promoting continuity and reducing turnover. Pro or con?



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"It is frustrating to read about talented people working so hard for nothing. Time put into someone else's blog could be directed into monetizing and promoting a blogger's own work."


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China's Fading Appeal for the U.S.

As the recession bites deeper, you'd think U.S. companies would shift more operations to China, where costs have fallen. Instead, Americans are voicing greater concern than ever about quality control and protection of intellectual property


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